Six Lies Elon Musk Believed (in the last 24 hours)

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I just think the information environment is so bad right now. It is dizzying. I have always felt that the lying when you have a large audience will eventually erode away any credibility you have, but to watch that be proven wrong again and again is pretty unpleasant.
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I know this is cheesy but,
"Already early voted gang"

Also, this video just makes me thankful I finally got off twitter. I don't judge people who haven't, especially content creators or peoples whose livelihood depends on it. Even now though I miss all the software developers and artists I used to follow that were working on cool stuff that are not on the other platforms, but it's nice to not have elons tweets shoved in my face despite having blocked him day 1. I think if it was possible to actually block him and all the right wing garbage, your video about how its a place and him buying it doesn't make it his would have convinced me to go back maybe.


Wait, I can just play Connections mid-video to de-stress? Why didn't anyone tell me this?!


The funniest thing about Elon's accomplishments is after everything he tried to do with twitter, everyone still calls it twitter


9:20 Austrian here, that's not entirely accurate (though very close). The leader of the FPÖ wasn't given the task because the other two major parties had already made it clear they didn't want to work with him as chancellor, citing conspiritorial beliefs within his party, aggressive rhetoric and more.

He wasn't given the chance not because he failed, but because it was obvious he wouldn't have been able to succeed and the president didn't want to waste more time before we actually have a majority government again.


AUSTRIAN here! THANK YOU! For dedicating a huge chunk of you video to clear up the part about the right wing nazi successor party not beeing able to find a partner.

Yes, they had a lot of votes, but over 70% of the country DID NOT VOTE them, and everyone refused to work with them stating that months in advance. The others may have different oppinions in how to run a country, but what they all agree on is, that populism, hatespeech, nazi rhetoric, defamation of minorities, and so on is NOT a way in which a country should be governed.


I fully believed that bears were fully unconscious all winter. Like they just slept and never woke up.


Connections being used to wind down from a frustrating topic was a great way to end the video, 10/10


The irony of Elon musk getting fact checked by his OWN PLATFORM is the highlight of my day


I really want this to become a whole series. Watching a scientist debunk misinformation is one of my favorites.


Something that is frustrating to me is that correcting outright false information will likely be seen as a partisan disagreement over opinion. These things are just flatly untrue, and in any reasonable society it should be at least a little bit embarrassing to be so wrong about issues of fact this often.


"He has an allegiance to something else that he thinks is more important than the truth" -- what an accurate and terrifying assessment of Elon Musk


Hank explaining a normal parliamentary goverment, as if it's some weird alien tech was kinda hilarious :)


it is funny how elon musk is seen as a mad scientist when in reality he's just a rich kid that still believes in ghosts and pseudophysics.


After "I don't know what purple prose is!" I was half expecting John to come bursting in the door like an avenger.


"I'm just asking a question" is a common malicious way of pushing something you already know is a falsehood, but giving yourself a plausible defence when called out. Basically a workaround for getting in trouble for lying.


Austrian here! You described it quite well! In Austria, we don't vote for the Chancellor, we vote for the parties who'll sit in parliament and make decisions. The Chancellor needs at least 50% of people who sit in parliament to support them, otherwise they effectively won't be able to do anything with the majority voting against them. The leader of the "Freedom party" has basically insulted every other party and the president, so the other parties made it very clear that they won't firm a government with this guy. The president acted very mindfully in that situation and told the head of every major party to talk to each other. After a week, they told the president that nothing has changed, so the president rightfully decided to give the party with second most votes the task to form a government and thus made the head of this party Chancellor. Sadly, even in Austria it's a common misconception that we vote for the Chancellor. Goes without saying, the populist freedom party loves to push their "victim narrative".


"An allegiance to something else"

A rich guy, a rich white guy, born into apartheid South Africa, who runs a car company with labour issues up to it's eyeballs and race based ones at that...

No clues as to possible allegiances that might cause dishonesty here.


I think it *does* erode away your credibility, just not as quickly and completely as we may like. The fact that Elon has gone from being seen as a semi-messianic figure to a source of extreme controversy in such a short period of time is proof of this.


There's an old saying, a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on.

There is a huge amount of effort involved in verifying and researching sources to determine what is true. There is much less effort involved in making stuff up. And there is zero effort involved in sharing falsehoods.


The topic of this video, then getting "yellow journalism" in Connections. *Chef's kiss*
