How to know if God is isolating you or if it's Self Isolation?| Chosen ones| Isolation isn't forever

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#faith #isolation #christian #encouragement #jesus #chosenones

'And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. 'Mark 6:31

In this video I share the importance of examining your life and the season God has you in to recognizwe if God is isolating you or if you are in self-isolation because of disappointment.

I pray that this video is helpful and encouraging. Thank you so much for watching.

Be Encouraged,
Bettye Nicole
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Thank you for your posts, I have felt so isolated for so many years, I have tried to reach out to people, but people do not reciprocate my hand of friendship.

I live my life trying to have my best friend of that of Jesus Christ, I am well aware that in the moments of my loneliness God has been always present.

It is very hard, in today’s society with so much loneliness and pain, but I take one day at a time with prayer.


I have been isolated, set apart, overlooked, and alone since the start of highschool.. im a junior in college and im exhausted at this point 🤷🏾‍♀️. Idk why but im too tired


You literally be right on time, not before time, but right on time!❤❤❤❤❤


My goodness I’ve been searching for this answer for years. I definitely self isolated but just got back into my church community after MANY horrible choices & 1st day I walked in my sister in Christ hugged me & said Pastor Pat was just praying for someone who’s been isolated & I know now that was you! This confirms my insecurities and Holy Spirit convicted me. ❤ thank you!


This is a beautiful message, that I needed to hear today. I thank God for using you to convict me. God bless you, sister.


Amen. Thank you for this video. A very timely message for me.


I found you on YouVersion while doing a study on Ruth. I'm loving your channel. This video was an eye opening/confirmation. 💜Thank you!


Thank you💕 l was talking about that this week. I feel like the enemy is weighing me down into staying in isolation when it’s pretty much time to slowly come out of it.


Great encouragement as always‼️‼️‼️💗💗💗
