Has SpaceX Done Anything NASA Hasn't?

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Does SpaceX have a role in furthering the frontier of space exploration? Neil deGrasse Tyson addresses comments on SpaceX’s trip to Mars, the role of public versus private enterprise in space exploration, and whether companies can afford to take the risks needed in space travel.

00:00 - Introduction: On Elon
00:46 - SpaceX vs. NASA
03:43 - Advancing Frontiers in Private Enterprise
6:18 - SpaceX’s Trip to Mars
7:30 - Artemis and Our Return to the Moon

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Do you think private companies like SpaceX are better positioned than government agencies to take the risks needed for deep space exploration, and why?


Scientist: my findings are meaningless when taken out of context.
Media: Scientists say their findings are meaningless!


Reporter: hypothetically speaking, if we got rid of all the cows on Earth eliminating all the methane gasses released from their farts, could that reverse global warming?

Scientist: If we got rid of all the cows on Earth there would be a massive food crisis that might take us out before global warming does.

Reporter: JUST HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING without going down all the different rabbit holes, just in theory, if all the cows were gone eliminating all the methane being released into the atmosphere from the cattle industry, could that reverse global warming?

Scientist: ummm… possibly to a very small degree however there’s SEVERAL factors contributing to global wa-

Reporter: BUT JUST STICKING TO COW FARTS ALONE in this instance and the amount to which it’s currently contributing to the problem aside from carbon emissions and fracking and everything else, would eliminating cows have any impact at all?

Scientist: like I said, a very VERY small impact but not enough to completely reverse global warming.

Reporter’s Headline: Scientists agree that exterminating cows could potentially reverse global warming, should farmers be worried about their livelihood?


Making billionaires upset is a natural instinct for Niel.


This why people should always watch the whole video


It’s sad what this country has turned into. The comments are more focused on who’s triggered and less on the actual content of the video. Everyone is always at each others throats for the sake of it.

You can hate Elon, and like spaceX

You can love nasa and hate the government.

Why is it so hard for people to
Have critical thinking skills?


"That's a five minute meeting." I'm going to quote you on that.


Lewis & Clark expedition in 1804-06 is a great example of government footing the bill for exploring a frontier.


I don't see this as divisive or antagonistic, he's actually clarifying that he is not at odds with Elon.


can't believe you had to clarify something so obvious.


_Ladies and gentlemen, let us acknowledge a profound truth articulated by the brilliant Neil Tyson: greatness is never the product of one individual alone. When we witness remarkable achievements, we must remember that it is not a single person who stands at the helm, but a collective force that propels success. Every groundbreaking project is built upon the foundation of a nation’s spirit, innovation, and collaboration. We must shift our focus from glorifying a solitary figure to celebrating the vibrant tapestry of talent and effort from countless individuals who contribute to that greatness. It is this shared vision and unity that forge the path to extraordinary accomplishments. Together, we rise, and together, we shine! In essence, it shouldn’t be a private company that gets all of the glory for this, but the nation it represents that being the United States of America_


In 1969, the moon landing was a source of pride, showcasing the achievement of an entire nation through public effort and shared ambition. Today, the fascination with space exploration often centers around Elon Musk. It’s almost like we’ve shifted from celebrating the power of a collective national endeavor to admiring the accomplishments of a single man leading a private company.
What is terrifying is the absence of modesty, if from generation to generation the sciences progress it is thanks to the work of previous generations it is a collective effort of the present and past.


Whoa! We on the same side guys! 😊 Credit is given when credit is due for Elon 👍


I think the problem here is that we sort of collectively forgot what it was like to have geopolitical pressures, and we’re only just figuring that out again now. The Cold War was the most insane level of foot on gas we’ve seen. In the same decade we got the Concorde, the Saturn 5, the first fusion weapons, the computer and the frickin TV! None of those were built because we wanted to, they were built because we had to.


One of the differences that people forget is that companies can go bankrupt, and possibly cease to exist. Countries can go into massive debt and still exist and function such as the United States. Nations can take greater risks than private enterprises, Neil is correct.


I'm naming my space laser that shoots Asteroids, to protect Earth from extinction, after Neil.


I'd love to see a conversation between Elon and him


I still think a moon base is the 1st step


As a citizen of India I'm sorry for that news channel Neil!😂😂 Love your videos keep them coming!


The military developed ARPANET, the the private enterprise calls it the internet.
