Τετραγωνίζοντας τους κύκλους των περιορισμών | Παναγιώτης Πιτσίνιαγκας | TEDxChania

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Την στιγμή που οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι με αναπηρία, ζουν περιορισμένοι, σε έναν φαύλο κύκλο απομόνωσης, ο Παναγιώτης χρησιμοποιεί το τετράγωνο, δηλαδή την λογική του και διεκδικεί τη ζωή που του αξίζει. Μιλώντας σε σχολεία και κάνοντας ουσιαστικό και ειλικρινή διάλογο με περισσότερα από 30.000 παιδιά, γκρεμίζει τα μοντέλα μιας δήθεν τέλειας ζωής και χτίζει πρότυπα μίας ζωής επιλογών, προσωπικής ευθύνης και διαχείρισης της ευτυχίας.
Μουσική: Michael Dale
Εικονοληψία: Κινηματογραφικό Εργαστήρι Χανίων - Cine Lab Chania
The moment that most people with disabilities live in a cycle of isolation and restrictions, Panagiotis use the square, which is his logic and claims the life he deserves. Visiting many schools and having a meaningful and sincere dialogue with more than 30,000 children, tries to approve that the "model of supposed perfect life" does not work and the people have to follow others models, those of life choices, personal responsibility and happiness achievement.
Panagiotis was born in Athens in 1977. He studied at the National Technical University of Athens and at the University of Patras. He has incomplete quadriplegia due to spinal cord injury after a car accident. He is an motivational speaker and moderator at the Association of Social Responsibility for Children and Youth (SKEP). Its aim is to familiarize the public with the image of disability by connecting people with physical, sensory or mental disabilities and primary and secondary school students. Panagiotis is a volunteer’s instructor of the accessibility team at the University of Athens where he is showing techniques to those who escort people in wheelchairs, also a player of the National Team of Rugby in wheelchairs and a member of the steering group of TEDxAthens.
Μουσική: Michael Dale
Εικονοληψία: Κινηματογραφικό Εργαστήρι Χανίων - Cine Lab Chania
The moment that most people with disabilities live in a cycle of isolation and restrictions, Panagiotis use the square, which is his logic and claims the life he deserves. Visiting many schools and having a meaningful and sincere dialogue with more than 30,000 children, tries to approve that the "model of supposed perfect life" does not work and the people have to follow others models, those of life choices, personal responsibility and happiness achievement.
Panagiotis was born in Athens in 1977. He studied at the National Technical University of Athens and at the University of Patras. He has incomplete quadriplegia due to spinal cord injury after a car accident. He is an motivational speaker and moderator at the Association of Social Responsibility for Children and Youth (SKEP). Its aim is to familiarize the public with the image of disability by connecting people with physical, sensory or mental disabilities and primary and secondary school students. Panagiotis is a volunteer’s instructor of the accessibility team at the University of Athens where he is showing techniques to those who escort people in wheelchairs, also a player of the National Team of Rugby in wheelchairs and a member of the steering group of TEDxAthens.