Always keep dating

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The three phases of relationship.

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Presented by Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks provides viewers with a brief, thought-provoking video several days a week on a variety of psychological topics, inspired by his clinical practice. The intention is for the core idea contained within each video to inspire viewers to see something about themselves or their world in a slightly different light. The ultimate mission of the channel is to reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering in the world.

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Be attractive and cool for yourself, not for partner. It's such a mood boost


My parents were passionately in love for 77! years. They never stopped dating. Both my father and mother did all they could to remain attractive to the other to the ends of their lives.


There are 2 types of women, the ones sexually attracted to you, and the ones looking for financial security. The first one will need financial security too but it won’t feel nearly as much of a burden because she’ll genuinely put in effort into being you. If you know a woman doesn’t view you as “That Guy”, DO NOT give her a ring. Men seem to believe that giving a woman marriage will automatically make her submissive in all sense of the word. WRONG, that’s how you get hit with a Bait N’ Switch. Stop underestimating these women.


Men's list of partnership priorities: 4-5 items. Women's list of partnership priorities: 100+. Food for thought.


Here's dating in a nutshell: for women it's like going shopping but for men it's like going to a job interview.


I live to make my husband both happy and proud of me. I keep him happy by being sweet, respectful, and grateful towards him everyday. I keep him proud of me by trying to be the best version of myself everyday. Taking great care in my physical appearance and continuing to develop my mind with hobbies, school, etc. We have been married for 7 years and have two young sons. Even if I have been in sweats, with kid grime all over me, and spent the day cleaning toilets; I will shower and dress like a 10 for him before he walks in the door. Because of how well he provides for me, I think its the least I can do for him. He rewards this behavior by spoiling me and complimenting me everyday. I have bad days of course. Its hard to be this way every single day, but I find that if I am like this 90% of the time, he is so compassionate snd understanding towards me if I cop an attitude or something because it truely is so rare. I actually think he might even find it kinda hot because its unexpected and he is reminded that my subservience is a gift. Its a thank you.


Women are human beings. Men are human doings.


Talk about women being and feeling entitled to everything for a change, that's the truth, these videos are all about navigating through toxic relationships and not the source of the problem


Relationships aren't just a "set it and forget it" kind of deal, you know? It's all about that ongoing connection and making sure both partners feel appreciated and desired. Let's not forget that attraction is a two-way street!


My sister surrounded herself with big lady role models, large and in charge. She got in shape, got her man, and then predictably let herself go and looked like a dump. He stopped having sex with her because he was repulsed. She became angry and bitchy and was the perfect example of large and in charge. What a nightmare relationship! I told her the truth - you have to keep yourself in shape forever. It's an obligation, because you technically never get to stop dating each other. Put a lot more effort into making yourself attractive, and prosper.


A simpler way to say it is with this analogy: a relationship is like a little flower that you have to water regularly.


More I learn, the more I realize relationships are not worth it for the man.


A key thing to understand also is most woman can monkey branch extremely easy, while most men will take months to recover from a breakup.


So the reverse of this is: dont try too hard to impress a girl... She might end up likeing the efford or the "boosted" version of your self and you wery likely wont be able to sustain that for wery long... Same thing as to say it is smart for womens not too use makeuo as he mighr end up likeing the "painting" you put on yourself instead of who you are... And you cant aleays be a painting 24/7


The more I learn about relationships with so many people on YT putting in their thoughts and ideas… the harder it’s getting… it’s like dating is not something simple or organic to try out but rather something you need a PhD in and it’s excruciatingly difficult etc. makes me just overthink about all the information that bombardes me about how I should be and how women are and should be treated etc. not to mention a lot of the advice is contradictory from one expert to another…


Attraction negotiation and maintenance. Thank you for putting these three phases in perspective for us. These three should be part of our frame for relationships


Dating is just a phase to find your mate and then you get married. Dating is not fun, it means getting rejected by women, so who wants to do that? Also dating is like taking a test, and your partner decides whether no pass of fail, no thank you!


Yep, I've been that guy before. I think a lot of people have. It's easy to fall into routine. Continuing to date each other isn't just nice, it's necessary; fires don't stay lit unless tended to.


A lot of his advice misses the mark for me. But, this one is so true!


You better define ‚dating‘ in the first place, instead of assuming everybody understands the same thing. For most of the younger folks, dating these days is just sleeping around without any form of commitment. This is not at all what caring to keep a relationship alive is all about.
