Why are so many Americans moving to Germany?

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Either wondered why so many Americans are leaving the USA to Germany. We decided to switch things up and ask as many Americans in Germany. This question!.
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As an American that's been living in Germany for three decades I say that Americans are seeing the truth that its not that free in the US and it's dangerous and very expensive and loud and more stressful than living in Germany or many other European countries.


Germany has a healthcare system focused on making people healthy. The US have a healthcare industry focused on making healthcare providers wealthy. That’s the difference.


I was shocked at how much better Germany does SO many things. Work-life balance... capitalism-socialism balance... healthcare... low crime/safe streets... public transportation... child-raising... I could list a hundred other things. The longer I am here, in Germany, the more the USA looks like a third-world country.


That’s so wholesome for me as a German to hear, because I never think about my country this way.


The Germans, Dutch, Danes, etc. have the right idea about work-life-balance for sure! The fact about health care is we all pay…one way or another. In the states, we pay for good health care and subsidize the poor with Welfare and Medicaid. In Europe, they just have higher taxes…so again…they all pay. However, with those higher taxes in the countries I mentioned, they also get sick days, vacation days, maternity and paternity leave, and better unemployment. I think they get more for their taxes. IMO! Great video!


good interviews, thank you.
'work to live' or 'live to work' yes, that really makes a difference.


I lived in Germany for 12 years, 3 as a civilian and 9 in the Army. The best aspects of Germany, imho, are the health and dental care, opportunities for travel, especially by rail, cleanliness, culture and safety.


That woman complaining about Obama and the healthcare thing is hilarious. Blames Obama but doesn't even talk about the republicans that completely prevented him from actually going further with it so that it didn't do what she said it did. As an American I'm so damn tired of hearing other ignorant Americans blame one guy for something that isn't really that personas fault. Healthcare should not be tied to employment, period.


That Californian lady doesn’t have much of an idea of how healthcare for all works, eh? There was no bill for that bike incident victim in France because in France, everybody pays.


"Ciao" is 100% Italian, the Germans use It commonly for the friendness with Italy.


All well educated Americans are welcome to Germany. Work here, pay your taxes and respect our german laws, then you can stay as long as you want.🇺🇸🇩🇪😊


As a European, I can write that the Americans have 19th century capitalism and the EU has capitalism from the second half of the 20th century. The American only works all the time and even if he buys something for entertainment, he has no time to use it (it is for a show for the neighbor). Europeans work so that in their free time they can use the money they earn for their pleasures and use the things they worked for . I can't imagine not having 30 days of vacation a year. I have in the contract that 15 days are allocated for summer holidays and the next 15 days are winter holidays starting on December 22 and I return to work in January after the new year. I spend all this Christmas time with my family and I get paid. On top of that, there are probably 10 more public holidays in a year


When everyone takes care of themselves, everyone is taken care of...hopefully we never become like the USA


5:33 - she has not really understood the german system cause she has still the focus on what she gets. The german system forces most to pay in general.
Key point in the US are the extreme high costs, a doctor can take what he wants if the patient signs the contract. And every single participant along the healtcare systems acts like a looter, looting the ill and weak.


Heavenly chapter and awesome interview. .


My grandmother once told me that many Germans emigrated to the USA after the war. Many Germans then came back to Germany from the USA. Most of them had no teeth afterwards. A sign of poor health care.


The lady blaming Obama fir the greedy health care industry….classic.


Really sorry for the lateness on this, we had a few issues with communication. But we are heading back next weekend! ;)


As a Pakistani I fully support love and respect Germany and its beautiful people from Pakistan 🙂. Best regards from Pakistan 🙂.


Germany is not what it used to be!! Healthcare is going down! I am from Germany!! People are not happy no more and it's getting worse....your infos are wrong! ✌🏼
