Your First Guitar! - ACOUSTIC or ELECTRIC?

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Should new musicians buy an Acoustic Guitar or Electric Guitar as their first instrument?
Check out this video for some pros, cons, and playing examples of each :)
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I subscribe to your channel because the audio is always of nice quality, your songs clearly original, and your playing is right in the ballpark. This video features some of your great music clips. Boy what I wouldn't do to get a string of your music playlisted. What I always ask of all YT uploaders, please share your music. And Thank You, these teasers are all killer.


My Mind: Acoustic Guitar
My Heart: Electric Guitar
My Wallet: Toy Guitar😔


When your music taste is so random, you can't decide what to pick


I started on electric. I would say start on what inspires you the most! Electric is physically easier to play, but an acoustic tends to be less expensive (mainly because you don't need to buy an amp as well). What I think it is the most important though is to choose whichever ones makes you/the person want to play more!


The other day i dropped my guitar down a mineshaft on a worker. He is now A flat minor.


Finally, a straight forward answer. I'm sick of people speaking something for 10 mins and finally say it's up to you. Thanks


My first guitar was a Les Paul Custom. I worked all summer long in high school to buy it. My dad paid for lessons but the teacher had me use an acoustic guitar in his studio and forced me to play old songs. I wanted to learn rock and roll. There was no tab, no You Tube, no friends who knew how to play. Sad to say I quit and sold the Les Paul when I needed money in college. I’m trying to learn now. Electric all the way. Thanks for this great video on starting off.


Yeah but can an electric guitar be a bongo drum as well? HUH


Best advice is this, if you want to play acoustic music, start on acoustic, if you want to play electric guitar, start with an electric guitar


I’ve already been playing electric for 6 months. And I love it so far. I really prefer the sound and the range of tones you can get on an electric. I’ve been playing for multiple hours each day and I never get bored. I absolutely love the electric guitar.


My problem is that I totally love listening to every type of music and its reakky hard choice for me even tho i thing i have bigger passion for metal


would love to have this guy as a teacher


My friend does Ukulele and I'm gonna start learning Guitar and we agreed that we would learn the Campfire Song Song as soon as we could and be annoying to anyone we know by playing on repeat


Ahhh I have both now.

The Acoustic was something me and my Mom thought would be more beginner friendly for me to play, but Imo, they are more physically demanding and larger for me (I'm a short guy lmao). Also Electric was more just for me, not just because the strings are less strong, as well as smaller, but it's a more diverse and flowing sort of instrument than Acoustic. Great Video Man!


I've found that the student's passion for playing is often tied directly to how they feel about the guitar they're playing on. If the guitar doesn't scream to them "PLAY ME!", then it's the wrong instrument. Yes, this can often be due to the difficulty in playing, but it also often comes down to the way it sounds, the way it looks, and the way it feels.

Because of this, it seems like the best thing to do is to go into the store with the aspiring would-be player and give them the opportunity to react to the instruments naturally. Give them a price point, see which ones they react strongly towards, and then put those instruments in their hands. Don't force it. If there's no connection, call it a day and try again later.

The hardest part for any new player is to get over that hump, where their efforts finally start to seem to make a difference, and where that difference is enough to overcome the frustrations (and pain) of learning a new instrument. If they connect with the instrument, you might see more passion in their efforts - passion which helps push the student when it becomes frustrating. Without that connection, the passion won't be there.

We shouldn't try to force what WE like onto the prospective player. As long as it's a sound instrument - built well and capable of being played - then all that really matters is whether or not the guitar fits the person.

Acoustic, electric, classical, thin, fat, whatever. It doesn't matter nearly as much as whether or not it makes the new player actually desire to play.


For me, it depends on the interests of the student. I was into rock stuff even before I learned guitar. So when I started to learn, I was bummed when I was told by some older guys to use an acoustic first. I would show up at lessons and struggle using the damn thing. My teacher noticed, so he let me play the Strat lying at the corner of the room instead. It was a breeze to play, albeit being more heavy in terms of weight, but it was a great learning tool due to its playability. Once I learned the lesson on the electric, I would go home and remember what I learned at home using the acoustic. Later on, as I was getting into more heavier stuff, my acoustic just couldn't do it for me. So I saved up and bought my first electric. I thought back then, I should just have started with an electric rather than waste money on something I wouldn't use anyway. And I've been an electric guitar player ever since.


I started on electric and am glad I did. I learned the basic chords and scales to start off but was able to play songs I liked really fast. I was obsessed with playing the “Purple Haze” opening riff for the the first three months or so. I played mostly unplugged bc my amp was trash, so I got a good feel for it. I bought an acoustic about a year in so I could play around with my friends. I got a better amp too. Now I happily play songs like “Bold As Love” and “Lenny” without the same difficulty I faced with the “Purple Haze” opening riff.


My first guitar was a Fender Standard Stratocaster... Mexican made... 1992. I still have it! I dropped in a David Gilmore EMG loaded pick guard and I use it when I want to play Pink Floyd.


First guitar was electric with a crappy squire frontman amp. It has a distortion button and was awesome. Had I not started with ACDC, I never would have gotten into flamenco. Electric is a great way to grab interest quickly.


I wanted to play electric guitar when I was in my 10's but ofc my parents thought they'd get me an acoustic, and as a result I spent 8 years hating guitar. Then I bought an electric one and it's just awesome
