Tutorial cómo tocar 'Exploding Head' de Furious Monkey House | Acordes guitarra.

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Irene y la Irene del futuro nos enseñan a tocar "Exploding Head" de Furious Monkey House en la guitarra.

Una lección muuuuuuy sencilla.
Vas a necesitar 7 acordes:

Estrofa e Intro: E, A
Puente: C, A
Estribillo: E, B, F # m, A#, A

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Tonight I have left you my dreams in a bag
go take one you'll find my wonderland
a house hanging close to the purple falls
this is the place where I can relax my mind
Follow me in the black dark night
watch out for the bad black cats
Follow me in the black dark night
let yourself go by my side
Why don't you connect your head
to a dream machine and then you'll start
to freaking out
and jumping around
turn your eyes back and watch yourself
inside of you there is a crazy
exploding head
exploding head

I can run on those clouds
and swim in the sand
it is easy
just close your eyes
wish I could find you
somewhere in that land
we'll dance together
until the end of time
Follow me in the black dark night
watch out for the bad black cats
Follow me in the black dark night
let yourself go by my side
Why don't you connect your head
to a dream machine and then you'll start
to freaking out
and jumping around
turn your eyes back and watch yourself
inside of you there is a crazy
exploding head
exploding head
Why don't you connect your head
to a dream machine and then you'll start
to freaking out
and jumping around
turn your eyes back and watch yourself
inside of you there is a crazy
exploding head
exploding head

Why don't you connect your head
to a dream machine and then you'll start
to freaking out
and jumping around

#QuédateEnCasa y toca la guitarra #conmigo
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