Moroccans with Artillery: 16th C. Sa'adians to 18th C. Alaouites (MENA 32)

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1:We finish our discussion of the Tanzimat Reforms, Ottomanism, and the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, walking through the story of the Young Ottomans, the codification of the Shari'a in the Mecelle, the heroic struggles against the Russians, and how Sultan Abdülhamid II abolished the first Ottoman Parliament.

We then switch to a discussion of how Morocco moved on from the 16th Century to be a power in its own right. After prolonged interactions with the Spanish, Portuguese, and Ottoman vassals in Algeria, the Moroccan Sa'adian Dynasty gained access to gunpowder weapons, leading to a massive imperial expansion and conquest of the African Kingdom of Songhai. Following this was the rise of the Alaouite Dynasty, including the infamous Moulay Ismail. The lecture will close out with a discussion of Moroccan relations with the nascent United States.

And look forward to new episodes every Thursday at 7 PM, New York Time.

0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:59 Three Tracks
0:02:50 Review
0:10:26 Young Ottomans
0:16:25 Mecelle
0:20:31 First Ottoman Parliament
0:25:47 Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878
0:39:48 Post-War Results
0:45:10 Early Moroccan History
0:53:35 European Coastal Invasions
0:58:07 Moulay Muhammad aš-Šeikh
1:03:31 Ahmad al-Mansur
1:10:06 Songhai Empire
1:13:25 Sa'adian-Songhai War
1:19:39 Interregnum
1:26:16 Moulay İsma'il
1:36:00 Sidi Muhammad III
1:45:16 Final Remarks
Рекомендации по теме

01:38:59 Kassity Hu: Why are there sticks on the sides
02:12:29 Mary Christine Jackman: Amazing as always! Thank you!
02:12:37 Clarence: why did the Ottomans not expand overseas
02:14:40 Kassity Hu: Can you explain what’s going on with the Western Sahara ? Why is it still a disputed territory and between whoe=m?
02:14:46 Kassity Hu: Whom?
02:16:20 Katherine: Thank you Richard, Very interesting!
02:21:39 wayne rockman: Thank you, Richard. The memories of North Afica return. I traveied from Morocco to Egypt in 1966
02:24:43 Kassity Hu: Yes!!
02:24:46 Kassity Hu: Thank you!
02:25:27 Kassity Hu: Very interesting. Thanks.
