White Bread = Death!

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We often think that bread is healthier for us than sugar, but we talked with J. Stanton about the real truth behind white bread and candy.

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This video is inaccurate and completely
1. He makes a broad and erroneous generalization of what bread or bagels are. Not all breads are enriched, not all breads have added sugar, some breads have eggs added which make the amino acid complete in providing additional lysine and methionine.
2. He says our bodie does not recognize that bread is healthier than candy. This is completely wrong. "By the time we digest it, it's all the same, it's all sugar". By ignoring that grains contain soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, B vitamins, manganese, potassium, antioxidants, vitamin E, and man xanthophylls; he has reduced bread and candy to only their carbohydrate content. While starches once digested are sugars, there are many different kinds of sugars and they all do not have the same physiologic impact on the body. Candy is 50/50 glucose and fructose because it is almost entirely refined cane sugar. Bread is almost entirely glucose from starch. Biochemically fructose leads to a increased VLDL production than glucose and disproportionately increases the risk for heart disease. It also has been shown to increase leptin resistance.

I could go on and on about how inaccurate this video is. Do everyone on the internet a favor, and remove this steaming pile of inaccurate nutritional bull shit. You are a performing a disservice to the human race.


sooo, sungazing is our only option left for surviaval


I was watching this while eating bread xD


If someone could give me an argument why naturals things are better for the body than processed I would be very pleased. I don't want the typical absurd arguments like: Because its less processed or because its natural or because you evolved with it. There are natural things that can totally destroy your body in hours, there are processed things that can too. I just want a good argument, one that I can believe. 


Scott Pilgrim: 'bread makes you fat'. Stuck with me for some reason.


I gave up bread, pasta/noodles, and rice altogether and ignored the whole grain multigrain high fiber brown hoopla and it has made a colossal difference in my weight loss and to a point, muscle gain, and furthermore, I feel fuller!


I think the real question here is,

Will it blend?


Skittles are the same as bread? Geez. Of course, the carbs in both are the "same" in terms of sugar, but you can't compare, first, the amount of sugar per serving in both of them, and also, bread has aminoacids, minerals, (some of them have vitamins) and FIBER. Things candy will never provide. You can live a life without eating bread, but don't do it for the wrong reasons.


This is a pathetic video because it ignores the distinction between glucose and fructose. Bread is glucose, which is fairly benign. Skittles are sweetened with sucrose (50% glucose, 50% fructose) and corn syrup (45% glucose, 55% fructose) and fructose is bad for you in high volumes. Plus, Skittles have hydrogenated oil, modified corn starch, natural flavors (MSG), and a shitload of fake colors and preservatives.


We make homemade bread :) and the ingredients are salt, oil, yeast, water !


I'm a diabetic, so I know a lot about sugar, and bread takes longer to go into the blood stream than candy. Also, fruit takes about as long to get into the bloodstream as bread does, at least bananas and oranges.


Here, in France, the only bread with a low glycemic index (34) that I know of, is Montignac Integral bread made with sourdough instead of yeast. Real bread is hard to find but it's worth it. Also, butter with bread can lower its glycemic index. Sprouted grains bread is good too (35)


I really want some bread now....mmm with butter and coffee


Hmmm... You don't even need sugar to make bread. Look at the Baguette, Ciabatta or Sourdough, typically those breads don't use sugar.


Actually, everything we eat that can in any way be used as energy is converted into sugar in our bloodstream. It's the only way the cells can receive energy. Doesn't matter which ailment you ingest. I'm sure whole grain is better for you but calling bread processed food is a bit extreme.


wow I trust j stanton he looks professional


honestly I grew up eating peanut butter and jelly on white bread and that's how is always eaten them and that's how it always is going to be I love PB&J sandwiches and I am never going to stop eating them


Bread is good for you as long as it's whole grain or whole wheat. Read the ingredients. I eat my bread with eggs. bread sugar content is usually 1 gram. Have you seen the sugar content in skittles? I lost about 40 pounds from staying away from candy and I still lost weight after eating wheat bread lol. so pls.


bread in America seems to be much higher in sugar than in Australia. the bread even tastes sweet, which is odd. bread should be savoury.


ATTENTION PLEASE!!!Here in lithuania we bake black bread (no its not burnt) its made out of a dough of wheat and for flavor different kinds of seeds. Now the dough is left for a while (this is the traditional way) and when you add more dough you mold it into a bread form. Shoot it in a furnace and baked! You have to leave some dough like on a bottom of a bucket then you add more dough. This bread is 100% natural and safe to eat. It is very healthy and tasty :) you can easily make some at your home. It can be used with sandwiches (not the one that has a loaf of bread from the bottom and on top, its just weird) and eaten with meat and can be eaten with lets say a dinner. You should check it out. Type "lietuviska duona" in google and go translate. Find a recipe or visit Lithuania. Thank you very much for your attention :)
