String Theory Simplified: A bunch of BS? Or Answers Why Do We Exist?

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What is string theory? When string theory is simplified - it can answer the question "Why do we exist?" First you must accept that there are two worlds we live in - the world of the large, the world we can see, which is familiar, calm, and predictable. And there is the world of the small, the world we can’t see, the quantum world, which is bizarre, chaotic, and unpredictable.
The large is described by Einstein’s equations of relativity, and the small is described by the equations of quantum mechanics. These two parts of nature are incompatible when it comes to the equations of physics.

The small is ruled by 3 forces – the strong nuclear force, the weak force, and electromagnetism. The large is ruled by gravity. Gravity is not like the other forces, and nobody has been able to figure out how it is related to the other forces. String theory attempts to do just that. And if it can, it would unite the small and large worlds of our universe into one set of equations, and would explain all particles and forces in the universe. This could be the theory of everything.

String theory dispenses with the idea that the tiniest particles in nature are points, rather, string theory hypothesizes that at the smallest scales, nature is made of tiny vibrating bits of energy in the shape of filaments or strings. According to string theory all the elementary particles in the standard model are not points, but rather vibrating strings. Different vibrations of a string create the different particles, like different vibrations of piano strings create different notes.

So according to ST, for example, one vibration may result in an electron, another may result in an Up quark. In fact the unique vibrations of these strings determine the mass, electric charge, and spin of all elementary particles. And it so happens that in one of its vibrations, a particle that has the properties of a graviton emerges from its mathematics. The graviton is a theoretical quantum particle that would carry the force of gravity. And this is the key to uniting the two worlds of the small quantum world and the large celestial world.Thus String theory can model quantum gravity, similar to the way loop quantum gravity also models quantum gravity.

Ok, so if we can model gravity at the quantum scale, then our work should be done. We should have a theory of everything, right?
You might say, well, all we have to do is look inside these elementary particles, and if we find a string, we’re done. String theory would be confirmed. The problem is that the math predicts these strings to be extremely small. If an atom was the size of the earth, one string would be the size of a 2 inch piece of yarn. To detect something this small, we would need a particle accelerator the size of the milky way galaxy. So detecting them physically is out of the question.

There is another imaginary leap you have to make, that I didn’t tell you about earlier, and that is that these strings are not 3 dimensional, but rather 1 dimensional – so they have a size in only in 1 dimension. They are really little more than bits of energy. And in order to make the various particles emerge from its mathematics, these strings need to vibrate in 9 spacial dimensions. So where are the other 6 dimensions? String theorists will tell you that these dimensions, are so small that we cannot perceive them.

The mathematics of String theory makes some strange cosmological predictions, which may explain the nature of existence. Just like vibrations through a French horn vs a trumpet are different because of the difference in the twists and turns of the instrument, the vibrational patterns of strings are also different depending on the shape of the extra dimensions.

We happen to be living in a universe where the shapes of the extra dimensions are such that the universe that we observe happens to exist. And here is a 2d representation of what our 6D universe would look like. It is called a calabi-yau manifold. It so happens, that if the shape of the extra dimensions are slightly different, a different universe can emerge. These would be universes with completely different properties than our.

More on Calabi-Yau manifold here:

So this is how String theory implicates that we may be living in a multiverse, where we just happen to be on a kind of membrane of a multitude of membranes which may contain other universes. This implies that we exist because if you have a near infinite number of universes with lots of different properties, then a universe like ours where gravity can form planets and complex molecules can form life, is bound to exist. And if we are living in a membrane, then the mathematics shows that a collision with another membrane would have caused energy on a huge scale – which would look a lot like the big bang, which is of course what we observe.

Watch video for concluding remarks..
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Arvin Ash is my new favorite super, deep, short, in one word super :)


I still don't understand about the vibration.
Vibration of WHAT?


“In order to make the world we see, these strings have to vibrate in nine dimensions “. I am afraid he didn’t explain what was the compulsion to conceive of this vibration in nine dimensions.


Thank you. Out of all those explaining string theory your simplified version, I nearly understood.


Silly question.what degrees do you have.just curious because your explanation of these videos is incredible


@arvin ash please tell. Me

what's ur thoughts on godel's incompleteness theorem??
What's the application in physics


On the subject of vibrations causing proton vs electron vs neutron I'm OK, but on 9 or 10 dimensions I'm drawing a...planck


I still have way to go understanding physics thank you Arvin for the detailed videos 👍


Sean Carroll and Arvin Ash are my two go to guys for a quantum fix, lol.


Two questions please:

-How can gravitons exist if gravity is not a force but a geometrical property of space? Where would it come from in this case? From space itself? It makes a lot of sense to me thinking about space being quantized but regarding gravity I'm not sure how to think of it if it's just a geometrical property not a force.

-In regard to tiny extradimensions does this mean that they are built inside us as well? Meaning that we ourselves are confied to 3D but are made out of extradimensions? Not sure how to think of it either.


Maybe the universe (all universes) IS nothing but math. Modern computer games and 3D movie effects look pretty real, but _they_ are nothing but math. Why not us, too?


OK, how can something be ‘near infinite’? It either is infinite and can never be something less, or it is not infinite.


perfect description about string theory.
i have confused about string theory, is string theory science or philosophy?


I see all the big names of string theory... except Dr. Sheldon Cooper?


A couple people asked: Do I think String Theory describes the true nature of the Universe? My answer - I don't think so. My main problem is with the idea is that the theory can describe an innumerable number of different types of universes - 10 to the power 500 at last count. But it's undeniable that the equations from string theory appear to fit with our observations. So I could be wrong. What's your opinion?


Wow.. I am absolutely grateful to you for simplifying these complex theories.
You should have millions of views and likes.
Thank You.
I can't stop watching them.


Keep it up Arvin, remember me when you’re a big shot youtuber. Production quality is 10


I love your videos Arvin. Very coherent, humble and knowledgeable. Thank you for your awesome time!


How are you not that popular, this is amazingly produced and very well explained


"Bizzare chaotic unpredictable"
Sounds like my ex
