What are the different stages of Parkinson's disease?

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Parkinson’s disease (PD) impacts people in different ways. Not everyone will experience all the symptoms of Parkinson’s, and if they do, they won’t necessarily experience them in quite the same order or at the same intensity. There are typical patterns of progression in Parkinson’s disease that are defined in stages. Joseph Jankovic, MD discusses those patterns in terms of the forms and stags of Parkinson's disease.

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Excellent video explaining the stages of Parkinson's


It is total suffering from Stage 2 onwards. This might help. Take Vitamin B1 to tackle jerking body, quivering mouth and tightening of toe muscles.
For my case I usually take 2 tablets each time, once a week.
There are times, seldom, I take 2 tablets each time twice a week.


I would have helped to know this about 55 years ago when my father developed PD. Useful video.


We are developing and researching the benefits of infrared laser therapy on the gut and back of neck - to assist with PD symptoms - stimulate the gut brain axis - and improve sleep, motor skills, mood, sense of smell and the very common gut issues associated with PD. The PDCare Laser is used 3 times a week for 20 minutes only - and is approved in Europe and Australia/NZ.


Parkinson’s, in and of itself, is not fatal. 80% of PD patients develop dementia, and that IS fatal. Unfortunately, some PD medications can cause cognitive impairment.
I’m not a doctor, but I played one at home caring for my wife for over 17 years who had Parkinson’s, and later developed dementia.


I have a movement of my hands its little by happening evrytime .im 34 years now .is it Parkinson's disease


Thank you so much for sharing this info.. When I was a kid around 7 year old I noticed that my right hand is shaking after I wrote maybe I got tired so I just let it go.. but what I worrying is now that I'm already 25 year old it is still shaking and both hands.😔 I wish it won't get worst..


I was not aware that my left hand was slightly tremouring, while at rest, until my family pointed it out, and stated I'd had it for at least ten years. Now I'm 81, and not aware of any worse tremour, My doctor sent me to a specialist, who said i showed symptons of Parkinsons, but not enough to affect my driving. Having prescribed a drug, that MIGHT affect my driving, I decided to not take the drug, ( this was 4 months ago ) and my slight tremour of the left hand is not noticeable. During this period, I DID have a spell of Inner ear inbalance, which is also a lot better. I think I'll tough it out.


My father in law is in a care home with Kate stage Parkinson’s.
He can eat fine but shakes a lot and is having regular falls and cannot walk without a zimmerframe. Mentally is not well either and has frequent urine infections.
What is the life expectancy of someone at this stage?


I’m 22. Diagnosed with RSBD. Rare for my sex and age. I’m noticed all of these symptoms. Very early on-set. I will have to make a dr appt. however the nearest one is 2 hours away


There are many different symptoms related to Parkinsons. The non-motor symptoms of low mood, brain fog, poor sleep and therefore fatigue probably deserve more attention generally...


I don't have parkinsons D, that I know of
I have chronic dysautonomia, autonomic nervousystem dysfunction. when I sit or stand fir more than five minutes, my blood pressure bottoms out. Many symptoms similar to parkinsons disease.
I've not had a lot of help despite seeing cardiologists=3.
None of which took my sitting standing blood pressure.
Eventually my condition was realised ( Diagnosed) by an Angel GP.
Even do, with all of the medications and life style modifications I'm still very sick daily.
My father also had these symptoms for his entire life. No diagnosis. Poor guy. 😢

My diagnosis took 30 years my daily issues prior to fludro cortisone were. Slow drop in bp ( 5 to 10 minutes latent)
40 points.
Visaul aura, misdiagnosed as Silent migraine or visaul + vestibular migraine. MAV
And possible epilepsy.
Due to the overriding symptom being semi loss of consciousness, who can only ramble like a drug affected drunk, gait and dizziness, walking and thinking with as much "brain ability" of a zombie. alziemers patient would be more apt. I also have muscle ticks and tremors
It's a nightmare fir the patient and family who has to rescue you when you've lost awareness of where you are, who you are, and you have no warning as the dynptoms creep up slowly.

Not all patients have slow progressing symptoms.
But thise who do can be in daily danger.
It horrible!!!.

I feel privileged that I live in a country that has free medicine and have a great medical system and support to help live life with a disability.
It's not a perfect system. If it was I'd have had a system where rare disease was easily recognised.
Long covid has sadly shone a light on my rare disease as long covid is often ( Dysautonomia)
Yes, yes it is

We In the dysautinomia community were upset to think hundreds of thousands of people will now suffer with dyautinomia and have Drs and specialists not know what it was.
Dysautonomia patients knew it!! We heard long covid stories snd knew emediately what it was.
So very sad. I pray others do not have to wait for treatment. That Drs and specialists now see the signs and listen to their patients.
Sending love to all who suffer daily chronic illness.
God help us all!! 😢.


Excellent! Terrifying, so appreciated!


I have a question I have seen a tv commercial that says you can see things that are not there with Parkinson's I am experiencing this a lot and am have trouble with my balance my nanna had Parkinson's should I worrie?


I would like to know, is Hallucination a part of Parkinson?
Seeing stranger in home who are not really there. Seeing Dead persons who appear real. Being tortured by children sticking them with shall objects or constantly shouting cold water on them. Etc?


Thank you for teh video. It's easy to follow and understand.


Besides taking Levodopa, there is not much can be done. Physical therapy has only limited effect, as patients tend to have little to no motivation.


Dr isn't sure what I have, I'm being sent to the university of South Florida to see neurologists and see if they can figure out what I have 😢


Small tremors in hands, arms like to go up for no reason that I know of, or swings weird, left arm that is .Left hand is where it started, a lot of muscle weakness, hard to chew, hands stop working, Aphasia, and my thoughts drop when I try to think to hard .Just started seeing neurologist, did eeg, all good I think .Still Un diagnosed .


My father is in bed for a month with the Parkinson and memory loss, also in brain MRI we got to know the disises about brain atrophy, is there any chance of recovery??
