Insane Facts About Ancient Rome You Didn't Know! #history #historyfacts #historyfactsdaily

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Insane Facts About Ancient Rome You Didn't Know! #history #historyfacts #historyfactsdaily

Welcome to a mind-bending journey through the annals of time! In this captivating YouTube short, we dive headfirst into the realm of history, unearthing some of the most mind-boggling and eccentric tales ever recorded. Get ready to have your mind blown as we present a whirlwind of crazy and bizarre historical facts that will leave you astounded!

In this video:
Romans thought the early Christians were practicing cannibalism when they heard about them eating bread and wine as symbolic representations of the body and blood of Christ.

In the first century B.C., the poet Gaius Valerius Catullus addressed two of his critics, another poet Furius and a senator Aurelius, in a poem considered so vulgar and obscene that it was not translated outside of Latin until the 20th century.

Urine (because of the ammonia it contains) was used to clean clothes. The urine was collected by fullones (the Ancient Roman version of dry cleaners) from around the city.

Emperor Claudius' third wife, Valeria Messalina, was a nymphomaniac. According to ancient historians, she once competed with a prostitute to see who could have the most sexual partners in a night.

Gladiator blood was recommended by Roman physicians to aid various ailments, including epilepsy and infertility.

Song: 'Miguel Johnson - Unexplored Moon' is under a Creative Commons license.
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And apparently Rome had hot babes posing for pictures for this video too.


The use of urine as a detergent persisted well beyond the renaissance, and into the American colonial period. Impoverished people would collect urine from their neighbors and sell it to launderers, from which we get the term, “piss poor.”
And now you know.


Anyone claiming that the Early Church taught that the Eucharist was *merely* symbolic is incapable of historical accuracy or understanding.


The Eucharistic elements were not considered "symbolic" by the early Christians. That is why the rumors of cannibalism abounded. The Church taught that Jesus was truly present under the forms of bread and wine.


The early Christians believed the bread and the wine once consecrated became the body and blood of Christ which is the Catholic (and Orthodox) teaching to this day. Not symbolic.


Don't just drop a sexual competition like that n not tell us who won


No, the Romans didn't think early Christian were practicing cannibalism for taking bread and wine. They thought Christians were practicing cannibalism because they were overheard talking about eating flesh and drinking blood. The Romans also thought Christians were committing incest by marrying brothers and sisters.


Um…the bread and wine thing is not symbolic, at least not to Catholics or Eastern Orthodox Christians. All these groups genuinely believe the bread and wine truly becomes the body and blood of Christ. It’s called Transubstantiation.


I'd like to offer some insight about the eucharist, as it differs between denominations. Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe it is not symbolic, but literally Christ's flesh and blood. It starts as bread and wine but is transubstantiated to become Christ. Some protestants believe he is present within the Eucharist but it remains bread and wine, others only believe it's symbolic.


Symbolic representation of the Body of Christ? Ah no...I can tell the speaker of this video is a Protestant. The ancient Christians believed they where literally eating the body of Christ under the form of bread and wine. St Ignatius of Antioch testifies to this in 107 AD. Geez ye got that wrong.


And thus "Valeria Does Rome-in a night" was created!
damn that's wild🤯🤯


Why are you showing Blonde and blue eyed people and talking of Rome??

99% of Romans dont look like that even today and certainly not in Ancient Rome.


Christian literature of the time never said it was symbolic. They literally believed it was the Body and Blood of Christ, as the Catholic Church does to this day.


Galius: "Ahem...look here you bitch, when we encounter each other on the street, you shall aquire these hands!!! Respectfully."


It’s not a symbolic representation of the body and blood of Christ. It is the body and blood of Christ.


Now im curious about the poem and what it said

and i might also need to be rightfully restrained when AI starts making real life humans that look like this "Valeria Messalina" truly the look i would give an empress lol (although i doubt she was blonde for historical reasons)


The bread and wine are NOT "symbolic representations" nor did the Romans think that. Otherwise, why would they think it was cannibalism.


The bread and wine are not symbolic of the body and blood of Christ. If it was just a symbol they wouldn’t have thought they were cannibals. It is the body and blood of Christ.


They didn’t think Christians were committing cannibalism because it was the “symbolic” body and blood of Christ. The Christians believed, as we still do, that it is the real body and blood of Christ. Why would anyone get upset over someone saying they were eating a symbol???


Sounds in the background doesn’t matter, when you have laser focus eyes 😂
