Night || Elie Wiesel || Book review || Book haul || Currently reading

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I'm sorry I'm having such a poor reading year. I've been more productive writing and editing, and I'll always prioritize writing and editing over reading. That said, I have been reading more lately. Since making this video, I elected to DNF "The Tin Drum", and set "Black Lamb and Grey Falcon" and "The Caine Mutiny" aside, as neither of the latter two are on my 24 books to read in 2024. I've added Michael Crichton "The Terminal Man", Graham Greene "Brighton Rock", and Daphne Du Maurier "Rebecca" to my currently reading list, all books I'm hopeful for and are on my 24 books to read list. I do plan to resume reading "Black Lamb" and "The Caine Mutiny" later on, they are not DNFs. As for "The Tin Drum", I think it isn't working for me because it is something like magical realism, and apparently magical realism is now my second least favorite type of books after stream of consciousness. I've tried a few magical realism books (One Hundred Years of Solitude, Midnight's Children, and several others), and each of them did absolutely nothing for me. I don't get the genre. I don't like it. I'm a very literal person, dare I say a very logical person, so books that blur the lines between reality and for lack of a better word the supernatural, books that blend realism and speculative aspects, it doesn't work for me. My brain can't quite process it. These books are aimless, nonsensical word vomit to me, like a Jackson Pollock painting, authors simply throwing words at the page and calling it magical realism. I think it's easy to see why I don't like these type of books or stream of consciousness books. I view them as the writers simply writing words, not having much meaning behind them, just writing whatever, and readers try to draw meaning out of it. I understand some people like these books very much and may understand them perfectly, but I do not, and since reading and taste is subjective, these books are simply not for me. I have extremely little tolerance for them and do not see the appeal.
0:00 Intro and Elie Wiesel review
7:49 New signed books
12:54 Currently reading
0:00 Intro and Elie Wiesel review
7:49 New signed books
12:54 Currently reading