Diet Soda Causes AFIB? What Does the Study Show? | Educational Video | Biolayne

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Communicated with the primary authors of this study directly, and shared with Layne. Even they admit the media blew their study out of proportion. Reverse causality and unmeasured confounders drive the results. The bigger issue with diet colas over time may be the added phosphates. But that applies to any colas diet or not and there are higher priority concerns in the nutrition space. I personally enjoy an occasional Coke Zero (distant past Coke Classic addict) and diet 7up, which is citrate, rather than phosphate based and therefore may even ever so slightly lower kidney stone risk.


The authors don't seem too convinced that artificial sweeteners are to blame either.

" This study does not demonstrate that consumption of SSB and ASB alters AF risk but rather that the consumption of SSB and ASB may predict AF risk beyond traditional risk factors."


Yo Layne. Saw you on Diary of a CEO. Just so you know, you’ve made a difference in MY life. The information you provide has led to so many positive outcomes for me. You’ve made positive changes in people’s lives. It’s not something you should worry about.


As a person that deals with AFIB I found it's the caffeine for me. Sugar and artificial sweeteners have very little impact. Too much Coke zero can trigger it or make it worse but no-caffeine Coke zero doesn't. Problem is since Covid began it's very difficult to get no-caffeine Coke zero so I had to switch over to Root Beer and Ginger Ale zero sodas. Too much dark chocolate can sometimes trigger it as well and I'm eating 95% Lindt which is very low in sugar.


Appreciate you talking it through and bringing logic, practicality, and education instead of sensationalism.


Have suffer from afib for almost two decades now. Ben cardioverted more times than I can count. Lost a hundred pounds 2 years ago and got in shape and not only cut my meds from 19 pills a day to four, but have yet to be hospitalized or had an AFib incident. And I love me some Coke Zero and root beer zero and have no issue. Clearly it was a fact I was obese and not exercising.


Please do a video about the new Cochrane systematic review saying saturated fat doesn't impact heart health.


Had AFIB which was corrected with a cryo PV ablation. My cardiologist explained how it was an embryonic defect that was responsible in my case. Never had a trigger from Diet soda although extremely hard cardio often brought it on.


Science-Based Medicine did an analysis in today's post. Same conclusions. This was also an uncontrolled study.


I got sent this article by a relative and immediately taught it was going to land on this channel at some point.

The authors themselves admit as much in the abstract of the study. That it does not demonstrate ASBs are altering risk for AFib. Right there in the last sentence of the Abstract.


If diet soda causes AFib, then I should have had a heart attack by now. I have been a diet soda addict (caffeinated Diet Coke) for 19 years now, taking in about 2.5 liters per day, on average, for 7 days a week during those 19 years. I'm still here. still fit and healthy, still hiking, still cycling, still sleeping well at night (minus the need to urinate, of course, with that much fluid intake on top of water and milk as well). Anyone else have a similar habit to mine without any problems?


One day they're gonna find something actually heinous about diet soda and I'm not gonna believe it and die ☠️ 😂


Need to do a video on "don't just read the headlines." IFLS did this with an article a few years ago about a planet made of like 99% THC


Peoples complete inability to handle nuance is amazing


Diets high in free glutamate can be a cause. Most processed foods have high levels, and a few natural foods such as tomatoes tofu and mushrooms.


Diet soda gives me immediate anxiety symptoms. Racing heart beat. I’m fine with coffee or tea. Although my use of those has greatly decreased as I age.


"Arts, crafts and sciences uplift the world of being, and are conducive to its exaltation. Knowledge is as wings to man’s life, and a ladder for his ascent. Its acquisition is incumbent upon everyone…In truth, knowledge is a veritable treasure for man, and a source of glory, of bounty, of joy, of exaltation, of cheer and gladness unto him. Happy the man that cleaveth unto it, and woe betide the heedless." -Baha'i Teaching


Its amazing how studies like this never have a water control group


Great video. At the end of the day, no one can force anyone to consume anything they don’t want or if they choose consume something strictly based on anecdotal information. That applies to everything whether it be keto, carnivore, veganism, consumption of non-nutritive sweetners, etc. . I say people should just do what they want without getting caught up in the never ending web of BS, or worse engaging in fear mongering and spreading BS they hear from their favourite You Tube Influencer. Nuff said! Peace Out ✌️


I hate the whole “let’s zoom in super close on the graph to make it look way worse that it is”, coupled with peoples base level misunderstanding of percentage increases.
