Missing 411 - Explaining The Unexplainable

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The Missing 411 is an often-discussed topic, but little interest is given to what happens after the disappearance and trying to solve the mysterious disappearance. The 411 series gives merit to more supernatural elements of America's National Parks and drives the fear into the hearts of storytellers while lacking the substance of evidence.

These unsolved missing persons cases aren't easily explainable by behavior and lack the evidence of paranormal explanations as well. These cases are from the missing 411, but all details about these cases are not from the Missing 411 books by David Paulides so that we can prevent a simple retelling of old stories and also create new opinions.

Were these people taken by a force that is long alluded to in the 411 books? Are people getting taken by animals? Or is this the case of wrong place at the wrong time?

The facts are there, it's up to you to decide


00:00 - Intro
00:41 - Case 1: Joe Keller
04:35 - Case 2: Larry Jeffrey
05:12 - Case 3: Dennis Martin
05:51 - Case 4: David Gonzales
06:52 - Case 5: Jacob Gray
08:47 - 411 Overview
10:28 - Theories
12:23 - Conclusion
13:00 - End Card

Intro Music:
LEMMiNO - Triangular
CC BY-SA 4.0


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Editors Notes:

- There are more cases to the 411 that are more mysterious, however their lack of detail around the disappearance and follow-up investigations made it difficult to put into a video for a compelling story. I'm considering making a video about those cases however that would take a lot of time to create so that will likely be a future decision / video.

- David Paulides is a retired Police officer, however the title of Cryptozoologist is used due to the Cryptid creatures like Bigfoot that he also investigates outside of the 411.

- The Missing 411 also claims to be based on patterns like Berries nearby, no animal predators, etc, however these are not binding restrictions as plenty of the cases I came across did not fall into these categories and were still considered missing 411. An example is the case of David Gonzales, there was a mountain lion reported in the campground area one week before he went missing, yet this is a well-known 411 case.

- I am open to the idea of more mythical creatures that exist in the parks, however, with great claims must come great scrutiny and even greater evidence. There are extremely mysterious disappearances, however that does not immediately mean the only explanation or most likely explanation is just as mysterious.

- If there are more mysterious cases that you think I should look into, feel free to leave a comment about the case and I can cumulate them into another video if there is enough interest and detail to tell a compelling story.

- If you disagree with my conclusions, that's totally fine! I just wanted to provide the facts that are known about the cases, and give my opinion on what happened, similar to what David does in his documentary series.

Thanks for watching :)


Hey Luxon your videos are great! Keep up the good work 🙌


Im so glad I found your channel. I watch David Paulides videos alot and am so glad to know you're doing the same has him. You got my support from now on. Love your content. Keep making these awesome, informative videos. You're doing an amazing job.


Some of these disappearances are mind blowing and make sense.


There is a Whole lot...a WHOLE lot more involved in Missing 411 than you cared/failed to mention. 1) these cases meet the criteria of CLUSTERS i.e. Boulders, NO ANIMAL Predation, Berry patches, small body of waters, tracking dogs won't track, when clothes are removed they are folded, only shoes/boots removed but all other clothes are on person, Bad storms Hinder search efforts, etc. David is an ex-Police Officer-Swat Team Member-and detective. He is not a crypto zoologist. He is merely part of CAN-AM group that believe the Sasquatch is real.... that's far from being a C.Z. Thank you for giving him credit. His books missing cases are 10 times weirder than this.


I suspect a lot of the disappearance is human malfeasance


David Paulides worked for the police doing investigations so he has more gravitas than academics do... His background make him the Missing411 expert if you will and this video did not mentioned any of that


Its a bit cheap to take David Paulides Missing 411 title to sell your
