We Have 12 Years to Act on Climate Change, IPCC Report Finds

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Oil < Solar Energy
Cars on gas < Bikes
Deforesting < Replanting
*Saving the planet > Destroying the planet*


We don't have 12 years. We can't wait until november of 11 years from now to do something.
We have 0 years. If we are not fixing it now, this very instant, it will not be fixed.
In reality, twelve years from now has to have been fixed 12 years ago.


12 years? AGAIN???
How long have and how many times have they made this prediction??? Over and over, and over.... for almost 50 years now.


let's get this on trending, bois


So much for the future. Conservative goals are so short-sighted that all of humanity is basically screwed at this point. Humanity's biggest mistake was Industrialization, Right-Wing evangelical pundits, and the denial of science for the sake of corporate interest. Governments around the world are failing their people in almost every circumstance, even with moderate democrat-ish parties. If we don't come together, and if our leaders don't stop being fools. It's over. Seems like the only real way to make changes is some sort of world-wide revolution.


At this rate, any future _Mad Max_ movies will just be documentaries...


I know this isn't the most original thing to say, but frankly, I say we fight. Even if we lose, I'd rather go out with a fight then we all passively mope for 12 years. Get up, and do something. Share this, protest, talk to others about this, Make videos, anything. Just, fight back. Do something. If we even make 0.1 degrees of difference, I think it'll be worth it. please.


I've been acting on this a long time ago and get pissed off when it seems like I was put on this planet to clean up some lazy, careless eff-tards mess. I recycle just about everything (including organic waste), my garbage can barely has anything to throw out. I chose never to drive a car and invested in electronic transport instead. I grow bee friendly plants in my garden to help out the pollinators. I'm volunteering and donating money to help build another community garden in our town. Also, because I work as a gardener, there's lots more I can do on my part to act on climate change. Next Spring, I'm gonna try to grow some tree sapling to plant on Earth Day.


We all have to try! There's still time!!😠😠


This is why carbon capture technology is being so heavily researched. It’s no longer enough to cut back on emissions, we need to increase the rate of carbon absorption. Stuff like artificial trees, plastics made from algae and other things being worked on.


Greed is the ultimate evil and it is manifesting a Hell on this earth for us to experience


Humanity will unite… in the fossil record.


12 years is not very long to do anything in this world. Never mind doing anything radically different. We're all fucked.


Talk to your friends and family about the dangers we face and tell them that ... #ClimateChangeIsReal


Look what happened with Micheal. It blew up in the Gulf of Mexico and slammed into Florida, just shy of being a Cat 5. If that's not a warning sign of what's to come, I don't know what is.


Back in the 60s/70s I was an outspoken environmentalist. No one listened. Now I'm old and on the way out it's up to you youngin's to do something about this. I'm going to spend the rest of MY LIFE enjoying what is left of our beautiful environment, animals, birds, plants, insects. I'd rather talk to the birds and the bees than most people. We should be living WITHIN the system NOT changing it to convenience human beings. Humans are very self-centered and they believe that what THEY want is the most important. NOT!!!! So when the very earth we stand on is crumbling down around our ears, remember what I said so long ago. Give EARTH a chance.


We are too late.

Then again, I've heard different things from different sources.


We are screwed THR, it's been nice living here on earth.


Ok 1. They have been saying this for 58 years 2. I live in California and nothing has happened that hasn’t been happening in the last 42 years. 3. Every time I go to the beach it’s normal and the water is how it’s been for the past 10 years I’ve been going there. Also I can still catch sand crabs normally. 4. When my dad was a kid there was smog alerts and it hurt to breath. This was 48 years ago and we’ve got our act together. And don’t even think about going in my replies and saying that you’ve been in a smog alert in the past 10 years because that’s a danm lie. 5. America is doing there job, it’s places like Brazil, Canada, Europe, China, and Australia. And the leftist want to blame trump because he pulled from the Perris climate change bs and we are getting screwed. Open your eyes we aren’t the ones making it worse. It’s the countries around us. And Bernie will just try and make a bunch of deals with no change and taxes will go off the charts. And the stock market and economy will fall. OPEN YOUR EYES AMERICA


Sometimes positive thinking just isn't enough...
