How To Deal with Parental Alienation | Alpha Center’s Tips for Targeted Parents

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Are you a targeted parent who wants to know how to deal with parental alienation? In this video, Georganne Ford interviews Christine Lombardo-Zaun, Esq, an attorney-mediator from Alpha Center for Divorce Mediation, about how to deal with this challenging issue. Christine provides expert tips and advice on how to navigate this difficult situation.

More importantly, Christine shares some insightful advice for targeted parents to rebuild a healthy relationship with their children. Remember, protecting a child's relationship with their parents is always in everyone's best interest.

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And in most court cases, the mediators go in and choose the abusive parent because they’re not trained professionals skilled to see Parental Alienation, which is child abuse. Some parents have been in the system for 13 years and have been able to just sit back and watch their families, be severed by the power and control dynamics of the Alienating Parents Using the child as a weapon it is the most atrocious crime anyone could ever commit on another parent and child


As a Father Alienated, more videos like this are needed. My ex is on her second rebound relationship and these guys spent nights there. We had separated and I went by to see my 2 sons and get any Mail. I pulled up and my kids looked out the open windows and ran off the their moms room. I knocked on the half glass half screen door, she came stomping to the door and started to close the door behind her, I looked and their was another man in my dining room. She ran me off threatening to call the police, because I asked her to bring him outside. That was a Sunday night, Tuesday morning I received divorce papers. At work I received a Order of Protection. So I can’t be anywhere around her for 2yrs. I did nothing at all to deserve this. It’s been a year so far and it’s too much. I’m currently seeking mental help. I can’t understand after 32yrs of marriage, I’m not allowed to see my sons 22 & 24, whom both a different forms of Autism. Stockholm syndrome has taken them away from me. Thank you for your support and video.


How about saying to your kids, calmly:
"That is not true. Don't believe everything your father tells you."
When you say this, you are not defending yourself...
Because, if you do not make it clear that this is a lie, your children might think that what the alienator said IS true.


I was married to a covert Narcissist for 40years and he has alienated my 2 children from me for 7years
I have grieved and I just pray for them
As you say I have reached out to help others which bring me joy


Be the calm person in the room.
Learn not to react emotionally.
(Dr Les Carter's videos Calm Confidence and When an Adult Coaches a Child Against You)
Don't JADE (Justify Argue Defend and Explain)
Don't punish your children for treating you badly with unreasonable anger, disrespect or humiliating you. However bad it is, it is because they are in pain.
If they are threatening to harm you or themselves physically, get help for that.
Don't badmouth the other parent.
Don't tell others about it - most people don't understand and will judge you. Only talk about it to a professional therapist who knows about Parental Alienation.
Educate yourself. Dr Amy Baker talks about the 5 Factor Model.
Practise self care and self compassion.


My grandchildren will not have grandparents. Two are dead. The alienating narcissist doesn’t make any relationship. My malignant covert has been campaigning for over 10 years and I know I’m ejected from the family. The alcohol and jealousy and childhood experiences have made me the hated enemy, he can’t share the kids I raised. Every problem of their childhood has been laid in my lap, along with how sad poor daddy is. I’m fortunate I got to raise my kids. So now the price is my life. It completely changed and now I am accepting that I was tricked into thinking I had a relationship and a family. It was a deliberate long range strategy to pay me back because he couldn’t get to his stepmom and stepsister. My therapist says there are good people but my experience is that there are different levels of bad. That includes mental health professionals. Parental alienation? What did you do that could possibly cause that? No, I am not an abuser. But I made the mistake of not being one. I didn’t alienate the alcoholic narcissist and I didn’t abandon them. Had I known I would have; the end result would be the same. Alone


Thank you for the valuable advice, yes, the cream rises to the top. Be kind to the alienator and the children see and learn from this. My ex never invites me into his home and leave me standing outside, I do the total opposite and even offer him dinner, children remember so much. ❤ Just be kind and raise above this very evil act.


question about the sport part. Because I found that very interesting why wouldn't the other parent be expected to let the child participate in sports? Did I misunderstand this? I always thought about sports as the child's time why wouldn't a parent be expected to take a child to sports often parents split weekends so custodial parents sacrifice to get them to practice all week but the other parent wouldn't be expected to take them to practices or games every other weekend? Maybe your imagining a time where practices are only on the others time? which would be weird.


Thank you for this video my childs mother has done all the things you have mentioned over and over and over again never ends daughter is 12 now. Hang in there targeted Parents


How is it that the mentioned org’s don’t recognize & research such a psych & emotionally damaging set of effects on


Thank you for your work. You have given me hope and helped me to have hope for the future. I am going through a child custody battle for my 3 year old daughter. My ex partner wants to move away with my daughter. My first daughter from a previous relationship did move away with my first daughter and it's been over 8 years since I've seen or heard from daughter. History repeats itself.


I was an erased parent. Erased from my child's life by her Mother. Now I am a minimalized parent. I have been litigating in Bucks Cty PA since 2016! And counting. Why? PACS 2904 is not enforced. That is interference of a custody order felony 3rd degree. I am suing for negligence for my ex AND her attorney for $50k since I did not see my daughter for most of 2023. I am now seeing my daughter every Saturday for the past 7 weeks! I will be in court again on April 15. Will the judge award me the $50k or ANY custody make up time? No probably not. I am a member of IC-3 Interference of Child custody Coalition. We are trying to get PACS 2904 enforced.
My advice. Represent yourself. Join IC-3, FACE (Family and Childrens Equality) and/or any state specific political group. Engage in civil disobedience Litigate, go after their money, and never give up!


A couple of years? This can be a decades long journey when dealing with a borderline ex and narcissistic family structure. Be kind to yourself and embrace a greater character not present for your children...


It is SO hard! At least w/a Narcisstic Sociopath with Sadistic Tendencies —I can tell myself ‘my children’s’ lives are at substantive risk’
—if I don’t ‘disappear’!
