Beat Grocery Store Inflation with Your Garden (3 Tips)

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If you garden this way, rising grocery store prices hurt a lot less.

Survival gardening needs to be simple, and it needs to pay for itself. Today we cover feeding your garden for free, growing root crops for calories, and making your garden pay for itself so you can beat grocery store prices!
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We need to grow our own food, and know how to do it simply. Don't worry - just make your garden pay for itself!


I think the biggest hurdle to people cutting their grocery bills is cultural amnesia about how to eat the foods that used to keep us alive. I grew rutabagas for the first time last year. One big rutabaga is much food. I'm an experienced cook but still didn't know much about making rutabagas part of our regular diet. Once I worked that bit out, they became a winter mainstay. Anyone can do this. But this requires a) no longer turning your nose up at traditionally vital foods, b) learning how to cook them, and c) growing them from seed so it is dirt cheap. Other than squash, rutabagas might be the biggest bang per seed in my climate.


Showed my mom the tomato plant I rescued yesterday from a street gutter, and she tells me I have my Scottish Grandfather's genes. He seemingly just knew things and what to do. I've been flying on instinct for a year and a half, but I never thought it would go this big. My loft is full and I need customers LOL


We've been talking about preparing for hard times for years now, but now I'm getting a sense that the time is very short. I'm not afraid, just full of an eerie feeling. A kind of matter of fact, here we go, brace for impact sort of thing.


Great video. Yes, keep it simple. I have a small backyard and I have plants growing at every angle. Tough growing year, but I’m grateful for what the garden gives.


I left compost in a bucket out & the rain got to it now I have compost tea


And root crops are very easy to cook in a variety of tasty ways and can even be used in bread making 😊


I like the style of books you write & the artwork!

I have started my own farm, pigs, ducks, chickens, & a small garden. I love growing my own food and having meals where everything came from my farm!


David, I purchased two of your books knowing we live in a majorly different climate. I still gleaned so much. We are zone 3 northern Alberta with clay soil and a summer sun that kills everything, plus a short growing season. Our winters are long and harsh. We spent two years building a year round walipini greenhouse. But outside we essentially did lasagna gardening and mulch as needed with old hay. We have limited water as our well is high sodium so we have to use reverse osmosis. Lasagna gardening, mulching with whatever materials we have on hand such as weeds or old hay seems to help with water retention in the soil. After 7 years we are now seeing results. We are growing fruit trees (which don’t do well in our area), potatoes, carrots, squash… inflation in Canada is insane and we are actually beginning to eat from our garden and less from the store. We have 8 kids ☺️
I really appreciate your content and simple approach to gardening.


I have had a horrible garden year, we're in a drought 0.8" in over four weeks. Good thing I put up extra last year.😉
I love sweetpotatoes and irsh potatoes, even in a drought they produce. I have lots of berries and hazelnuts.


Great video. Yes, keep it simple. I have a small backyard for now and I have plants growing at every angle. Tough growing year, but I’m grateful for what the garden gives. Thank you


I love your advice. Make my own fertilizer. By having fire roasting some weenies, then putting it out before it burns all the way to Ash. Then putting in bucket and pee on it. 2 5gall bucket will do 2 30 rose some time put 3 on . Learn a lot from you. Thanks


Some great tips David! I totally forget about dry beans! Gonna have to incorporate that next year! God bless yall!


I really need to pick up your propagation book. I love the other 2 I own. Did my first tip rooting the other day with some raspberries. We will see how that works out. But if i can learn to multiply my blueberries and fruit trees, my Grocery Row Garden and Orchard will be fantastic!


My food forrest is slowly taking shape. I have the typical fruit trees, several figs. Along with sweet potatoes and black eye peas, jicama, and pinto beans freshly planted.


Wanted to let you know I just cooked up 11 Seminole pumpkins that were 11 months old. I stored them in the mud room off the garage in South Carolina. They stood up to the heat of Summer and cold of Winter. Making dog treats out of them as this years pumpkins are coming in. Thanks for writting about them.


David, Rachel should start a channel where she shares her recipes and cooks meals with the not so traditional food items like cassava and taro etc. I grow both but have never used them lol. Taro grows wild all over down here.


UK gardener here; toughest year yet to be trying for self sufficiency! There are NO pollinators; having to hand pollinate the summer and winter squashes every morning!
Unusually hot for a couple of weeks in May, then very cold, so lots bolted and biennials sown this spring think its now year two!
Tomatoes, peppers and chillies are rotting on the plant before finishing growing, let alone ripening! All of the kale, cabbage, cauliflowers and radish were wiped out by caterpillars!
Sunflowers face east, all the time; they don't recognise the sun!
The sweet potato vines have grown a foot since May, even in the tunnel!
Just enough rain to grow mould and mildew but not enough to water the plants.
Next year's garden will be squash, swiss chard, beets, jerusalem artichokes with lettuce and sprouts grown in the house!
We will not be beaten 😁


I just starting my garden and video it. Thank you for your tips


Also funny that I'm planting a bunch of winter wheat this year, but yes i do rely on the potatoes and winter squash, and a bit of dent corn, and cow peas. Not big into the beans but working on that.
