Family Of Teen Killed In Fall At ICON Park Wants 'Free Fall' Ride Permanently Closed

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Florida's ICON Park has ordered the Free Fall ride where 14-year-old Tyre Sampson lost his life and another ride owned by the same operator shut down. WESH's Bob Hazen reports.

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He shouldn't been allowed to get on that ride that was the operator's fault. I am so so sorry for his parents


The fault lies with the operator, they are supposed to be trained properly to not allow certain individuals on the ride. If the operator was not properly trained, then the owners are at fault for not providing the proper training. The public is not responsible for knowing the safety regulations of such rides, but they should listen if told not to get on.


It isn't the machines fault, it's all human error. But rest in peace to the young man, gone to soon🙏🏽🕊


When I was young I worked at six flags .. You should see the hissy fits people have when you tell people they can't ride the rides because they are too big. A number of times I had to shut the whole ride down and call a manager so he could get cussed out.
By law the requirements are posted on the limitations to ride the rides and self responsibility needs to happen on the riders part


Sorry, but I don't agree with the family wanting the ride to be permanently closed because it wasn't ride that killed him. These rides have certain restrictions regarding weight and safety protocols are to be followed. Due to the ride operator's negligent for not following these protocols, a young man has lost his life. I understand the family's pain and my prayers goes out to them, but trying to permanently have that ride shut down isn't gonna bring that young man back.


I don't think the ride should be closed permanently. The manual gave good instructions, the ride itself seems to be in proper working order, and other operators denied this individual from riding other rides due to his size. Clearly, the fault is with the operator of this ride, along with potentially the company who employed him. I feel terrible for his parents.


This is a operations fault... As a Orlando resident and a frequent visitor of the parks like Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios, I've seen on a NUMBER of occasions oversized riders get the denial and removed. The ride does not need to be demolished, but there are operational things that need to be changed and in this case a safety harness belt needs to be added that goes from the seat to the shoulder restraint.


Sad story but there is nothing wrong with the ride. He knew he was too big. He should’ve been told no but the ride doesn’t need to be shut down.


Its horrible, my heart dropped when i heard about this. I cant imagine the parents.


Anyone consider his weight being the ultimate factor? It's pretty obvious. No one else fell off the ride.


It wasn't the ride's fault. 🤦‍♂️


The father holds half the responsibility in this. He knew that his son was not allowed on the other rides due to his size, yet he let him go on this FREE FALL ride? These rides have weight restrictions for a reason. If you don't feel secure/safe in them, get off ASAP. Unfortunate loss, but not a reason to close the ride.


This is sad, but rides have safety restrictions POSTED for a reason....

What more can be done? It falls on the operator, rider (or guardian) to make sure the individual meets the requirements.

Personally I don't like this types of rides, not that fun imo. However, I love roller coasters. I'm pretty sure one day people are going to demand those rides be permanently closed as well.


The same people blaming the operator for letting him ride would be the same people who would be bashing the operator for not letting him ride because he was fat. These people would be crying fat shaming. Also find it absolutely hilarious that the family wants the ride shut down. That would be like shutting down grocery stores because their son was fat. Smh


It’s a brand new ride that cost millions to build and will make millions over the years to come. It won’t be shut down, nor should it be. The ride itself was not faulty as far as we know.

More incidents happen on the US highways versus fatality on theme park rides. Are you prepared to not use roads now? Not have a car? Give up electricity since it can be misused into a fire hazard? Where do we draw the line?


Closing the ride wouldn't be fair.I understand you all are hurt about losing a loved one but it is the negligent operators fault for not doing their job and double checking everything before sending off the riders.A young man died on a ride there at that same park and it is still opened.I think a memorial in the park should happen though and there needs to be better training of the employees and big bright signage posted in front of these rides about the requirements.


I’m a bigger person and as a young teen I was told that I couldn’t ride for safety reasons. I got off quietly and never tried to go on any ride again. Rides are too short to take a chance of possibly getting injured or causing death.


NEW IDEA. Reloacate ride pivet directioanally different and replace seats and colour scheme and rename it ? Millions of ride goers shouldnt be punished because a hefty kid shouldnt of been on the ride


Love, peace, support and condolences to Tyre’s family and friends! Such a tragic loss of a beautiful teenage boy that had his whole life ahead of him! Hard to even comprehend how some like this can happen!


This is sad I definitely understand the lost but trying to close down is very extra and unnecessary when the ride was never at fault.
The operator should be punished for not following safety procedures.

Also having a memorial in front of a ride is going to be a bad idea. One, the park is going to find a way to move the memorial somewhere else

Is an PARK. They don’t want kids traumatize seeing a memorial in front of a ride. That’s like putting a memorial in magic kingdom and say “ yeah this boy died by jumping off the bridge to Tomorrowland “ you think Disney would have that around?

The memorial should’ve been placed somewhere else. Not in front of the ride.
