What BALKANS Really Think About Each Other!?

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We got Balkans from 9 countries (Serbia to Greece to Albania) to share what they really think about their neighboring countries. What comes to mind when they hear each Balkan country? Stay tuned for Part 2 that comes out on Tuesday.

Dating Beyond Borders is a Youtube channel that focuses on highlighting the cultural differences that come into play while dating people from other countries.

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Intro: 0:00
What comes to mind when you think of: 0:29
Serbia: 0:31
Montenegro: 1:20
Romania: 1:44
Croatia: 2:42
Bulgaria: 3:32
Albania: 4:50
Bosnia & Herzegovina: 6:13
North Macedonia: 7:13
Greece: 7:57
Turkey: 9:31
Outro: 11:34

Marina Iakovleva (directing)
Eddie Cristobal (video)
Zsolt Szanati (sound)
Oleh Voitovych (editing)


Filmed in:
Toronto, Canada
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Hey everyone! We're back to the series that's been long incoming. I decided to showcase Turkey in the video; while only the West part of Turkey is considered Balkan, the word "Balkan" is actually Turkish and means mountains. I felt it would be more fun to include Turkey in the mix!

Also we make a mistake at one instance in the video; editing slip up - this happens as you can probably imagine. We are not AI machines making these videos - please keep that in mind.


These are Americans of Balkan origin.
Very different from actual Balkan people who live in the Balkans.


As a Greek I just want to say I have never known any Greek person who has ever thought of Serbs as 'Gypsies' lol.


Most (not all) of the participants on this show are usually from the diaspora born and raised in Canada and it shows. They are very disconnected from the actual mindsets of the people still living there


Greeks never say that serbs are gypsies. Greeks never say Albanians are gypsies either.


I usually don’t get offended, but as a Romanian i got a little bit annoyed by their ignorance and the way they described us.


I'm glad that the Serbian girl said about the Romanians that are nice people. Yes, they are! I am from eastern Serbia, my home have a view on Romanian side, and we can talk Romanian and understand them. Long time ago there were a lot of Romanians in my area, I grew up with one in the house who helped my grandfather with farming. When we were in crisis, Romanians brought clothes, food and sold them to us, they never tried to beat us with the prices, because we are in crisis, on the contrary! Many people in eastern Serbia have family or roots in Romania. Many women married Serbs and stayed in Serbia. So, Romanians are a hardworking and honorable people, everyone I met has a good soul. People in my area think the same! We still remember some who went further in search of a better life.
Maybe people in the rest of Serbia don't know Romanians that much, which is logical because they don't share a border with them. I also want to say that they are very hardworking and honorable people.
We lived well with Romanians! 🇷🇸🇷🇴


When talking about Romania and gypsies (are they meaning Romani people) the romanian guy off camera yelling at them was great


Ill just say this, Romania is so underrated 🇷🇴


Bosnia & Herzegovina...puts Albanian flag.


What is Alexandra talking said that we have been told that Serbs are Gypsies, than Romanians and than Albanians!!
She must have grow up in a really weird house!
Meanwhile every Greek knows that the real Gypsies are the fans of PAOK


Actually they are wrong, Gypsies have nothing to do with Romania.
Roma (Gypsies) originated in the Punjab region of northern India as a nomadic people and entered Europe between the eighth and tenth centuries C.E. They were called "Gypsies" because Europeans mistakenly believed they came from Egypt.
People don't pay attention to history.


Alexandra has it all wrong. Greeks never say serbs are gypsies. Greeks say serbs are brothers. Greeks also never say albanians are gypsies. As for turkish cuisine i find it is more closer to the georgian and persian one than to greek one.


Further evidence that Romanians don't have "brothers" and that we're pretty much alone in Europe. It's over when shittier countries than yours (and, likewise, countries with a similar or even higher Roma population) think their country is actually better lol. The funniest thing to me is that the women who were like "Gypsies, Gypsies, c'mon" will probably later go to a Black Lives Matter protest or have "✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿" in their bios. Eastern Europeans (and here, I'd include even us Romanians) will be very vocal about someone being racist or prejudiced against them (bet that if they were called Russians they would get instantly offended lol but hey, Romanians are still "Gypsies" despite having almost nothing in common); but will say nothing or even participate in their own country's ethnic issues (or, really, any social issue their country might face). Funniest thing to me was the N. Macedonian and the Bulgarian chicks, when their country is much more Roma and more Roma influenced than Romania lol. And I'd say something about the Greek chick but meh, she was rude to pretty much everybody so whatever xd


From what I can tell they are very ignorant when talking about Romania, probably never been there.


Apparently Romania is the least known country from what I noticed, all they know is negative stuff and gypsies even though they are under 10% of the total population of Romania. If we wouldn't have the gypsy minority to create a negative image for our country, nobody would know anything about Romania, it would be like a big question mark... we would probably be as unknown as Lichtenstein, Latvia or Andorra...


That one dude’s rant about terrible trains was the best (and most helpful) part 😂
Avoid trains in Bulgaria, noted. I’ll take a 20 minute horse ride instead lol! 🚂


y'all should've brought people that actually know stuff about those countries and not just stereotypes. looking at that girl that screamed gypsies the moment she heard Romania 🙄🙄🙄


Romania has parts of its national territory that are found in the historical Balkans. The problem is different! The peoples of the Balkans have a visceral hatred towards the Romanians. Romanian culture had and has a major contribution in affirming the identity of the in the Balkans. And this is very depressing for the Balkan countries that feel "bit on the hat" for the pitiful way of trying to assimilate them. Do not forget that the south of Romania is called Wallachia (land of the Vlachs). The political leaders of the Balkan countries make propaganda and deliberately induce among their own citizens tendentious, biased, and ill-intentioned concepts about the Romanian people as if they were a people of gypsies. For it to be denigrated and disregarded and, thus, to be destroyed, and its vibrant culture to be assimilated by other "deserving countries". Do not forget that the Romanians had major contributions to forming some states in the Balkans. As thanks, they only knew how to demigrate and humiliate the Romanian people. Shame on you!


As a Romanian 🇷🇴 I’m extremely disappointed and offended by these people’s opinion…
