No Really, Let’s Please Eat The Rich
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Sorry, is there something stuck in our teeth? The rich are notoriously tough to eat. But they haven’t really given us much of a choice! Wealth transfers — the siphoning of income, assets and assistance from the working class to the rich — have only widened the wealth gap over the last 40 years, and there are plenty of places to point fingers. The advent of neoliberalism in the ‘80s, the housing collapse in 2007, the 2017 tax cuts and even the financial fallout from the pandemic have contributed to this never-ending wealth transfer that only gets amplified with each new crisis. In this episode, Sana looks at how wealth transfers continue to happen, the faults in our financial system that privilege the 1% and why it’s about darn time to throw pleasantries aside and eat the rich.
Host & Senior Producer: Sana Saeed
Producer & Editor: Nick Garbaty
Executive Producers: Tarek Abu-Esber & Sarah Nasr
Animator: Vivian Chang
Host & Senior Producer: Sana Saeed
Producer & Editor: Nick Garbaty
Executive Producers: Tarek Abu-Esber & Sarah Nasr
Animator: Vivian Chang