NIKON D750 IN 2025 - Is This Full-Frame DSLR Worth It This Year?

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Is Nikon D750 STILL worth buying in 2025? Yes! ↴

This camera is still great and here I'm sharing the pros and cons of this full-frame DSLR, the top 5 lenses to get, and why it might be one of the best photo deals today.

✰ The recommended LENSES mentioned in the video ✰





Quick Specs of Nikon D750:

Type: Mid-size SLR
Weight: 750 g
Resolution: 24 MP
Sensor size: FX (35.9 x 24 mm)
ISO: Auto, 100-12800, expandable to 50-51200
LCD Screen: Tilting
Touchscreen: No
Water and dust resistance: Yes

Considering that it was launched in 2014, is Nikon D750 worth buying this year?

My honest opinion?


We all know that the technology has advanced but many photographers will likely argue that this DSLR is good to go for at least next 3-5 years.

Truth is...

Nikon D750 still remains to be one of the top-performing full-frame (FX) cameras on the market today.

Reasons why you'll love this camera:

- fantastic image quality,
- great low light performance,
- good AF and burst rate up to 6.5 fps,
- tilting LCD screen,
- fabulous dynamic range,

And best of all?

Today, the price of this full-frame Nikon DSLR is under $1500 USD, which is a steal!

This beauty will work for advanced enthusiasts who decided to upgrade to a full-frame sensor camera, as well as commercial photographers who make a living with photography.

Without a doubt:

If you’re getting into the professional market, you can’t go wrong with this camera as a start.

0:00 Intro
0:20 Is Nikon D750 Worth Buying in 2025?
0:45 Nikon D750 Photography (Sample Photos)
1:06 5 Reasons Why You'll Love This DSLR
1:58 Nikon D750 Pros
2:33 Nikon D750 Cons
3:22 D750 vs D7100
3:57 Nikon D810 vs D750
4:28 Nikon Z6 vs D750
5:04 5 Best Lenses for Nikon D750

#NikonD750 #NikonDSLR #FullFrameCameras


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If you have any thoughts, questions, suggestions, let me know in the comments below! I LOVE to hear from you!


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Hello, I am professional photographer and D750 is one of the best cameras I've ever used, and in 2023 it remains my favorite. Clean, silent, high-quality images even in low-light conditions. I recommend!


The D750 is probably bang for buck one of the best cameras Nikon have ever produced, I love mine I can not think of any reason why I would ever went to change it, your lens recomendations are pretty much what is in my bag apart from the superzoom, I have the 80/400.


The D750 is, to this day, an excellent camera. Great image quality and high ISO performance, with a professional weather sealed body.


Great video, I have both a new and a used D750 for several years now, they are awesome. Will always be a great but, still a favorite among wedding photographers.


I have a brand-new Nikon D7500, which is a great camera but missing the full frame so I wanted a full frame camera and so last November I managed to get a Nikon D750, for £600! In very good condition guaranteed for six months from Amazon I already had the F mount lenses needed, and I got a battery pack as well for £45 everything is great!
PTI can’t post any pictures because they are awesome. I only film in 10 HP anyway because 4K uses too much memory for my liking. Thanks for the video and enjoy your camera.😊


The D750 is my most favorite, had the D600 before. Don't wanna go without a tilting screen anymore ;-) If you want more pictures in the buffer than 12 or 15 and not use jpg, use 12 bit compressed gives you about 19 pictures and if you know you crop it anyway use the 30x20mm field than you have 23pictures! And of course get a fast SD-card ! I use one that writes 120 MB/s, they're so cheap !! My most used lenses are 16-35, 80-400 and the AIS 35/2, 85/2, 105/2, 5 . And I'd rather get the D780 ( you forgot to mention ! ) than a Z6 / Z6 II 😎


How interesting! Are you happy with the new setup? What do you photograph?


Hi again, I have several Nikon lenses, but I purchased 2 classic near mint lenses on eBay (20-30 years old). A 300mm f4 and 400mm f5.6, both manual focus as you don't need to AF for astro. If you feel inclined have a look at the images I have captured so far on Astrobin. Most are with my D7500 but I wanted a Full frame hence the D750. I used the 300 mm lense for the Cat's Paw Nebula, it needs more work. The Carina was with the 105 mm. The first one I used the D750 and 400mm lens to capture is the Helix Nebula. I was ambitious to try image it with a 400mm lens as it is so small, however even after a huge crop there is a pleasing image left over. I will add more time next winter. The D750 paired with the 400 had little to no aberration and the stars in the uncropped image are really sharp and the dynamic range of the D750 is awesome.
Thanks for your response 😊


I agree with you, I bought a new one a few months ago, I use it for Astrophotography, it's amazing!


I need some advice. I just purchased a bundle of equipment for $1200. It included a D750 in immaculate condition with less than 20k shutter count. Also included were AF-S Nikkor: 80-400mm f4.5-5.6 G, 28-300mm f3.5-5.6G, 50mm f1.8G, AF Nikkor 300mm f4 ED. All of the lenses in like new/excellent condition. Now I'm torn between getting rid of my D7500 that I absolutely love the touch screen, and keeping the D750, or selling just the lenses (two of which I already own) which will recoup my $1200 mostly. Or sell everything and buy a Z7II. The bundle also came with two camera bags, a K&F tripod, $200 speedlight, an intervalometer, two chargers and three batteries. Oh yeah, and a motor drive. So I know I can recoup my money and still keep the D750 body and keep my D7500.


As A Nikon user myself i'm looking for a reasonable upgrade for my aging nikon D5300 which I pretty much use for filming the D750 sounds a great choice for filming as the D850 is out of my price range .


Thank you for your perspective 🙏
Boston 👊 Massachusetts


For the U.S., if you shop used (which I like to do) you can find one easily with low clicks for about $700-800.00 in really good condition. A D610 will give you much of the same performance for even less, usually in the $500-650.00 range. The used market is slowing increasing in prices overall but there still has never been a better time for buy gear for optical finder fans.


What are your thoughts on this one vs the d850?


I have one and still feel it is an excellent camera for stills. I am thinking of buying a Z6 ii because I am doing more video lately. I won't be selling the D750 anytime soon, however.


bought a used one 2 weeks ago - it is a great camera


I have the D750. It is great for stills, but horrible auto focus for video - keeps wonking and hunting for focus while video is recording, and then the camera only allows for 10 minute video clips at a time. That's useless today. The D750 is functionally only a stills camera. When I want to go on the road with a hybrid, I use my Fujifilm XH2s. I use the D750 less and less these days.


A bit confused whether canon 90d or nikon d750


This is 2024 PLEASE keep your D750 because this is an Alternate Camera in case its needed. And I still luv it BigTime ❤️
When getting this Camera it came with a "Nikon 24mm × 120 f/4 ED VR" Lens its possible one of my best lenses ever, even though it's not a f/2.8 or a f/1.4
This 24×120 f/4 has to be one of the Best lenses ever Produced,
There always praising the 24×70 as a Good lens, But something about this
24×120 just gives you that little more reach that comes in handy 💯% percent of the Time.!!!
Please 🙏 if Possible do a review about this lens.! "Nikon 24-120 f/4"
Take it out on the Streets and Please
( Nikon 24-120mm f/4 )
🙏 Give me your opinion as well.!
It's 10-Times better than any lens in its CLASS.!!!
Nice Video = kudos
I am a new follower from --
Boston ❤️ Massachusetts


Hello! What about your opening D750 Video Focusing????
Thanku For this makings information videoo
