SAT Math FULL REVIEW for March SAT 2023! Everything you need for an 800!!

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This will be a MASSIVE video preparing you for EVERYTHING on the math section of the SAT. Huzefa will cover the all encompassing 41 strategies plus all 23 math formulas you need for the SAT. Lastly, he will take your questions. THIS IS A MUST for students taking the SAT!

CHECK OUT our Super Awesome SAT Math Video Course:


Time Stamps:
0:00 Introduction

23 ESSENTIAL SAT Math Formulas
Formula 1 - Slope of a Line
Formula 2 - Slope-Intercept Form
Formula 3 - Point-Slope Formula
Formula 4 - Midpoint Formula
Formula 5 - Distance Formula
Formula 6 - Length of an Arc
Formula 7 - Area of a Sector
Formula 8 - Quadratic Formula
Formula 9 - SOHCAHTOA
Formula 10 - Probability
Formula 11 - Circle Equation
Formula 12 - Exponential Growth and Decay
Formula 13 - Vertex of a Parabola
Formula 14 - Vertex Form
Formula 15 - The Pythagorean Theorem
Converting Standard Form to Vertex Form for a Quadratic
Formula 16 - Distance Equals Rate Times Time
Formula 17 - Sine and Cosine
Formula 18 - Sum of Solutions of a Quadratic
Formula 19 - The Discriminant of a Quadratic
Formula 20 - Area of an Equilateral Triangle
Formula 21 - Pythagorean Triples
Formula 22 - Perpendicular and Parallel Slope
Formula 23 - Sum of Angles in a Polygon

41 Strategies by Question Type
Strategy 1 - Ratios, Rates, and Proportions
Strategy 2 - Units
Strategy 3 - Percents
Strategy 4 - Linear Equation Word Problems
Strategy 5 - Graphing Linear Equations
Strategy 6 - Interpreting Linear Functions
Strategy 7 - Solving Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities
Strategy 8 - Systems of Linear Inequalities Word Problems
Strategy 9 - Solving Systems of Linear Equations
Strategy 10 - Linear Inequality Word Problems
Strategy 11 - Systems of Linear Equations Word Problems
Strategy 12 - Solving Quadratic Equations
Strategy 13 - Key Features of Graphs
Strategy 14 - Linear Function Word Problems
Strategy 15 - Manipulating Quadratic and Exponential Expressions
Strategy 16 - Structure in Expressions
Strategy 17 - Operations with Polynomials
Strategy 18 - Center, Spread and Shape of Distributions
Strategy 19 - Quadratic and Exponential Word Problems
Strategy 20 - Linear and Quadratic Systems
Strategy 21 - Function Notation
Strategy 22 - Congruence and Similarity
Strategy 23 - Isolating Quantities
Strategy 24 - Table Data
Strategy 25 - Scatterplots
Strategy 26 - Linear and Exponential Growth
Strategy 27 - Radical and Rational Equations
Strategy 28 - Interpreting Nonlinear Expressions
Strategy 29 - Operations with Rational Expressions
Strategy 30 - Data Collection and Conclusions
Strategy 31 - Volume Word Problems
Strategy 32 - Right Triangle Trigonometry
Strategy 33 - Circle Theorems
Strategy 34 - Complex Numbers
Strategy 35 - Radicals and Rational Exponents
Strategy 36 - Polynomial Factors and Graphs
Strategy 37 - Nonlinear Equation Graphs
Strategy 38 - Angles, Arc Length, and Trig Functions
Strategy 39 - Circle Equations
Strategy 40 - Data Inferences
Strategy 41 - Right Triangle Word Problems

Looking for tips on getting a perfect 800 on the math portion of the SAT? You're in luck!

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Рекомендации по теме

May Allah help me, I hope i get more than 1250


Watching this morning like an hour before my test


My SAT is a in a few hours, I am nervous 😢, I got a 1270 last time, I really want to aim for a higher score in the 1500 range


Time Passed by so fast!! i really hope that i will get a 1290. Will comment my score as soon as i get then


My dumbass fell asleep mid review 6 hours ago and now here I am trying to cram in as much info before my test in 5 hours 😭

Wish me luck on my retake! Hoping to get higher than 1250 this time


I’m doing a bunch of math practice and I’m always making silly mistakes that cost me the 800. You got any tips to minimize this?


Thank you so much man
You are life saver❤❤


Thank you bro the sums formula and the real solutions problems helped me today!


Got my sat tm scared asf I’ll lyk what I got


Hey I was wondering if the sat math problems you're showing in this video come from practice tests or released sat tests? I'm asking because I do not want to practice on sat tests from which I've seen problems before.


I hope I do well... I really want above a 1300 but we will see man


Hey so i gave the SAT.
There was a question in which we were given a dotplot. The freq was about 5 (6, 9, 3, 3, 1 smthg) and then it said there was a sixth freq added with 11 points. How does this affect mean median? Both increase right?


Hi! Any do you of know Discord groups or other resources for SAT group work?


Can Any one tell me how much does each of these math problem contain?


is there a link to the formula sheet ?
