NIKON D7100 in 2025 - Is This DSLR Still Worth Buying? (Review)

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My honest Nikon D7100 review, and if it's worth buying in 2025 ↴

In this Nikon D7100 review, we talk about the pros and cons, whether it's a good camera, and whether it's still worth buying in 2025.

#NikonD7100 #NikonDSLR #NikonCamera

You may wonder…

- Is the Nikon D7100 a good camera by today’s standards?
- What’s so special about this crop sensor body and who is it for?
- Is it still worth buying a Nikon D7100 this year?

Well, it certainly IS worth considering.

Now, I think that Nikon D7100 is an excellent mid-level crop-sensor DSLR.
It’s perfect for those who care about quality, speed, the ability to shoot under adverse weather conditions, AND its incredibly low price.

Reasons why you’ll love it:

- it is a camera you can grow into,
- it’s able to autofocus with old Nikon lenses,
- great AF system and ergonomics,

(Just to name a few.)

More importantly, you get the best value for your buck.


00:00 Intro
00:26 Nikon D7100 Specs
00:53 Reasons to Buy
01:14 Reasons to Avoid
01:33 Is Nikon D7100 a Good Camera?
02:28 Why Are D7x00 Series a Great Choice?
04:18 Nikon D7100 or D7500 This Year?
05:18 D7100 vs D7200 vs D7500 As a New User?
06:01 Is the Nikon D7100 Worth Buying?
06:36 Nikon D7100 Sample Photos




If you have any thoughts, questions, suggestions, let me know in the comments below! I LOVE to hear from you!


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Рекомендации по теме

I’ve shot professionally for years, I’ve made over $50, 000 with a d200 and a d7100 back up. Wen you upgrade every year and get locked into the upgrade process you aren’t a photographer anymore, you’re a person who buys cameras. How many cameras have you owned to where you started noticing the buttons getting worn where you are changing your settings to get the right picture ur wanting? Your camera spends more time in the padded case and you treat it like it’s something that should be in a safe deposit box. I’ve been there, but once I stopped doing that and I forgot about what camera that guy over there was using, I started to notice my buttons was losing the marking to tell what the button was for, then I began noticing my pictures were getting better. Go pick up ur camera right now and set ur f-stop at 1.4 iso to 160-400 according to light. What’s aperture priority? Shutter priority? What do u set if ur taking pics and ur pics are blurry? Not enough light? Ur still sitting there aren’t you? Lol. Seriously, when you have absolutely mastered your cameras settings, and u can know just in a split second what to set ur camera at, you’ll forget about the camera, and you’ll start to worry about more trivial things, the things photographers worry about, you have to master light, you have to master your settings and read the book, then buy the books on your camera and read, read and study camera settings, you can’t rely on automatic settings forever. Depth of field, want the background blurred? What setting does that? Wide aperture lens, low aperture number on lens, smaller the number, larger the aperture, more expensive lens. If u want to be a pro, buy one good camera and 5 great lenses, and USE THEM. LOL.


I have been using cameras since the mid fifties. Starting with a box brownie, to an Ilford sportsman, and various others. I settled on a Pentax SF1, then moved to a Nikon d3200. And finally, the d7100. It is still an extraordinary camera, which I am still finding things it will do efficiently. At eighty seven, this will likely be my last camera. But it is still a powerful tool, and coupled with a good lens, it will produce beautiful images.


I've had my Nikon7100 and that baby still works fine and some of my favorite pics are with that camera. People get way too much into full frame and etc. The keys to a good photograph are the right lens and skill.


Love my D7100, I started with and have taken a lot, and continue to do, it.. still my favorite...


Still have the D7100. Got that one very cheap a couple of years ago. Its still a very impressive camera to me. I first used a D5100.


I was GIFTED a D7100 with like 4 lenses(50mm 1.8, Tamron 28-75mm, 70-300mm Tamron and the kit lens that really sucks so it's trashed to me lol) and believe it or not... I define it takes better looking shots and the light fall off is SO MUCH BETTER than my Sony A7rii. I disagree with "noise" at 400 and even at 800-2500 ISO(edited). Above 2500 up for me it gets nuts. It greatly reduces when you use better quality glass of it's time. I work in professional fashion and brand photography and with what I do, the shots just saves my bones compared to my Sony. I love the Sony for it's details but Give me the D7100 with my 70-300 MACRO lens for close shots and I can purposely lie and say I took it with my Sony lol. It's a great workhorse for such a Pro-consumer body and I'll be carrying it on a test shoot today. Oh by the way, you wouln't catch me with a Nikon and now I understand why you Nikon folks are hardcore about yours because now I am ;-) LOL


I’m just starting out with photography and I’m going to stick with the D7100 for a good while. ❤❤❤


I had my nikon d7100 for 10 years, looks rough and beaten now but it did not break once and I took over 300 000 photos with it! I LOVED it, bought a couple of lenses and did many many photoshoots with d7100. I had to buy a new one recently because this one started malfunctiong a bit and i want to start doing weddings so i needed something that works better in dark places


One of the best features of the D7100 not mentioned here is it has clean uncompressed HDMI out so you can hook up an external recorder for video like an Atomos ninja V and record up to 1080P 30fps in ProRes or a few other codecs with all of the video assist features like waveform, false color, zebra, etc, whatever the field monitor offers. So it’s perfect for YouTube videos.


when my trusty d80 gave to ghost a long time ago i went for the d7100 and that thing is still running and in use today


I'm still killing it with my D60 and D7100 in 2024!


Got my D7100 in 2013 and still have it. Still feels as solid as when i got it.


I love the D7100 and am still learning how to use all the features. Being retired now I hope to get into photography more. I have taken some really nice pictures from the Chesapeake Bay. I love to create pictures that you can feel the emotion of the subject. Can be of animals, people, wildlife, etc.


purchased my D7100 when it was launched and still use it today


I think the D7100 and D7200 are worth buying, only issue is sensor cleaning for the first 3000 shots is common.


For me my Nikon D7100 is the best camera I have this year.


Started off with the D40 then went to the 3X00 series. I decided to purchase the D700 but my salesguy sold me on an instore D7100 and havent looked back since. It is a tank. Despite being gifted a D5300 my go to is the D7100 and it has gotten me into some events where they mistook it as pro camera lol.


if we exclude video, is there much difference between D3300 ?


Noise ? At iso 400-1000 ? I had both cameras, i have D7100 now among others, first time to hear that. Never experienced that. Noone has.


I got a D7100 for $100 CAD with a shutter count of 6, 134 from our local Buy/sell. I’m happy with the price and result
