Why I love the D7100

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Just a great,fast,versatile image producing machine. Basically DSLRs just kick ass when you need fast response.
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Great video! Bout mine new when I was released and love it. Learning more about it now that I need to use it a ton more. Thanks!!


Bought mine in 2014 and it was always a dependable workhorse. It became a backup, but I find myself grabbing it over the newer full frame because it just feels like an old friend. It has never let me down and come in clutch many times.


Got mine when it was introduced back in the day...still have it and use it today as a 2nd body...picture quality is outstanding


Great video. Very informative. I purchased the D7100 body in excellent A+ condition from KEH last week. I paid $350.00 shipped to my door.

After being away from photography for 30+ years, I am building my knowledge base back up from watching videos like yours.

Thank you for sharing! Ken M.


Yes I agree with your comments as I just love my D7100 even though I have a D500....I tend to use the D7100 for walk around photography & use a Tamron 18-270mm lens on most of the just a great easy to use camera... cheers from Australia 🦘🦘😊


I've had my 7100 almost 10 years now and it still works great, I love the heft, it's solid, I feel like I can take it anywhere, in any conditions and pretty sure I'll make it back with great shots and camera no worse for wear, what more can you ask?


How about that! I've had my D7100 for over 10 yrs. and I would never guess that the cover on the bottom actually covered an external power source port. I thought it was only a pad to protect the bottom.


Have owned mine since it first came out. Had to save up for months to be able to afford it and still have it and still use it to this day. I need to pull the trigger and buy a d800/810/750 I would love to jump into full frame after all these years.
I’m mainly a Fujifilm user lately though


I've owned one for years as well, and agree that like many DSLRs now, it is a great, affordable alternative to more contemporary and far more expensive mirrorless Nikons. But I do disagree about the rear screen. Its low resolution made me worry for a long time that my images were poorly focused, or it was a defect ... until I read that it is indeed a low-res screen. Now that I know, I am at peace with it.


I just bought this camera €250 used, without a lens. I already have the D3100 with 3 lenses, so it's not a problem. I don't care if it's 10 years old, it's a great camera for a bargain price.


It has a flash, which can be used when taking portaits under harsh sunlight.
I have a z6 and d700(bought used cheap). I am still thinking about juat going back to d7100. Or the just the z6. Dont know.


This is the best camera I've ever owned ❤❤❤❤


Aaand it has the focus motor inside! I really love my 7100- it's now my 2nd body next to my D3s, and in many ways it is "better" than the D3s... sort of lol


Some time ago I had a Nikon D5600 (which I LOVE) and now I have a Sony A6000 and a friend of mine asked me why I changed if I liked the Nikon so much? The answer is misinformation, and everyone says that DSLRs are old and that it is better to go to mirror them as soon as possible, although it is not true. The same friend of mine told me if I wanted to change his nikon D7100 with a tamron 17-50mm VC lens and with a side grip, in terms of price (Argentina) it is more expensive than the sony, and since I have a 70-300mm lens from when I had the D5600 that I couldn't sell, I don't know what to do, currently the Sony A6000 in Argentina is around 450-500 dollars, and with luck the 7100 sells for 1000, but between 750 and 800 is a quick sale, and the lens is expensive also, and I don't have other Sony lenses (Expensive)

In short, you don't have to think too much about cameras, I think that if it has between 20 and 24 megapixels it's already an excellent camera, it doesn't matter if it's from more than 10 years ago or more current like the D5600


I’m in some sort of dilemma.

Would you advise to go for a camera with high specs and miss out on the wifi/Bluetooth feature (Nikon D7100)

or go for lower specs but get the wifi/Bluetooth features (Nikon D5300) ?

I intend to use the camera for wedding photography and state functions.

A friend was asking me not to pick the D7100 because it doesn’t have the wifi feature however, I can’t stand missing out on all the good features the camera offers in exchange for wifi .


I am surprised you care about the info button. Theres very little that shows up on the main display, which is not also shown on the top LCD. Most of the features you are talking about really things that should draw somebody to this particular camera. I should think you would be over having anybody seen selections by the time you're ready to graduate from a D3x00. Crop mode is usually more or less useless, since everything that it will do for you can be done in post-processing anyway.

The 7100's real selling points are the two card slots (SD cards are after all notoriously unreliable), the in-body focus motor (you won't find that on a lower end model) that enables you to use very high quality older AF and AF-D Nikkor lenses that are surprisingly inexpensive used, the fact that there is a dedicated top LCD (don't need to waste the battery life or your eyes at night using the main LCD to see the basics), and the dust and weather resistance.

I bought mine in 2013 when it had just come out. It's one of my favorite bodies. Its also somewhat more critical of lenses even than my D850, since the pixel pitch on the APS-C size sensor is so high.


How would you get your photos to an iPhone is say you dont have a laptop at the moment.. with d7100 not having wifi.. ? Thank you


Can I use the batteries and lens from the D3200?
