Gods of Arabs before Islam

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Gods and goddess of polytheistic Arabia
al uzza
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Every video I see that’s depicts Mesopotamian seems to be claimed by Hindi religion, Hinduism in its respect is unique and beautiful in its own nature. However just because a god/goddess looks like a Hindu idol doesn’t mean it’s derived from Hinduism, in many religions certain animals are regarded as strong and ferocious or woman with flowers in their hand is like Lakshmi or durga etc there are many similarities and is bound to happen.


Because I am an Arab and I know the history of the Arabs well, the Arabs were tribes, and some well-established kingdoms such as the Nabataeans, Himyar and others, but the Arabs had each tribe had a special deity, for example that my ancestors before Islam were some Jews and some pagan worship Hubel


Actually that idol that he called Allah is actually called "Allat" (اللت) and is mentioned in the Quran in Surat an-Najm and is humiliated by Allah (swt). I hate when people give false information and dont even take the time to do their research on top of that lol


Oh the pre Islamic god matches with the present Hindu god and goddess like the godess of wealth Laxmi having her symbolic bird owl. And the three goddesses wearing dresses like same as Hindu goddesses.


I am a Wathanist and former Muslim these gods have given me a sense of spiritual peace that Islam never did.


Somebody needs to build a time machine . Let's right the wrongs that have played out in human history . Thanks


Maa Durga with Lion.
Maa Lakshmi with Owl.
Bhairava with Dog & Trident.
Maa Manasa with Snake/Maa Chenamma with Scorpion.


لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ


And again we the sanatana people do not consider dharma as religion. Religion is based on a particular belief propagated by a founder. We neither have a core belief on which we must hinge our life and faith and therefore no founder.. It is an individual enterprise at best. Hope I'm making sense my friend . You seem to be interested in other cultures, so I have tried to share a little bit about my understanding of the same.


Bharma, vishnu and mahesh is pure soul they know themselves after getting knowledge of everything from as man on earth.


If Islam was not existed in Saudi Arabia they would have advanced in civilization....


To all those people who are confused about, *"Allah"* . Pre-Islamic arabs believed that there was one God that was, "Allah" but also believed that he had daughters like El and Al-manat and probably sons as well. They thought they were following they religion of Abraham but had added sons and daughters to Abraham's one God which in their ideology was of course, "Allah".


The Arab nation was divided by tribes and religions just like Africa but Muhammad PBUH united the Arab nations but in today's modern Arabs... sadly they don't unit and follow his teaching


There is a big mistake along with many other mistakes in this video Allah never was a pagan name never. Its was Al-Lat but not Allah.
Allah was refering to the God of Abraham & the God of Kaaba but not as pagan form.


Sanskrit is of pre historic origin. The oldest known scripture is the Vedas that was written in Sanskrit language. If we go by the ABC of the language which is the formation of even the vowels and the consonants, it will be clear how scientifically they have been codified. (Not to say, that it was told to be the language suitable to modern day computers as well). It starts with 18 vowels. It is the only language that attributes gender to even it's alphabet. If we were to examine the first, middle and the last vowels in Sanskrit, we can find that they are A, L, Ah. Thus the start, the middle and the end is idolized clearly by Sanskrit in the word, Allah.
The Sanskrit language is known as the Deva bhaasha meaning the language of God. The script used is called Devanaagari meaning the letters of The town of God!
It can also be seen that the mirror image of 786 written in Devanagari clearly shows the pranava mantram 'AUM'. Pranava mantram is the life giving secret and invoked to reverberate & synchronize our body with the life/God within us.
The propounders of such a language were the Vedic Maharishis who were scientists themselves.

As per the epics, It was Maharishi VedaVyaasa who sent his disciples to different parts of the world educating them on the ultimate TRUTH & Dharma.

However, many things got lost in communication when they reached other parts of the world. However, just a little only affected Indian thought.
Hence India became known as the Spiritual and material guru of the world.
Until some fools thought that idol worship was worshipping many gods and that worshipping God was necessary for happiness!!

The Indian scientists discovered that happiness can be achieved not by worshipping anyone. Because, worshipping in the common parlance concorts a feeling of awe and fear. The Hindu Maharishis, found that there are 3 basic modes of love:-
1. Love for learning and knowing
2. Love for working and helping,
3. Love from simply & blindly following.

These have been repeated in the Bhagawad Gita, as respectively,
1. Jnaana Yoga,
2. Karma Yoga,
3. Bhakti Yoga.

The Semitic religions follow the 3rd one which is Bhakti Yoga. Atheists may be following the Karma Yoga and the knowledgeable scientific communities, seekers and seers follow the Jnaana Yoga.

Thus it is wrong to convert anyone into another faith or religion because those who are essentially fools, only try to convert, thanks to their bhakti based on happiness of following. That now they wrongly assume that increasing the following helps in happiness!. In other words, their insecurity feeling has probably led them to such a belief.
No amount of logic can work and no amount of proofs can work because, bhakti is indeed to say the least, intoxicating!! And KarlMarx once did say so!!


الحمدلله الذي اعزنا الله بالإسلام وإلا كان صرنا مثل الهنود مهابيل عندنا ١٠٠ رب .


Difference between muhammad and adhi Shankaracharya is ..☺️☺️.. muhammad destroyed the idols.. different tribes gods... And Shankaracharya united the idols make ONE GOD☺️☺️ .


Ishtar was not from the Arabs, she was from the Akkadians, and El from Mesopotamia. ALLAH was not an specific name of the idols of the Arabs, it's a simple term for God.


Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him, his father handmade idol and statues and worshipped them,
And prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him, broke them.


1:34 The name is wrong, not (Allah), but (Alla'at).
