Why I'm removing most of the peaches from my tree...

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Removing fruit is counterintuitive until you realize that less fruit = more resources devoted to them = better fruit!





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I read this is done to ensure the fruits on the branches get the most nutrients and grow better.


I did that for the first time last year and let all the baby peaches fall to the ground as I thinned them. After which the local squirrels tried them out finding how much they loved them and then proceeded to strip the entire tree! They had never touched the tree before. Lesson? Don't leave the thinned peaches on the ground.


Kevin, dude. Im a an dirty oily rig pig who you managed to inspire to buy seeds and an apron and just start. Every one of your channels are awesome content love it all im learning soo much. The garden looks amazing like how i remembered my grandfather who was a master at his land and whos garden was big enough to get lost in picking peas as a child. Watching you got me them peas back in my life and now i get to watch my children do what i used to love and they love the gardening now! Thanks soo much for the healthy, motivating uplifting, family friendly contemt dinally a show me and my children can all enjoy together and then apply what we learn for you and the epic team
It truly is EPIC!


My parents had a peach tree in their backyard but they never pruned the baby peaches To give the branches support and prevent breakage my dad would just tie the branches together with strips of fabric. we picked the peaches as they ripened and made SO MUCH peach preserves.


We were on vacation the first season our peach tree produced. I remember going into the backyard in June in NM. The buzz of insects was loud and our tree was ridiculously loaded with ripe fruit with every struggling branch being supported by anything our neighbors could find. Ladders, scaffolding and a twin bed frame😄 The whole backyard smelled like a thick peach syrup in the summer heat.
Next spring he removed about a third of the fruits.


My dad used to just prop up heavy branches using stakes with a v-shape at the top. It seemed to work well, and we still got fruit even after the Squirrel Tax.


If you left different sized ones on every branch it would almost be like succession planting


My family grow peach trees. Every year we prop up the heavy branches with 2x4s . Later we harvest and can jars and jars of peaches.


Yeah, this also avoids diverting the tree’s resources so many different ways. Instead of hundreds of mediocre fruits, you want just a few really great ones.


If you prune your tree and train the branches you can grow a million peaches, no breakage.


Do not do this yet if you're in an area with an expected late frost the late frost should make your tree drop a majority of the flowers and or young peaches. I've found if you do it before it causes all of them to drop


I removed none. The tree was absolutely full of wonderful big peaches. No branches broke because I supported them.


Hey, you could probably leave some smaller ones as well, so you don’t have a bunch of peaches ripening at the same time.


Millions of peaches, peaches for free, millions of peaches, for the compost heap.


My mom leaves the tiny peaches alone and gets many mini peaches that are super sweet. Yes her branches do break, but she actually ties them to each other and then to her fence. Looks crazy, but she insists she likes the tiny size


Or you could meticulously build supports for every branch! Is that realistic? No. Do I want it anyways? Yes.


Don’t throw out the green ones that you picked — a friend of mine has a peach tree that fruits but never ripens and she did some research and found that she could pickle them! Says they’re good!


I worked at a peach farm they left them in groups of 3-5 and maybe 2 on each branch, it worked fine


I don’t remember my granny ever pruning her trees we lived in the foot hills of East Tennessee and had peach🍑trees apple🍏 🍎trees plum trees a long fence with a grapevines🍇 cherry trees different red ones and multi colored ones they all tasted different and sometimes we’d get cherries and sometimes the birds got them and sometime no one got them pear trees which was her neighbor and the nectarine trees but half was our land and the other was on her neighbors most was on hers so it was her trees my grandma also had a strawberry patch every year, mint, other herbs and the berry bushes black, goji rasp, brambles and blueberry persimmons tree walnut trees fig trees pecan trees some kind of cane or bamboo I think it was sugar cane though sun flowers and her garden was beautiful different veggies and fruit grew in it throughout the year I hate that I didn’t listen more when she tried to teach me about gardening because now I can barely grow tomatoes 🍅 hers was always big and tasted really good everything in the stores now taste like trash compared home grown ☹️ and now that’s what I’m stuck with buying because I told my grandma that it’s too much work doing all of that when we can just buy everything from the store now she even tried to show me canning and how to turn the fruits into jams and jellies she had chickens and some goats cats and dogs and donkey that I was terrified of I miss the home I grew up in and all the land that produced such good and delicious foods I remember all the different trees because me and my friends would climb them and pick the fruits for every big ass bucket we filled we would get between 2-5 dollars from my grandpa it’s like my granny knew gardening like the back of her hand certain things can’t be planted be side each other and everything was used even scraps for the and animals and garden egg shells for t garden and we would go find wild greens and different veggies in the woods along with mushrooms roots I think that’s what we would dig up and also their was an area where these berries called goose berries and currant berries grew we had the best neighbors and everyone cooking was good my grandma’s was the best though😋 and Mrs. Eppi made the best apple pie though and pecan cookies and Mrs. Anne would make these pies mixing plums cherries nectarines and the wild berries me and my friends would pick that was a better time now neighbors and neighborhoods aren’t worth having people only look out for themselves and they don’t share the community’s aren’t like family and most importantly your kids aren’t free to just go wherever and you know they’ll be safe I hate the now because my kids can’t experience how I grew up not right now anyway I am trying to change it so when I become a grandmother my grandkids will have somewhere magical to visit and hopefully I’ll get the hang of what my aunt has been trying to share so I can pass it on🥰 I know this is a lot but I really love my Grandmother I even called her momma sometimes RIP momma(granny) and momma Louise(great granny), great grand aunt Caster great grand aunt Hildred and uncle Thomas, great aunt Lucille and Mr. and Mrs. Julian who were also like my aunt and uncle🕊


We just give the branches extra support if needed.
