I Tried The New Razer Keyboard... ( ̶S̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶)

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In this video I try the new Blackwidow V4 75% Custom Keyboard from Razer.
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In this video I try the new Blackwidow V4 75% Custom Keyboard from Razer.


As a Razer employee myself, I was super excited for you to try this keyboard


As a warning to anyone buying, I bought this product and it was phenomenal for about 6 months. After that, it started double typing on me. I thought "well maybe this is just an unusual defect" so i looked it up. Apparently quite a few people are having this issue with even the warranty units having the same issues a few months down the line. I wanted to see what the cause was, and after taking a multimeter to the switches and swapping out lesser used switches with the switches that are double typing, I do believe that the switches are indeed the problem. About 5 of my most used keys are having this issue. I can say that the rest of the keyboard is exactly as described above. Its a solid product, but if anyone is thinking about buying this, just be warned that you may need to swap the switches rather soon. Appreciate the video man!


Another props is that they didn't half-assed this product like some of their others. This feels like an complete product


Hi Hipyo! I love your vids. Quick note from someone who has worked as an ergonomist: wrist rests are not bad! In most cases, especially with mechanical keyboards (because they're thicker than other kinds) they are helpful for improving wrist alignment. There are different typing styles and they have their advantages and disadvantages. Most people will either have a "hovering wrist" which you do, or the "supported wrist". Hovering increases the muscle activity of your arms and shoulders because they're holding that weight up and this can lead to issues. If you don't have any discomfort doing this, then sure, having a wrist rest is not needed. If someone does want to support their wrists on a surface, thereby giving their arms and shoulders less work to do, then having a wrist rest at the height of the keyboard case is really helpful and can save a ton of people from carpal tunnel issues.


I find it fascinating how different people's preferences can be. I noticed you mentioning the gasket and "bounciness" as a good thing; I've specifically placed most of my mechanical keyboards directly on a desk so they DON'T feel bouncy/mushy; I accidentally discovered the difference being on the table/desk surface alone vs being on a rubberized mat and now I just... can't go back.


You're not the only one that's fine with Razer Synapse, I have no issues with Synapse either. Synapse gets the job done just like with any peripheral programs.


After all these years, Razer doesn't get shamed anymore!


I honestly think that Razer nailed this one, finally! It’s a nice mix of amazing gaming performance at a pretty good 75% layout that is unique and still deliver that “gamer” feel to it with Razer unique branding, and a quite nice typing experience with a decent sound profile directly from the case without the need of modding! (Even better than the Wooting on TYPING feeling, not performance).
I honestly think If you’re a gamer and you’re not quite adapted to the 60% layout or just want a easy mass production keyboard or even just want something good out of the box, that delivers performance and specs close to a custom keyboard like: typing feeling, sound profile and etc, without the need of modding (which is 90% of customers, unfortunately people don’t have the patience to lube gaming switches for a entire afternoon), this keyboard can be the best option by far!


Honestly the WS Standard switches like the Red, Yellow, Brown, Black, etc are excellent value and also prelubed really well. Similar to the Morandis, they don't need lubing.
For tactile enjoyers who like medium weight and big initial bumps (hehe initial bumps), Wuque Studio Browns are amazing. They also make a Heavy Tactile and SIlent Tactile for those with other tactile preferences.

I haven't tried the Auroras though


Personally, I fill all my keyboards with plastic explosive for the sound dampening. The ATF did not appreciate my creative mod until I showed them your channel. Thanks Hipyo!


While they definitely should market it mentioning its plastic and aluminum, they should do it in stride cause the mixing of the two provided more of a benefit with the sound. Overall with some more fine tuning of features and an extra mod or so this could actually be one of the better custom-gaming hybrid keyboards, definitely taking things in a really good direction.


Maybe it's just me, but out of the three sound tests the stock one sounds the nicest. At least imo


Re: wrist rests - I have legitimately injured my wrist from not using one. I bought a Ducky One2 mini as my first foray into good keyboards, and I used it without a wrist rest for a couple of weeks and ended up getting a repetitive wrist strain injury. It was also really uncomfortable because of the height of the keyboard. They do serve an important purpose for ergonomics, you just have to make sure you don't put your wrist at a bad angle from it being too tall.


In terms of software i've always thought razer was kinda ahead of literally all of the competition. You can register your products for convenience with warranty. There's chroma support for some games which some people will hate but playing something like terraria with it and seeing the keyboard reflect your environment with it's lighting is just sick. Their rbg function on synapse is super nice to use and you can set profiles which is pretty neat. But what I miss the most with my new keychron is hypershift and the macros. I used to have a macro set to hypershift+mouse4 and it worked as an auto clicker. I now can't set an autoclicker to my mouse anymore without sacrificing one of my side button which I also use in other games a lot. and Im used to them going back and forward on webpages and such.
Here's to hoping we're able to just buy pcbs from them in different sizes soon so we can customize their experience even further.


Hipyo i love your vids. im scared of custom keyboards but you make it seem nice


Obviously, Razer made the back plastic so that the keyboard would be more thocky. Don't hate on Razer for listening to you (and watching your videos). Yes, you yourself in one of your other videos stated that it was plastic, not metal, that made a keyboard sound thocky. And you and Razer seem to be correct, if this keyboard's acoustics are any gauge.

After your mods, all I can say is that it sounds like your keys are made of marble. Amazing. I thought the keyboard sounded pretty good stock, and I dare say some would prefer that medium level of thock. However, you clearly like the more sophisticated, dampened, marble sound, like I'm standing among the ancient columns in the entrance of a library. An awesome library.


Wrist rests are useful, you just don't have to use them incorrectly. You should get one with a hight that better fits your keyboard, and don't literally rest your wrists all the time in a locked position. It's best to use it as a guide to where to have your hands and glide across it, again, to not have them stuck in one place, so I suggest to buy one that is a bit firm and not too squishy.
Also you should be using it closer to the palm of your hand, for both mouse and keyboard, pressing directly on your wrist and for too long can further develop carpel tunnel injury.
And if something still doesn't feel right, adjust the hight of your chair to have your arms at a 90° angle.


Okay, I am also surprised. They definitely tried to do something a little different than the 2020 standard "75% gasket mount, hotswap" keyboard. Honestly more interested in tactile switches, because linears are just so boring. So long as its better than a Cherry/Gat brown, I'm sold.


as somone who has used gaming keyboards their whole life and was looking to get into customs im so happy they did this and im waiting for the 100 or 96 version. i love rgb and transparent text and i dont care that sexy at night rgb and synpase intergration for games and wallpaper engine just rocks. cant beat asus and razer rgb support and looks imo
