MQA vs 24/96.

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Después de mi primer acercamiento a Roon y Tidal he empezado a hacer escuchas en las que he enfrentado el Oppo UHD205 reproduciendo MQA al McIntosh C52 cuya sección analógica, sobre el papel, monta un chip de inferior calidad y no tiene capacidad MQA.
MQA vs 24/96.
MQA file 24/48 vs Wav file 16/44.1 vs Qobuz 24/96
008 MQA part 1; Why 24 bit 192 kHz audio?
MQA vs FLAC: What is the Best for You?
If you can't hear this then you're not an audiophile [See description for link to followup...
Tidal Masters MQA - Why the Frequency Spectrum Gap?
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MQA Sounds Good
Is MQA a good thing?
MQA hi-res streaming audio explained | Crutchfield video
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MQA audio format played with USB Audio Player Pro 88.2Khz (ripping cd) vs 96Khz 24 bit (TIDAL)
Understanding MQA decoding - a (hopefully) simple explanation
Why MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) is Bad for Everybody Except Corporations
MQA vs FLAC. And the convenience of modern hires streaming.
Tidal Switching to FLAC After MQA Goes Bankrupt
Inside High-res audio: PCM vs MQA vs CD: 2L Sampler Comparison
16 Bit vs 24 Bit vs 32 Bit Wav Audio Files - Can You HEAR a Difference? Part 1
Taylor Swift ~ Midnight 2022 TIDAL MQA 24/96 streaming Loxjie D50 DAC
🥁 MP3 vs HI-RES WAV 24bit/96000hz — В чем разница? Подробный разбор.
Why is MQA so controversial? Bob Stuart answers.
MQA audio flac 88.2Khz 16bit vs CD 44khz 16 bit Beautiful Life / Chantal Chamberland