Republicans and Democrats are coming to grips with the chip problem: Commerce Sec. Raimondo

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Somebody keep on eye if politicians are buying chip stocks and let me know.


Already too late, better late than never.
In fact it should be $400 BILLION, USA throws away money, this is one area, so critical, even accidentally wasting money is worth the trials & tribulations..

Iam an Indian American..


You know what the saddest part of all this is? The ONLY thing we SHOULD be talking about is ABOLISHING the Federal Reserve.

Almost none of you realize the truth, and it legitimately hurts my soul.

You want to know what the Federal Reserve TRULY IS? A conglomerate of PRIVATELY OWNED banking dynasties/families which have direct influence over financial/monetary policy in this country.
Just think about that...That's a FACT.

We are allowing regular people, AND THEY ARE BANKERS, to determine course and policy with the entirety of our economy.
Just. Think. About. That.

I wouldn't trust these people to BABY-SIT my NEIGHBORS KID.

If you don't want to believe me, fine, here's what Thomas JEFFERSON had to say about centralized banking: " If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

You people don't understand. Wealth, happiness, and opportunity is being siphoned out of this country, and the Fed is the weapon which does it.


Why don't we make these high-end chips here? Is it because the corporations could make them cheaper overseas? Politics aside here, something smells rotten. Ms. Raimondo can do better.


You can always count on Republicans and Democrats coming together with bipartisan support for anything that makes the rich even richer. Isn't free market capitalism supposed to fix shortages in the marketplace?


Secretary - and former state governor - Raimondo could be a solid D vice presidential nominee for 2024. Alas, she hails from a small, resolutely Democratic state, and she seems to be of no help to "Amtrak Joe" shore up his _left flank_ - though the current veep arguably has been of no help on that, either!


What happens when China reclaims Taiwan along with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing?
Are our Military Personnel trained in reading Chinese manuals on how to enter launch codes?
I can't even figure out to arm my house alarm.


Since it seems that there is a lot of misunderstanding of the semiconductor Industry and how TSMC has risen to the semiconductor it is today i will now explain this once and for all:

First of all its key to know that high end semiconductur manufacturing only works with machines from a company so called ASML which is headquartered in the nederlands.
Those ASML Machines print the wavers you need to produce micro chips. This process of chip manufacturing is called EUV Litography and is critical to be able to produce below 14 nm. Basically those ASML Machines shoot lasers on water dropplets in a vacuum chamber creating plasma light which is bundeled by carl zeiss optical mirrors and lenses to print the wavers. Each Machine costs 500 Million Euros minimum (no overexxagerating its litteraly more complicated then rocket science; the amount of code alone those machines use is in the fantazillions)

Well since some people may already know, Intel has stalled at the 14 nm production until its latest Alder Lake 12 Gen of processors because of been counters (Alder Lake was the first being produced at 10 nm)... 

This is the reason: Intel management refused to pay 500 million plus for each of ASML machines and tried to find an own way of producing below 14 nm, which failed so that it took until the take over of Pat Gelsinger who decided to buy ASML machines and see within the first year of Gelsinger, Intel went from 14 nm to 10 nm (Alder lake) which they also renamed intel 7 nm because the process still is a little different to TSMC (other machines used over time etc).

BUT the reason why TSMC bought ASML machines and the reason Apple decided to built their I Phones in Taiwan ages ago was indeed the Taiwaneese Goverment.
Tim Cook wanted to build his I Phones with his own chips based on ARM architecture and saw an advantage in the use of ASML machines and the new EUV Litography technology. Therefore more then a decade ago Tim cook together with Taiwaneese goverment decided to make kind of a joint venture. The Taiwaneese Goverment would spent billions of dollars into subsidies for building TSMC fabs and Apple would help them with the engineering of the final manufacturing process and would also be the biggest contractor for the forseeable future.

Yes its true Intel and other companies (mainly located in Japan etc) had bean counters in their company. BUT TSMC did not came out of nowhere. They hired highly qualified people some even where former Apple, Intel, Global foundries or IBM employees from all over the world. And the Goverment provided all the money and tax cuts needed to ensure the TSMC story would work, as long as TSMC had contractors (which was ensured by Apple)

At the End of the Day Taiwan moght have paid billions in subsidies. But it paid them back big time by creating something like an economic miracle the taiwaneese economic has never seen before. High paying wages who pay income taxes. Cycle of economy by those highly paid jobs spending their money on the local economy etc.. The US could do the same for example by passing the 52 Billion Dollar semiconductor bill...


all these videos repeat junk. They should be telling you to make as much money as possible and get it into the marketfor good prices
