Worst Part Of Owning A Dog

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Worst Part Of Owning A Dog
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Worst thing is saying "Goodbye" after so many years.


My Rottweilers farts are something else! Talking about a different smell in the house 😂


My very first dog was a Whippet. I was in college. (Mom wasn't an animal person). For me, it was the realization that you do have to be home every 8 hours, sooner if it's a puppy, to let the dog out. That was an awakening. Then, after the dog tore a hole the size of a watermelon in the laundry room of the apartment, I made the decision to join the local dog club. Once I said to myself, we're going to figure this out; it was like a big weight was lifted. Am now an obedience instructor at the original dog club that I joined as a teenager before even owning a dog - trying to prove to my Mom I could handle a dog. Lol. I can still relate to people who are at their wit's end so that helps them as well.


I own 2 mastiffs. It's easily drool. Whenever I cook meats, these twin terrors are flooding the kitchen


Worst thing:
Dog wakes me up at 2 am to go to the bathroom.
I let her out back.
She goes to the bathroom, I let her inside.
She immediately walks past me to go to the front door to be let outside.
Doesn't have to go to the bathroom. Just wants to make sure the front yard is still there.
Then she goes back to sleep like it's nothing, and I'm laying in bed for the next three hours, wide awake, waiting for my work alarm to go off.


First time owner & So true 😂😂 I’ve always had cats, & we JUST got a very short-haired hound mix rescue pup & I can’t believe how much he sheds & stinks for so little fur, & he’s scared to death of water so baths are rough. Our house definitely smells much different & all our clothes have dog hair 😅😅 we haven’t traveled yet, but he does well in the car but gets overly excited around new people & places so it’ll probably be awhile. Btw I have learned a ton from your videos, working on training & you have been an incredible resource, thank you for making so much great content available for free.


For me, living in an apartment, it was always the morning walk on those days when it’s ice cold, raining bullets and windy. Having to start the day off like that was a drawn out slap in the face every time. And then having to wipe down that smelly, wet, long coat in the entryway afterwards... I’m a wuss when it comes to bad weather 😅 Something we have a lot of on the Swedish west coast. Still, can’t wait to have a dog again!


Something I love about our 9 month old staffy is that the hair and smell issues are almost non-existant. Her hair is so short and fine that she needs no brushing at all - we have tried brushing her and it was completely pointless. We never wash her unless she gets covered in mud because she keeps perfectly clean and there's almost no fur for muck to get stuck in, and as a result of that lack of fur to mat or collect, she has almost no smell except when wet, which is short-lived because she dries so fast.

She's needy, anxious (goes nuts at unknown sights and sounds), and extremely head-strong, but as far as grooming is concerned, she is literally maintenance-free.


Furr is not a problem after a while you get used to them even in the food. Now I got a corso but are planning to get one of those working line German shredders heard they are amazing 😎👌🏻


I think I'm one of the first people to have fluffy snakes from the amount of hair me dogs shed


Worst thing in my opinion is the fur. It’s bound to happen, but it gets everywhere.


The worst thing a dog can do is die after so long.


All the time it takes and the med bills lol some people draw the short straw


I think you should do more of these make people relise b 4 they go out an get 1 2nd cocker was totally different he decided ta take our wall paper off luckly he grew outta this an we caught him in the act so got to correct him ....but b prepared for the worset things ...our 1st was easy we expected our 2nd ta b same boy was we wrong ....but wouldnt change it for the world


If you have a dog I can smell it on you. Tbh the smell keeps me from having a doggo.


I have been watching all your videos, I love them but what do you think of Chihuahua's? To me they seem like nervous rats, no offense.


Please don't say this because indian dog lovers knows the pain when they die😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭


Shouldnt a dog behaviourist know dogs have hair not fur.
