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These places will make you sick to your stomach.
Not all of these places necessarily have to be in the less developed areas of Europe. One of them is even located in the capital city of Romania, Bucharest, called Ferentari. Another one is in Italy, which is not a country known for poverty of its residents.
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Okay ... poor neighbourhood is ONE thing .... BUT LEAVING THE TRASH JUST ON THE STREET IS UNBEARABLE. 😱


It has less to do with economics and government than it does culture. I've seen poor people with mud floors sweep and clean the floor with no trash around.


thanks for showing 5 gypsy neighborhoods lol


I live in country no. 4 - in Slovakia. And I must say, in all 4 coutries source of problems is the same - Gipsen. You can build Beverly Hills for them, and in 10-15 years it will look the same like in this video.


There is one common denominator here and that is the Gypsies that are now referred to as Roma.


I grew up in Ferentari, and still live there, and yes it used to be very dangerous when I was little, I would go home and at the entrance of my apartment building there would be a lot of heroin users inside the building and no one did anything about it. I used to stumble across used heroin syringes everyday, outside and even in my apartment building. Now it is still a poor neighbourhood but things have changed and it looks very different now, even people changed and now is not that dangerous anymore, I consider it now to be a safe place. And also there are a lot of nice people that live like a community and they help eachother, a thing that I never saw in any other parts of the city.


Yeah, I'm from Bucharest. Ferentari Romania that is presented in this video is from thr 90s early 2000, even if is still poor, it doesn't look like that anymore. Issue with those buildings is that they became opium houses and heroin addicts and dealera were running the place. All of them were gipsies and very violent, therefore even police was affraind to go in there, it was basically a lawless neighbourhood. Opium and Heroin destroyed Romania in a way you cannot imagine, the 90s were hell on earth for this junkies, one of the weirdest periods I've ever seen anywhere.


I currently live in Italy and I agree that certain neighborhoods in Naples can reach very high levels in terms of poverty and degradation.


Great video! Here are a few tips to help your English copywriting. I was an English teacher for learners of English, in a previous job, and was also a copywriter. :)

Say, "you might not know this", instead of "you might didn't know this".
If you want to use the past tense, you can say: "you might not have known this" instead.

Always say "a ghetto", instead of just "ghetto". If you use an adjective, the indefinite "a/an" depends on the adjective you want to use:
e.g. "an infamous ghetto";
"a dangerous ghetto".

Say "outskirts" (always in the plural), instead of "outskirt".
e.g. (=this means "for example"): "The ghetto is located on the outskirts of the town".

Use "one of the worst places to live in Europe", instead of "one of the worst place to live in Europe". When we use this expression, it is always done in the plural.
e.g. "Canary Wharf is one of the tallest buildings in London."; or "Alex is one of the smartest students in the class".

Use "the buildings could not be kept in a good condition" instead of "the buildings could not kept in good condition". We always use "be" before the verb .
e.g. "The mouse could not be caught"; "My ice cream could not be saved; it melted in the hot sun".

Use "it used to be a modern area" instead of "it used to be modern area". Always remember to use the "a/an".

Use "before we start with number one", instead of "yet we start with". The word "yet" means 'up until a specific time'
e.g. "i have yet to finish the story" means "i have not finished the story at this specific time".
Also, "are you ready yet?", whicj means: "are you ready at this specific time?".
"Before" is self-explanatory.

"Infamous" is pronounced "IN-famus" (correct), instead of "in famous" (incorrect).


years ago we planned a long weekend in Naples. I cannot believe the number of things that happened to us there, if it were in a movie you'd consider it over the top. We fled on the fourth day, after having spent half of the third in hospital because I was attacked by two junkies with a large butcher's knife. the hotel's owner where we stayed didn't even react surprised.


If you want to visit completely fucked up places, I would also recommend the suburbs of Marseille or the quarter of Frankfurt (Main) Main Station 😉


Authors forgot about France, England and Sweden. That´s probably out of Europe. Yes, there are a few "ghettos" in Eastern Europe - but nobody shot there with submachine gun, nobody attack women with knifes and acid and nobody fires the cars. I know... Paul´s Geography never heard about.


Thank you for this very informative video! I would yet add that today one can find such ghettos also in "prosperous" countries of Northern Europe, like, for example, Rosengaard in Malmo or Rinkeby in Stockholm, Sweden.


Brutalist architecture was common in the 70. You can se at least one brutalist building in every city and town.


Man I Just subscribed ! Keep doing Comparison Videos They are Amazing !!!


In Ferentari, Romania, the majority are gypsy/roma people. Not TO be confused with romanian people, because we are completely different. I wanted to just point this out for better clarification, because in all the other 4 on the list you specified roma people, except for Ferentari. Great job with this video, keep up the good work!


I came across a street in Naples, Italy where there were loads of migrants living on the streets. That was awful!


Actually, the apartment blocks in Ferentari were renovated by the state in order to be energy efficient and look beautiful. This program is funded by the EU and the Romanian state and happens all over the country, not only in poor neighbourhoods. But you are right that the neighbourhood looks better than in the 90s. Same can be said for the whole country tbh


Ferentari is changing, not so bad anymore.. In Italy we have worst place than Ferentari.


I used to live in Plovdiv, been to the gypsy areas many times. people have many kids, no education, young age marriages . They love gold, have gold teeth, and weddings all the time, i went with a friend there was a wedding everyone was dancing in the middle of street and all of a sudden a man in the middle of dance started firing while the police was sitting there on the pavement smoking and enjoy the scene 😂😂
