Radiation Fibrosis Side Effect - What You Need to Know

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Radiation Fibrosis Side Effect: What You Need to Know. Of all the side effects after breast cancer treatment, radiation fibrosis is the one that surprised me the most!

In this video I answer these questions and more:
☑️ What is it?
☑️ What tissues are affected?
☑️ The 7 most common symptoms - hardening, restricted joint mobility, muscle effects, avascularity, lymphedema, nerve effects and loss of elasticity
☑️ What does it feel like? Look like?
☑️ When does it start?
☑️ Is it painful?
☑️ Will it go away?

❇️ For bras post-mastectomy & lymphedema

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Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs. 2019 Jul-Sep; 6(3): 238–245.Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome: the Evergreen Menace of Radiation Therapy Warpenburg MJ. Deep Friction Massage in Treatment of Radiation-induced Fibrosis: Rehabilitative Care for Breast Cancer Survivors. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2014 Oct;13(5):32-6. PMID: 26770116; PMCID: PMC4684108. Seo A, Hwang JM, Lee JM, Jung TD. Changes in Pectoral Muscle Volume During Subacute Period after Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer: A Retrospective up to 4-year Follow-up Study. Sci Rep. 2019 May 7;9(1):7038. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-43163-0. PMID: 31065026; PMCID: PMC6505029.

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Hello! I’m the type of person who likes to know everything about her diagnosis. Doctors don’t necessarily tell you everything idk if it’s not to scare you or simply because they forever or don’t want to.

I am a month post lumpectomy and coming across your videos has helped me a lot because I find the answers to the questions doctors haven’t been able to answer.

As I stated in other of your videos, I am so glad to find some who trains the way I used to before cancer and that still does after it.

Thank you for educating us by sharing your story and your experience, I really appreciate it.


I have watched a few of your vids tonight. I am on the 14th day after rad treatments (16 sessions and told my doc I was done and cant take anymore exposure). I should have sought you out had I known what I was getting into but I blindly took the treatment and thought I can do this… cuz there was no pain during the treatments. Now I started to feel so miserable in the last 5 days and finally found you!

I am sooo very grateful for your videos as they helped me lot in understanding what is going on with me. Your explanation is so clear and precise! I appreciate you very much!


Thank you! After 2 years of searching I finally have a name for what I have been going through post treatment. Like you I have always worked out, biking, skiing yoga … and I had to lower my intensity considerably about 6 mths after treatment when everything in the radiation area started tightening
I stretch and do most of these exercises daily. After trying pt, massage, chiropractor and accupuncture, all of which helped temporarily, I finally got a steroid shot to get me through the pain. I am not a quick fix person but this has allowed me to get back to enjoying life, doing the things I love and SLEEPING! I would never do this without all the of and stretching I do! I wanted to throw it out there for anyone with pain above a 6 or so. Thank you again for these videos!


Thank you for the video, I completed my radiation last August, I had fibrosis along the stiching site after surgery and after radiation the shape chaged to a square roundish hard spot under the skin. I recently learned about self massage to help reduce fibrosis. I had breast cancer on the right breast and it looks smaller after radiation than the left breast. I only had reddness during radiation as I have used bipanthen cream straight after each session, no burns. But had difficult swallowing food for about 7-10 days and it went away afterwards.


WOW!!! THANK YOU!! Clear, easy to understand, and plenty information!


You explained this so clearly. It explains everything I'm feeling months after my radiation was completed. Thank you.


Thank you for this video! I honestly thought I was the only one experiencing this.


Thanks for being open and clearly explaining what happens.


Thank you so much for doing these videos. I truly appreciate you sharing and it helps to know that everything is not textbook and nor will we all experience the same side effects. It seems I've had more pain since I finished radiation in August than I did during treatment. My skin was discolored and that was it. About two weeks after treatment is when I started peeling and more recently tightness and heavy feeling in the breast and upper shoulder/neck pain. Now, I'm focusing on being more consistent with my exercises/massage and moisturizing. I have lymphedema appointment coming up soon. My last appointment, they did some massage to help with the cording.


Amazing video!! Just sent to several of my massage clients!!! We as massage therapist need to understand these side effects and how we can help!!!


Well done on a great video. I am a PT and stretch the radiated side similarly to yourself. It's great that you have taken the time to show these exercises. The exercise sheet from the mater in Dublin does not show effective stretching or strengthening. I'm almost 6 months post radiation. If I dont exs my rt arm, the shoulder immediately hurts and clicks radiating to my neck. Yet again, the body keeps the score. My traumatised rt boob and shoulder area will remind me if I dont strengthen it. Following removal of just 3 lymph nodes, I developed a sarcoma and nerve damage that meant I effectively lost the use of the rt arm for about 8 months. The neural circuitry now has a very recent imprint of this discomfort and lack of movement. This is the circuitry I am now trying to counter with strenthening. Even early stage breast cancer is life altering for many reasons.


Thank you for all your information. It’s been so helpful and more than the doctors and nurses have explained to me. Their information seems to be centered on the actual radiation treatments but not much beyond that. I am four months since end of radiation treatments and starting to feel the soreness and tightness in my right shoulder, neck and back area. I had a lumpectomy and 7 lymph nodes removed from my underarm. Went through the sunburn much the way your pictures showed and itchiness and peeling. That has just finished but I still deal with fluid buildup in lymph nodes. Has been drained several times. Now just a small amount left which I do massage and warm compresses. The part I’m dealing with now is range of motion and discomfort in neck, shoulder and down to almost my waist area. I am on the “ pill” after radiation instead of chemo. Need it for five years. So again I thank you for all the information. I watch any videos that I find of yours.


I am a Hyperbaric Nurse. Seek Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for radiation fibrosis (REAL HBOT at an accredited facility, not blow up chambers at a medi-spa). Real treatment includes at least 2 ATA for 90 mins on 100% O2, and usually 40 tx total. I treat radiated pts every day. You must be 6 months post radiation for insurance coverage.


I'm an 18 year survivor and radiation fibrous effects will be with me the rest of my life, sometimes better, sometimes worse. I get tennis elbow on occasion, and that seems to make all the other symptoms worse.


I can not thank you enough - your informations are so valuable and to the point! Grazie mille - tausend Dank - thank you!


Thank you. I am facing the decision whether to take it now.


thanks for this information. i am almost 3 years outside of radiation and I probably should go back to PT for the stiffness on the radiated side. I also see if I wear an underwire bra it causes more discomfort with my nerves in my radiated breast and I don't like the way it feels. I swear. BC is the gift that keeps on giving.


I was waiting for your videos and wanted to contact you. As i just finished my radiation treatment. My skin changes are so much similar to yours.
I am having a bit tender muscles over my lower ribs. Thanks to you i have full mobility in my shoulder but my arm trembles some times.


This is soooo helpful and comforting. Thank you!! 💝


Thank you I can relate to all of this so good to find you and get this info
If only we were told what to expect after radiation
Still having symptoms after two years but it’s good to know what it is
