Unihertz Jelly 2E review | Is this your weekend detox phone?

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MSRP: $169.99
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In my mind a modern smartphone has 3 primary uses: communication (the tradition role of phones but including messaging apps and such), entertainment / consumption and work / productivity. This device allows you to detox from the last two while offering you all the modern smartphone communication features.


Someone once told me that the hardest thing to do in life is to keep things simple. This phone is great at keeping this simple while also giving you access to apps (such as Google calendar, and reminder apps). I do not use social media or anything like that. I normally take pictures on my actual camera anyway, so the phone's camera isn't an issue. I also really like the headphone jack. I use this phone as my primary phone, and it's a great phone :)


Honestly I love the idea of making this thing my main driver! I want to be less connected and more present, and this would encourage that…. It’s like the nicotine patch of smartphones.


Excellent review!
I am awaiting mine to be delivered today. I desperately want to get away from being on my phone. I have noticed myself scrolling through nonsense for no reason. I want to get away from that! Unfortunately, transitioning to a flip phone is not an option as I need authenticator apps to get into my work and school. This phone is perfect as I can still have the connectivity of seeing my banking information while on the go, being able to text and call, logging into work, but not having the strong desire to sit and scroll. I'm hoping this phone will allow me to enjoy daily life rather then electronic life a bit more.!


I have the jelly 2 and it is great as secondary phone for me, because i find using my surface duo cumbersome for taking calls, checking time/some notifications etc. Texting/doomscrolling/media consumption is good on duo, but for talking, and having 2 more sim in a small secondary phone is great. Much better than having one more big phone next to duo.


Thank you Shane for a great review. I think you nailed it with "balance." Yes indeed...swap sims and detox for awhile. You make the most sense of all of the reports on the Jelly2E. Common sense, at least on a true human level, which reared up at the end. Dumb phone!!!! Yes!! A 20 dollar flip will accomplish everything that this will and save us from a lot of screen time. Good stuff Shane. Liked, subscribed and shared. Keep 'em coming.


I think most, if not all, you reviewers are completely missing the point. A lot of people like myself don't want a phone that won't fit in your pocket. We want a phone that is up to date and can do all the things other phones can, but in a smaller package. That is what this and phones like the Cubot Pocket give us. Does it really matter if the phone takes half a second longer to wake up? No.


I have the Jelly 2 and it's the perfect size for a phone, i was skeptical at the begining but after a few days i couldn't see myself carrying a normal oversized phone anymore, i had a few pants with small pocket that phone could not fit, with the Jelly it fits perfectly with room to spare and when i put my shoes i don't get stabbed by the huge phone sitting in my pocket


As a gen-x person and an original Nokia user, I have this as a “better than a dumb phone”phone. I want a small front pocket phone, that my kids can get a hold of me because I actually carry it. But I am not going to use a built in number dialer buttons as a keyboard… been there, done that… Swipe is king. I do not do social media at all and I have a tablet if I want to use YouTube or Pinterest or searching. This smarter than dumb phone is nice, with just “In case” options when I need Google Maps, or to Search a question, or want a grocery list while out… it’s there. Had a S20fe and though it’s considered a small phone (6.5”), I hated that half sticks out my jeans back pocket and I don’t want to carry a purse.


This is perfect for us flip phone lovers that are being forced to downgrade to a smart phone to communicate with our new cars and security cameras. Mine is ordered. Oh, and it fits in any pocket.


I want one to use in a small purse. I hate a big phone adding weight and taking up too much space in my purse. I only really need it for the basics, I never use GPS, and I mostly use it for the phone and text. At the moment I use my hotspot for phone internet.


If you do another review of this device, would you show the desktop mode when connected to a monitor? I ask because I like to use VR glasses sometimes, and pairing this thing with VR glasses if there is a functional desktop mode would be so epic.


I just got mine delivered it's awesome I love it it is very very small


The perfect spy phone. IR blaster camera and GPS in a 3 inch screen.


A few years ago I actually ran a dumb phone as my daily driver for about 6 months (nokia 8110) because I wanted to try detoxing. What sold me on it was that it had Whatsapp (My whole country uses that for messaging) but none of the other crap that you'd have on a smartphone.

I had to stop using that device because I found out that trying to live without banking/ government apps is really cumbersome. Oh and typing on a tiny T9 keyboard is just horrific. I think the jelly would fix both of those problems.

Anyway I had basically given up on the detox thing and now I have my Duo 2 which is awesome but I no longer have any games on it and I severely limit Reddit and Youtube time (the only socials I use).


I just came here to say... I LOVE MY JELLY STAR!


It's funny cause when most people see me with this phone, they either think it's an iPhone, or a dumb phone 🤣. I switched from the iPhone to the Jelly 2E 🤣.


Can I listen to FM radio via Bluetooth by plugging a cable into the transmitter jack? In my MP3 equipped with FM radio it works. I was wondering if it also worked in the Unihertz JELLY 2. Thank you.


I use this as my mane phone, the reason is that I want a simple phone that I dont want to spend time on social media with that normaly takes up the day.


Hello. How do I mirror my Jelly 2E to my 5 year old HDTV (has an HDMI port and USB port but not a Smart TV) and connect a mouse at the same time? What USB hub should I use? Thanks.
