How Steam Makes You Buy Games That You NEVER Play

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How Steam Makes You Buy Games That You NEVER Play


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The fact that you cited your sources in a YouTube channel with under 1000 subs is amazing. Destined for greatness


In the end, we are all just playing Inventory Management Simulator


Ahhh Steam, the gift that keeps on giving. Ever since I’ve joined the Steam market it has felt like a great place to get cheap games but then I realize I haven’t touched about 60% of my library 😂


If you think about it, it seems kinda messed up that alot of our impulse buying, games or not, is heavily influenced by psychological tricks. They be playing on our emotions. 100% rule, framing effect, fomo, u name it.


You spoke to my soul with this one. I grew up poor and rarely got to play video games. Towards the end of middle school and through highschool, I worked a steady job. After saving my own money I bought an xbox and started playing Halo. That was some good times. The lan parties... But even then I didn't make much money and often went without a new game while listening to my friends talk about their shared experiences. The FOMO was beyond real, I literally was missing out. Now, I have a Steam library packed with games that I don't play. I never understood the idea of retail therapy until I started taking stock of the money I've spent on Steam. I do, I totally love buying games more than I love playing them, sometimes. Currently jamming pretty hard on Baldur's Gate 3 and have a co-op game starting in a couple of days. It's one of the rare ones that takes you back.


I think I have the gift of being so INCREDIBLY stingy when it comes to selecting a game to play that when a sale comes around like the current summer one, I only get 1 or 2 games that really REALLY attract me or I've been wanting to play.


This hits way too close for me. I don't know how many games I have in my Steam library that I either haven't completed or haven't even installed, but it's way more than I'd like to admit. A lot of them are good games too, I just don't have the time to play them like when I was a kid.

I've always said, life is a constant shifting of 3 things: Money, Energy, and Time. When we're young, we have Energy and Time, but no money. When we're middle aged, we have Money and maybe Energy, but no Time. And when we're old, we have Time, and maybe Money, but no Energy.


I think it was 2019 when I announced to my gaming friends that I would go on a non-game-buying-streak for 3 months. They called me crazy, I would never make it, as I owned over 400 games already and would continue to fall for it. That is what I thought as well. Now, in June 2023, that streak is still going. Did not expect it, do like it.
Great talk, Davi.


One think people need to realize, you're not saving 70% you're spending 20 bucks. Sales don't save money, they let you pay less, but you're still paying.


as I kid I'd save for weeks to buy ONE game and it was the best game ever, now it's harder to appreciate any game because I have so many. This was really well edited and informative, especially the sales and psychology.


Sometimes I buy games just to support the developers if I feel like they deserve it or I want to support their none predatory actions towards their clients.


Found this video by chance, I just assumed from watching that you were a large channel due of the quality of the video. Well done, looking forward to seeing your channel grow.


Since ive found ways to get steam games even cheaper and anytime i want via other means, i generally only buy games I'll play immediately, but spot on for us buying or going through hoops to play the games we loved as kids


I am shocked you only have 2.5K subs. This was such a well written, good paced and nicely edited video. I've subscribed and look forward to your next vids, good job man, GOOD. JOB.


I actually got tested for ADHD based on this exact thing.

It wasn't just my regular doc telling me yes or no, it was an 8 hour undertaking, twice, at a specific testing center.

The "decision paralysis, " the buying games I never play, the wasting all my free time trying to figure out what I'm going to do in my free time... it was driving me crazy!

Worse yet, I'd look at all the exciting new games I'd buy, debate on what to play, then just waste 5 mins playing a quick game on my phone or playing a round of some multiplayer game.... then another 5 minutes, and another 5 minutes... until I'd wasted all my time getting nothing done or playing any real game 😢

My ADHD results came back, and I was in the 98th percentile, so luckily it wasn't all just in my imagination. But I did learn the sales tactics & other things you mentioned are known issued that people with serious ADHD/ depression struggle with even more.

I'm sure people with other, more serious mental health issues feel it even worse too. I'm not saying it's Steam's fault or anyone else, but before I got help I was way more vulnerable to wasting money on a bunch of games I've still never played to this day.

Thankfully, PC Game Pass has helped with that 😂


Bundle. One thing I started doing a couple years ago is making a list of games and organizing by various categories to determine priority of what I play next. It definitely works in STARTING new games. However, a lot of games I start still go on hold in favor of new releases, which do take priority. It's not perfect, but I think it does work for me to still finish a solid 25-35 games a year.


training yourself to not fall for these psych tactics is a skill more people need to work on


In my country back then, piracy was normal and out in the open. As a kid I did not know the difference between original or pirated. I just put the disc in the ps2 and played. Years later I've been rebuying old games on steam and GOG. Never touched piracy again. If I can't afford it, I won't play it.

If I didn't feel like playing, I'd watch a let's play video.


well written, perfect pace and flow, simple and relatable yet includes studies and psychology and sources cited, over high quality. banger video this channel deserves more subs


"How steam makes you buy games you never play"
>Be me
>Never installed steam iml
>Not even visited their website ever
>Still plays any steam game i like
>How ?