Why are so many Americans behind bars? BBC News

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More people are in prison in America than anywhere else in the world. President Obama and politicians from both parties want to change that. Rajini Vaidyanathan looks at how the US prison population got to record levels.

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More people are in prison in America than anywhere else in the world. President Obama and politicians from both parties want to change that. Rajini Vaidyanathan looks at how the US prison population got to record levels.


Also keep in mind "Private, for profit" companies running prisons: More profits = more people in prison + longer prison stays (at taxpayer's expense too).  Prisons SHOULD NOT be privatized.  Legalize, tax, and regulate drugs.


three strikes policy sounds fair enough


My state you can get a life sentence for making meth or transportation of large amounts of drugs. If you own a used car dealership and use it to transport drugs from other parts of the country you will get a lot of time behind bars. However if you are a drug user constantly caught with small amounts of drugs usually it's a revolving door. The Midwest has suffered from meth usage in the past and started putting meth cooks away for a very long time. Some states were worse than others but like parts of the uk had problems with immigrants giving drugs to teen girls only to get them hooked and pimp them out some states were having the same problem. Obama isn't giving pardons to drug users but drug traffickers. This is stupid.


When the prisons privatized the government promised to keep those cells full in order to line the pockets of the owners, the owners in turn keep lining the pockets of the politicians, it's that damn simple people....The news just doesn't have a clue, or they don't want to tell the truth ....again I ask..but hey what else is new.


Its really sad that the only reason its being reversed is because it costs money.


Crime in America is one half the rate today compared to 1991. Crime has gone down precisely because criminals are behind bars. Not hardened criminals? "Broken window policing" ( has contributed to lowering crime rates. Also, many incarcerated are serious criminals but they have obtained plea deals. The crime that is on the books does not reflect that.  Many have long records of previous incarcerations for past crimes. The statistics don't tell the whole story.


It is likely that some are punished to harshly and are most likely mentally ill. I either case and the system needs to be fixed. Are they getting the help that is needed in order for these people to stop using drugs or giving drugs to others making them drug addicts? No! Furthermore, people with 20 years have I would think have been doing the same thing over and over. Are those people with 20 years trying to make money off of drugs and it's not just personal use! Are they a danger to themselves and others? In many cases drug dealers use the defense that it's for personal use. If we let them go will it be a certain death sentence or for another? Very possible! The question we should ask is: Can we let them out with proper treatments that will help them be a productive citizen of this country? The answer would be hard due to the need to change the prison system in such a way where these types of people would be put in to treatment centers on an ongoing basics which may cost more money then putting them in jail. Is it worth it? Yes! However, then we are look at cost and reform such as social security because it is apparent that these people have a disability that that needs to be addressed. What about job programs! Yes. It is harsh but most companies will not trust a drug addicted person with their money. So some other reformation will be needed for these people to get jobs. To this end jobs would need to be created in order for these people to be able to be rehire able. This is a complex issue that is a bigger problem then just the drug problem it's self. What about all the people that obeyed the law. Should those that obeyed the law be with out a job due to those who obeyed the law be hold this burden upon their shoulders? Well, this a problem that faces us all. Releasing these people with out anything in place or guidance that will transform the lives of these people or those that have a "drug disability" with out support for all could be a greater concern. Are we releasing these people into the public just to die or create a bigger problem on others a real concern? Some family members would rather see that their family member gets treatment; become self efficient; and become a whole person again that can befit everyone around them instead of a killer or cancer on themselves and others. Putting these people in jail with other criminals could make them worse off. We really need a better treatment program for these people. Rereleasing them is just giving them a death senescence and destroying communities if they are not getting the right treatments. We should stop cutting programs that prevent drug addicts from becoming drug addicts and do everything possible to support education and career growth not just job growth. If it is a job growth then jobs that count not just fast food and construction. Reward citizens for being citizens.


The Drone Master says, "At its heart American is a nation of second chances."


Because we have the most serial killers and mass murderers.


prision is just the new form of slavery


The point in harsh sentences for non violent drug offenses is to decrease drug use. As long as drugs are still illegal I agree with that method for preventing drug use. Though I would personal encourage the legalization of all drugs which would also lower the amount of people in jail/prison greatly.


And think about this:  Some prisoners are treated better than the elderly.  3 meals a day, showers, recreation, free medical treatments, etc.  What do the elderly get?  Sometimes not even a pot to piss in.


What type of Drug? If it is something like cocaine, just use death penalty, easy and cheap.
