Tspreed: Reading Faster Than The Speed Of Sound

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Speed reading is a concept that I had never heard of before I found this tool but the propents of it claim that it can massively boost their reading speed and tspreed this terminal speed reading app is one such app. The idea is fairly contested though so i'd say try it out and see what you think.

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==========Time Stamps==========
0:00 Introduction
0:17 Demonstration
1:35 Words Per Minute
2:27 Enable Focus
2:56 Focus Line Type
3:16 Focus Color
4:01 Variable Words Per Minute
4:42 Return To Word
5:22 Configuration
5:55 What Is Speed Reading
7:55 Cool Additions
9:04 Installation Notes
9:12 Outro

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Oh my God, you just said my 5 favorite words at the end. "It's just a shell script". I have a habit of rewriting many tools like that as shell scripts to avoid installing dependencies and spent half the video planning exactly how I would do it. But now I can just modify the existing script to add in the features I think are missing. Thanks a bunch for this vid, because now it's time to check the license!


This would be amazing on a pinephone or librem 5. Since displaying an entire doc or article page is no longer nessesary you can just have the single word take up your entire phone screen instead. The focus needle could also gradually change from cool to hot color as you progress through the text to indicate how far in you are.


I actually took speed reading in school. The very first day, the teacher put up a screen and turn the film on. All we saw was flashes of light. She turn off the film and ask us what we seen. Nothing but flashes of light. But teacher swear there was readable text on this film. We use this light machine to read our books. The book is prop up with a metal wire in the center of the book. So the book will stay open. Then this thin line of light goes down the page one line at a time. We dial that light to our speed, so we can read and understand the book that we are reading. We was taught to skip works as we read. The common words that you use to make a sentence. Words like; like, to, a, an, the, can, will, that, do, go, get, make, know, take, see, come, look, use, find, give, tell, now, how, also, not, as, here, so, very, them, him, me, my, it, many, more, new, any, down, or, if, in, for, by, into, you get the picture. Because you can read the other words in the book while skipping these words and put that sentence together pretty easily. Then we was taught how to read words differently. Can you read this?

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

These exercise actually taught me how to speed read. Slowly we speed up that one line light to our books to go faster. And still able to read the book easily. Couldn't believe it. After our 6 months of being taught how to speed read. We all watch that same film on that first day of class. And guess what, there was readable text on that film. That we thought was just flashing light. We was taught by a great teacher.


This is one of the most hilariously awesome scripts I've seen in a minute : )))


Another well-thought reviews, thanks.


Could be handy for quick vocab recognition in language learning with the right document...Pero Dog Hombre Man Azul Blue... etc

Start slow, speed up, then have it skip the translation (read every other word) when you are ready.


I use a modified perl script now (pasky/speedread), will have a look at Tspreed.
Edit: paskys' speedread have pause and context.


Speedreading: how to retain less information in less time!


Was doing some testing before I started making modifications to the script and I found a pretty major bug. If the text file contains an asterisk the script will break and print the contents of the current directory one word at a time. Will probably lodge a pull request in the near future to address this along with adding some additional features.


Oh HELL yeah. i have a browser extension for this very thing, didn't know i needed this in my life. now i do 🤣️


I know I am commenting on the wrong video but I noticed that you had bspwm on a laptop and had the same hybrid graphics (iGPU and MX15).. Could you mind telling me if I need to do something additional besides installing optimus manager? I don't have any DMs installed.. I use startx.


Thanks I was looking for such application for Linux before that I had to use windows application called spreader with wine. 🍷


Every time speed reading has come up irl conversation it's always been by some R*dditor type person bragging how they read the entire Harry Potter series over a weekend. This has only happened twice, but that's still 100% too many. In conclusion, speed reading is a gateway gimmick to buying a fedora.


I just got an ad that described how a girl read 30 books in a month


Hehe, it is just like Zoo TV, The Fly.


Too bad this cannot be done with online material upon a simple keystroke. I think I’d absorb much more of what I am reading.


well it's less annoying than the star wars scrolling intro


600 words a minute is 4x human speech rate. I watch YouTube videos at 3x-4x all the time with perfect comprehension. Text to speech is a far better approach. You're free to multi-task.
