BMW i3 REX is the Best Used EV Available! Owner Review #bmwi3 #ev

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BMW i3 Range Extender Review From A Long Time Driver

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120k miles on 2017 REx.
- Recoded to allow gas engine to fire up at 75% SOC (if you choose)
- Zero repairs yet
- brakes last forever with regen
- 95% of miles on EV only
- Annual DIY oil changes are so easy.
- We never hesitate to use on long road trips all over the Pacific Nortwest.


I have a 2014 i3 REX. I drive about 6K miles a year and only burn about 5 gallons of gas. I average about 50 to 70 miles a charge depending on the outside temperature. It's more than enough range for most commutes. Plus, many places have free charging at their parking lots. It's a great run about. I through on winter tires on and have no issues with snow here in MN. You can charge easily with a 110v outlet overnight. If you need a great run about, I can't recommend this car enough. Not everyone likes the looks, but I think it looks great.


I wish all PHEVs were more like the I3, i.e. big battery small engine only needed when you really need the range but 90% of the time you would just use the battery.


We absolutely love ours. Who would have guessed a BMW to be reliable? i3 REX for the win!


It's a GREAT car! I've had my i3 for just over 3 months. It's a 2017 Protonic Blue with sunroof, all the features AND autopark. I love it!


Thank you! Good, honest review. I'm holding out for an Aptera. In the unfortunate event that it doesn't make it to full production, the i3 REX is probably my top choice. It seems like such a natural way to build an EV - decent electric range, but with enough gasoline power to get you practically anywhere without a charger. It's a shame it isn't being built anymore and that there aren't more models with the same setup.


Nice! If you aren’t a EV club member… What you do…is What EV chapters loves… Talk EV, Share your Leaf and BMW experiences ( Aptera ahead ) You and Sarah have the perfect delivery of good and not so good… to engage and educate people. In our chapters I speak about our KIA EV 6 experiences ( our 1st EV ) and still a chapter’s Point Person for early Aptera questions. Trying to be an EV ONLY Household… Holding out for Aptera! 🤔BTW CPC, Italy also makes “ some BMW composite parts… Do you know who makes the BMW i3 plastic panels? EVjoy!


BMW i3 is a great car. If your on the fence and thinking about getting one DO IT!! you won't regret it. We love the little BMW ii3 so much we bought a second one for the family.


We sure appreciate real world reviews like this that include the quirks. The i3 REX sounds like a great used car choice!


I had a 2019 REX, I put the S tires on it and I really liked what it did for the ride and handling. It's a great car!


I have mixed feelings about PHEVs -- part of me likes the idea. Best of both worlds... day to day probably all electric. But the gas engine is there for road trips or when your're driving in DCFC wastelands. But the complexities of having two separate motors (the electric motor and the ICE) rubs me the wrong way. I want to get away from fossil fuels, the gas pump, the maintenance needs, and the dirtiness of the ICE. The BMW i3 REX seems like a really great alternative. The REX is not a power train engine, but just an on-board battery charger (when needed). PHEVs are big ICE / small battery. The i3 REX is big (well, sort of) battery / small ICE. Sweet.


Had one since new and used exclusively as a commuter car. After 8 years still runs perfectly and anticipate keeping it for many more years. It’s a fun car


For a learner car for kiddos the i3 w no range extender is excellent also and really affordable. Back and forth to school and other places in the city. Easy to handle and teach in.


Smelling those 2 pizzas on the dashboard all the way home, tho' .. 😅


I'm 6 ft and don't find the back seat too bad, just have to move the front seat a notch or 2 forward from where I normally have it.. there are many cars that are worse in any case.


I got the 2016 i3 with REX, right now 165.000km (102K mls), absolutely love it. Best / cheapest car I ever drove. Battery capacity excellent, no repairs, great on tyres, no wear on the interieur. I drive it 95% pure electric at 14, 9kWh per 100km (4, 17 mls / kWh). I did an EPROM change so it always starts in Eco (instead Comfort) mode, which much better fits the character of the car.


I have two for 7 yeard and my only beef if the ac system if it goes you dead in the watter, reason been. The ac compressor cools the battery a required system. Tesla used glycool too cool the battery. If this was the case on the i3 it would be just as a Tesla. Now the tires issue is correct. The rest of thr car is just very cool


Got to drive a 2014 Rex for an extended weekend. When I first had seen it, I thought this is absolutely the ugliest vehicle I’ve ever seen. After experiencing it though for those few days, the looks didn’t matter because the experience was so good. Looking for a newer Rex now with the biggest battery. Taking my time to find the right one. Great video, thanks for making it!


Been thinking of buying one of these. After seeing this video this will be my next purchase. Thank you for the upload.


Thanks for your review Chad. I'm not a huge fan of the I3's styling, but they were very innovative in their engineering. Especially for 10 years ago. I don't think that I would consider getting an I3 that didn't have the range extender, but with the REX model it does make it compelling for many people's needs. I think that the toughest argument against the I3 is simply the Gen II Chevy Volt, which gets over 50 miles of EV-only range, but its gas assisted range (and overall capability) is far better. I have two friends who just bought newer used Volts, and it was an excellent fit for their extended driving needs. The recent, super low prices on (non-REX) i3s and Leafs do make them a surprise choice for people who do not need to drive much, or very far. But who want an EV for very economical, around town driving.
