Best New Technologies in AoM: Retold

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Retold has created new technologies and updated some old ones, here i go through my favourite ones.

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Game: Age of Mythology: Retold / AoM: Retold

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Retold also did something else that is very good for modding. It lets us use god powers as unit abilities. The Guardian from the campaign has Zeus’s Bolt godpower as a special attack, I’ve already made a custom shade hero that can summon a group of hades shades with a modified Plague of Serpents GP, I’ve also got a couple of other units planned that wouldn’t have been possible in the original or extended edition.

Another thing they have added is the Roc transport now has a landing and take-off ability, and not just a scenamatic animation, so once we have a way to get custom models into the game (it’s being worked on) having flying units that can be either flying or ground units should be possible.


I’m a big fan of the new tech that makes Hersir hammers just get bigger and bigger as they fight


0:59 I am loving this with Loki if you go the giant route for -95% training time for myth units AND if you can get the relic for 20% faster training time you just flood the map instantly with troops anywhere. It feels like AoE 3 Russia with the instant army max pop


Hades toxotes with that poison dmg and ares bow of horror are insanely good


The Atlanteans have bleed damage ( looks like poison but red/purple) on the stymphalian birds and on fanatics/murmillos if you take Oceanus.


When I was reading that Thoth upgrade, I thought it was a typo.
When I tried it in the campaign, I had a blast


Great vid exactly the kind stuff I wanna see more of, thanks


Do you know about playing Zeus and going to Hera in mythic age? She has a new tech that gives free myrmidons over time. Argive Patronage.

Zeus tech Olympian parentage before only boosted hitpoints, now it also decreases hero training time by 50%.
Hermes' spirited charge not only benefits your cavalry but now also your centaurs. So Centaurs have two upgrade technologies.

My personal favorite is Apollo, his techs are changed a lot.
Oracle now als makes it possible for you to see what an enemy is training or tech'ing in their buildings when you have vision.
Temple of healing now grants your temples a special move 'to heal' instead of instantly healing everything around it, this is kind of a nerf but its still cool as an ability.
Sun ray grants vision to arrows that are shot by your archers. So when they land you will keep vision for some seconds.
Anastrophe now grants Pentekonter ships the ability to do critical hits.
Thus Apollo has become a super interesting god.

Hades his sentinel's can be placed on towncenters but also on fortresses. Now godpowers are rebuyable this godpower has become so much more interesting and strategic.

Ares' godpower Pestilence used to halt buildings from training units. Now it reduces training speed, but it also prevents buildings from shooting projectiles.

Poseidon's Lord of horses tech not only makes your cavalry faster, but also makes them regenerate on their own over time. About 1 health per 2 seconds.

The Sphinx myth unit now also has a bonus against buildings.
Ptah's tech Shaduw used to only make your farms cheaper, now it also makes your villagers build farms faster.
The Locust Swarm godpower now also attacks Berry bushes.
Sun dried mudbrick makes your buildings cheaper and faster to build, but it also has a downside probably a bug, it makes your titangate 25% longer to build lol.
Formerly Hathor, now Sobek has a new tech that makes your camels stronger but also makes them regenerate.
Sekhmet used to have two siege techs. Now they are combined, made cheaper, and allows catapults to be made an age earlier.
Horus his techs are changed as you said. But his spearman tech now doesn't give hitpoints, instead it increases attack and bonus against cav. Instead the third tech increases hitpoints for all infantry. Horus got a lot stronger amazing.
Isis prosperity power used to only increase villagers gathering rate, it now also benefits caravans.
Nepthys tech Funeral rites now grants you gold when a soldier falls.
Nepthys her tech Funeral barge now when your war barge ship falls grant you a new leviathan in its place instead.
Thoths tech Tusks of Apedemak now also reduces elephants population counts. Thus you can also make more elephants!!
Set has a cool new tech Clairvoyance, allowing his godpower Vision to be free and faster to recharge.

Skadi's Huntress Axe now makes sure your Throwing Axemen never miss. So they have 100% accuracy so sweet!
Skadi's Winter harvest tech is now not only for farmers but also boosts your hunters and gatherers.
Skadi's Artic winds gives your Drekar ships a chance to freeze enemy ships.
Battle boar now also has a bonus against buildings.
Bragi has a new tech Call of Valhalla that grants you favor for every dead berserk(ulfsark).
Bragi's Thurisaz Rune now lets your myth units regenerate.
Odin's Hamask makes your berserks(ulfsarks) increase moving speed and damage for every lost hitpoint just like the horus axemen.
Heimdals Rigsthula tech makes you age up faster. And his tech Safeguard makes your buildings cost less gold even hill forts and towncenters. That is so impactful!
When you place walking woods godpower, now you can actually control the walking woods!
Im loving Njords new tech Vikings, it makes your raiding cavalry give you gold when fighting.
Hel's Nidhog is s much stronger now lmao, basically a small titan.
Hel's tech Granite blood is actually nerfed, the regeneration is now given to Bragi lol.

Kronos deconstruction is nerfed, it now gives the player their resources back for the building they lost.
Kronos tech Temporal chaos allows you to shift multiple buildings at the same time which is maaaad :')
Prometheus godpower Valor now also heals the unit that becomes a hero.
Prometheus Alluvial clay tech now grants a third Promethean offspring lmao. They're even stronger now.
Rheia's Orichalkos mail now also makes turma stronger and not only arcus.
Rheia's tech Rheias gift used to remove favor from mythological techs, but now it doesnt matter when you do it because previously spend favor on mythological techs is now also given back to you. Gosh that was something i could always get angry over when i spend all those techs on automatons which were expensive.
Rheia has a pretty OP new tech Daktyloi which automatically heals ships near docks.
Atlas implode godpower becomes stronger when there are more units in its area. That is so crazy o.O
Atlas has a new tech Devotees of Atlas it makes the fanaty become stronger when they lose hitpoints, you also said it. That is so crazy to me they are so strong already.
Oceanus Bite of the shark tech now also benefits Fanatics.
I haven't tested it yet but it sounds like Satyr's spears can now pierce multiple units if they stand close to eachother. It seems so. That Gemini tech increases the area of effect.
Theia's Prophetic sight is wild like Apollo. When your Oracle gives you line of sight of an enemy building you can see what they are training.
Theia's lance of stone gives your Contari a slow ability.
Hekate has a new tech for Lampades, Asper blood the lampades can normally do Chaos but it seems they have a new ability to turn enemy units into chickens. That way you won't need farms anymore. You can just harvest your enemies. This really feels like Warcraft 3 Undead lol.
Gaia's Channel tech is nerfed, it only gives more speed on lush ground.


Poseidon unique horses with lifesteal is crazy strong since they do aoe dmg


They gave Thoth that super bonkers upgrade because everyone else always runs the Sons of Osiris lmao.


You missed Odins unique tech for ulfsarks dealing more damage and speed form losing health


Hephaestus gives an upgrade for +20% damage for Unique Units but also now gives them a x2 damage modifier vs. Myth Units, works great on Gastraphetoros. I bet it would really amp up Myrmidon/Hetairos quite a bit as well, can shore up your weakness to Myth units if your heroes are getting sniped a lot.


2:12 laugh my ass off with that kick 😂😂😂😂


Pretty nice summary there! I also liked all of those.


i quite like Argive Patronage from Zeus's Exclusive goddess Hera. it spawns a myrmidon for free every 45 seconds at a fort . you break even after only just 5 myrmidons and you could in theory build more forts as it effects every fort. in one of the campaign missions i ended up just building 10 forts to get 10 myrmidons for free every 45 seconds


Arctic winds from Skadi is nice to regain water, it freezes quite frequently


I feel like Hamask has got to be the strongest low HP buff tech since you can combo it with so many other techs like berserkergang


When egyptian titan has lifesteal, is he gainning HP from all targets he hits, or just the main one?


Maybe someone already mentioned this, but Sarissa Spear will actually attack through walls if the enemy is on the other side trying to break it down.


I just gave the atlanteans in my scenario favor gain for owning oracle heros, and now I learn thats what the new atlantean favor mechanic is. Huh!
