r/AmITheAhole | I STOOD UP FOR MY EVIL NANNY!!! - Reddit Stories

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Storytime Reddit Stories r amithejerk? where AITA for saying at a recruiting event, that I am trotted out as the token 'girl engineer' for every recruiting event? AITA for calling my husband unreasonable for only wanting to invite people he knows personally to our son's birthday party? AITA sticking up for my ‘abusive’ nanny (38F) instead of my boyfriend(28M)? AITA for telling my stepdad it’s not my job to be a “good influence” for his kids? AITA for jogging at 4am?

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Story 1 00:00
Story 2 03:10
Story 3 05:05
Story 4 08:15
Story 5 11:20
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OP to husband "You're being unreasonable!"
* OP's husband acts unreasonable in response *


Dawn runner. Obviously the answer is fresh baked bread at sunrise, and a recruitment pamphlet for dispatcher since new neighbour is up all night anyway


Good grief! What kind of sociopath is the father in the birthday party story? This is another case where the mother needs to get a divorce NOW!!!
And the boyfriend in the nanny story is a real psycho too!


I wonder if the boyfriend in story number 3 was abused as a child making him more anxious.


Story 1: in our eyes she isn't the AH, but in HRs eyes she might been the devil that day.

Story 3: lmao


OP with 3 month old baby and a hired nanny for baby's care: you're not wrong. The behavior the nanny exhibitted towards your little one is amazing! Abuse would have been to leave your baby in the filth and yell at your baby. Find videos to show your boyfriend the difference.


"I don't like being voluntold to go to PR events and have to make up my missed work later."
Uhhh, no, you don't. You really don't.
You just tell your manager "Sorry, I got too much work to do, and if I go, I *WON'T* be able to make up the missed work.", and then stick to it.


Years ago, I worked as an electrician's apprentice. On one of our jobs, the homeowners, a nice elderly couple, asked if they could take my photo. I was on the roof of the house, which was still under construction. It bothered me. I didn't make a deal out of it, but, it was very uncomfortable having my picture taken while working just because they thought me an oddity. Sigh.


Why is the evil neighbor up at 4am yelling and screaming only to wake up her kids? Seems like a good thing that someone is around at 4 am for neighborhood safety.


(Birthday son story) in these kinds of stories with controlling partners, I wish I could tell these people MARRIAGE DOESNT HAVE TO BE THAT WAYYY! like it's much more possible than some people think to have a partner that treats you equally and values you enough to listen to your oppinion. The narcissistic "authoritative" personality does not acheive a happy life for you or anyone around you. get some help.


Story 1: If the company is willing to lie to them before even hiring them, the applicants will search for a new job quickly and less willing to do something extra for the company. They may be mad, but OP lying would have made the company look much worse
Story 2: Husband is completely unreasonable and overly controlling. OP did nothing wrong
Story 3: OP is not the AH, but I think the husband m´needs major therapy, it seems like he or somebody close to him got abused majorly, and he has a lot of trauma
Story 4: Step-Dad (and possibly Mum) are complete AHs and extremely inconsiderate. It seems like the siblings are looking out for each other more than the parents are, and the parents don't even listen to what the children want.
Story 5: Completely not the AH, and the neighbour is really off-putting and an AH for how they overreacted and couldn't seem to grasp that neighbours will do their hobbies whenever they have free time


Jogging story:- first gave into her whinning second: thats not what you call anxiety I have both GAD and social and you don't get worried over everything all the time especially something like that. You call it paranoia.


4am jogging story: NTA! I would ask you OP, how are you dressed? Are you wearing something dark or light colored? That might be a small part of giving her the wrong impression. If you're not wearing one already maybe a bright reflective yellow hi-vis vest would reassure her you're NOT slinking around. But yeah, since you've proved you live there and she's seen you multiple times, it's on her. Why is SHE up at 4am anyway?


For Story 2, I think the Boyfriend overreacted. The Babysitter was cleaning up the poop the baby made and gave him a bath. What is so abusive about that?


If my neighbor was out there jogging at 5am, I’d be all for it because I’d never know he was out there. I am not a morning person in the least.


4:29 Yeah... His Authority can be taken down a peg on Grounds of His Son's Party, that Dad is making it about What HE Wants to do To his son!! The 10 year could be with those best friends for the rest of their lives, knowing each other that close!!!!


For the jogger one: how do they even know your jogging at 4am unless they’re watching them. That’s creepy. Going for a run isn’t


Jogging at 4 you know the criminals are all in bed, your neighbors are barely awake.... so it's peaceful ESPECIALLY in a small town. NTA.... you do you honey.


Baby abuse story: this is hilarious to me. So many times there are stories here where the most mundane joke or behavior gets called abuse, or some other awful thing, to the point where it’s like people are looking under every rock they see to find this horrible stuff. But in this story: we actually have op being sane, and telling the person who is doing this behavior, no, this is not wrong, you’re crazy, everything is fine. Way to go op.


Okay okay okay. I cannot stay quiet about this one. Story 3: NTA, that in no way is abuse or grooming nor is the nanny trying to. Let me explain-I, am a daycare worker. I work with kids and have seen multiple naked, changed hundreds of diapers, dealt with dozens of blow outs and I see none of them in a s-god I don’t even wanna f*cking say it in that sentence!! So to hear your SO spout bs like this makes me real upset. L probably sees your son as her own child in a way. I freaking love working with the kids and seeing them grow makes me feel proud in a way(yes I know I’m not their actual parent but when you’re around them for nearly 12hr per day, 5 days a week for 3 or more years, you start to feel like in a way you are a “parent”). Sure what the SO said could happen, but for way older kids. Your child is still a baby. A freaking infant that it seems strange for even your SO to even assume relations or grooming is happening here. And the fact you have past traumas of grooming makes me wonder if that was him trying to manipulate your emotions in order to sway your vote in his favor for some unknown reason.
