The Scene That Changed The Incredibles...

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We're back for 2022! And coming out you with more scene breakdowns. Today, it's the best of the best. My personal favourite movie of all time, from the greatest animation studio in my opinion: Pixar's The Incredibles. There are many scene that could be seen as the best moment, but this is what takes the cake. THIS is the scene that CHANGED Pixar's The Incredibles...

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...Wow. I knew this was a good scene. And I've seen it a lot since it got memed to death. But that final action scene with the cannons really is astounding look at each individual shot. I'm blown away again 18 years later...
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Another fun fact, the omnidroid Mr. Incredible initially fought, the v.8, was acting as though it were fighting Frozone as made clear by the robot forcing Mr. Incredible into a volcano, an environment in which Frozone would have become quickly dehydrated and unable to lay down any amount of ice, rendering his powers useless.

Mirage also made mention of "switching targets", that and the line "the fat guy's still with him" indicate that Frozone was the superhero the Omnidroid was intended to battle.


You know what makes it even worse?

Several of the people Bob is watching on the screen listed as dead? They were present in his wedding. Gazerbeam had a front row seat, a seat usually saved for family, and Bob found him as a skeleton. Bob loved and trusted them enough to share his and his fiancée's secret identities with them, and he just saw all of them listed dead with only a beep to each name.


As a kid, I didn't think much of that one scene where Mr. Incredible was being pulled/stretched by the Omnidroid on their first encounter, then realized as an adult that some supers *may* have actually died that way [as in, pulled apart so hard they're no longer in one piece], especially as some supers were not necessarily physically strong/resilient like Mr. Incredible.


A small detail I noticed is when the display is showing the heroes eliminated, the first couple heroes are psychic or clairvoyant. It's like Syndrome knew he had to get rid of the extra-sensory types first to pull off such a secret plan.


Honestly, the fact that a man almost killed himself in a Pixar movie, in the opening sequence, really set the tone for this film. For the most part.


Honestly the sticky ball scene is what scared me the most in this movie, absolutely terrifying


The thing that makes this scene ever darker is that if you go back to the beginning, those supers that were terminated were all at Bob and Helen’s wedding. Those weren’t just co-workers. Those were close personal friends.


I never realized just how dark these parts are. The fact that Frozone was next and only escaped due to luck is chilling. Absolutely amazing film


The quote I remember most from this movie is Helen talking to her kids in the cave. Parents always tell their kids in scary situations "it'll be ok, you're fine" but she tells them the complete truth of their situation.
"You remember the bad guy in those cartoons you watch? Well these bad guys, aren't like those guys. They won't show restraint because you're children. They will kill you if they get the chance. Don't give them that chance."
She straight up tells them that this is how the real world works and I want you survive it.


It's worth noting that phase two is initiated after the robot supposedly killed Mr. Incredible. No more searching for other superheroes, to improve the bot, because in Syndromes eyes, he is still the best and if he couldn't defeat the robot, then no one can.


You’ve got to appreciate the neat detail of the fact that Mr Incredible is such a good man. Look what he did in this scene. He finds out all of the supers he knew had been exterminated and is under a ton of grief, shock, and stress. When he makes his search he looks up his wife first, then his best friend, THEN himself. That order shows just how selfless he truly is.


The best version of this scene is the original with ‘TERMINATED’ instead of the red line. So much more chilling.


The scene where Helen has to tell her kids that the people on the island don't care that they're literally children and Will kill them if given the chance is SO dark. The fact she had to give her children that speech in the first place is pretty terrifying


That scene is just so dark, but its amazing. It lets the audience know that Syndrome is a real threat and not just another "kids movie villain"


Nothing tops the intensity of the plane scene after this.

l don't think I'll ever forget "Abort! Abort THERE ARE CHILDREN ABOARD THIS PLANE!" and how desperate she sounded while poor Violet is being yelled at to do something she can't possibly do to save them all, Mirage looking horrified by what's she's apart of and Mr. Incredible knowing he's paralyzed about to hear his kids die


Its super interesting that the first super killed by Syndrome was Universal Man as he was one of the few, if only, supers that refused to have a secret identity, preferring to be in costume and fighting crime constantly, makes sense Syndrome would find him first.


one thing that'll forever terrify me is that syndrome probably carried out these murders without any regard for who he hurt, he killed Thunderhead who was a father of 5 adopted children.


I saw this in theatres. When this scene happened, people were gasping, somebody mumbled "Jesus" and an older gentleman in the back said in a somber tone "he killed them all." I thought to myself, "this guy is a genocidal maniac."

I still remember it like it was yesterday and it is indeed one of my favorite scenes of all time, from one of my favorite movies of all time.


Fun fact: The reason Hellen looks down at the plane when it is sinking is not just to look at it, in the original script, snog, the owner of the jet, was on the plane. When the plane exploded Hellen couldn’t save snog, so when she looks down at the mangled fuselage she is looking in terror that her friend just died.

The more you know 🌠
