Suspects - Spoiler free - BoardgameNinja - How To Play and Review (English - Dutch subtitles)

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Suspects is a detective game in a very recognisable Agatha Christie style. Investigate the murder, question the witnesses and suspects and investigate the crime scene. At the end you have to point out the culprit and answer all the investigation questions. Did you solve the case and collected enough evidence to put the murderer behind bars?

This review is without spoilers. We don't show any clues from the box. What we do show is from an introduction case, that is used at conventions. And we won't spoil that either, everything readable is the opening cards and clues you get at the beginning.

00:00 - Introduction
01:34 - How to Play
03:16 - Review
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Mooie en prettig ingesproken video. Mooie visuals ook! Je hebt me ook direct weten te enthousiasmeren voor Suspects en heb deze direct besteld!
