Brian Greene - Should We Ditch String Theory?

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In this thought-provoking video, renowned theoretical physicist Brian Greene delves into the complexities of String Theory and its role in unifying our understanding of the universe. He explains that the current understanding of the universe is based on two major theories: quantum physics and general relativity, which respectively explain the behavior of microscopic particles and the large-scale structure of the universe. However, these two theories seem incompatible when combined.

Brian Greene elucidates how scientists have been trying to reconcile this paradox through a quest for a theory of everything. Among the proposed solutions, String Theory stands out. According to String Theory, the most basic constituents of the universe are not particles, but rather tiny, vibrating strings of energy. Different vibrations of these strings give rise to different particles, and hence the diversity we observe in the universe. This idea provides a unified framework, encapsulating matter particles and force particles within the same theoretical structure.

As Greene articulates with passion, String Theory suggests that everything in the universe, at its core, is made up of these tiny vibrating strings. He illustrates this concept through an analogy of examining an object closely until we see its constituents like atoms, and then even further down to the level of quarks. But conventional ideas stop at quarks, and here is where String Theory proposes the new idea of vibrating strings of energy within these particles.

However, String Theory is not without its challenges. Greene explains that the mathematics of String Theory implies the existence of extra dimensions beyond the familiar three dimensions of space and one of time. String Theory requires ten dimensions of space and one dimension of time. These additional dimensions are believed to be compact and hidden from our perception, making them incredibly challenging to investigate.

Towards the end of the video, Brian Greene addresses skepticism around String Theory. Despite the beauty and elegance of its mathematical framework, String Theory has not yet made testable predictions or yielded experimental evidence. This raises questions about whether it is still a viable candidate for the theory of everything.

This video is ideal for anyone interested in physics, cosmology, or the fundamental nature of the universe. Brian Greene’s ability to distill complex ideas into accessible language makes this a must-watch for both experts and laypeople alike.

#stringtheory #briangreene #science
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String theory is no longer a theory. We know for a fact that String Theory predicts with 100% certainty that anyone studying String Theory will get grant money and get to go to really nice places for conferences.


"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers what the Universe is for and why it exists, it will immediately disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened." -- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.


Newtonian mechanics gave results immediately; Quantum Mechanics opened new avenues of research within 10 years, General Relativity gave solid results within 5 years - how long is too long for String Theory?


We should! String Theory is Mathematical concept, not a Physics based one. It has always failed to make any testable predictions or yield any experimental evidence, and we are still going at it sadly ... Physics is stuck because too much time is spent on this theory. Just my 2 cents ..


String theorists have made great progress in understanding the mathematics of string theory. They have made absolutely no progress in understanding how the universe works.


We have a saying in Algeria: “It is like one who waits for salt to blossom.” The meaning is that one who waits for results from ST is like one who waits for a rose seed to blossom in a pot of salt.


Brian Greene seems to shape his answers towards a conclusion he's already decided upon. String theory may just need uncountable decades of further research, my faith in Greene does not - I'm looking for others to explain without the bias.


Please, yes! 40 years of ST and its not what we see in experiments. Time to rethink.


It seems to me that a 'theory of everything' isn't something one stumbles upon with our first shot in the dark. A slow, incremental journey seems more likely to me. Whether string theory is part of the final solution or not, proving or disproving it gets us further down the road towards the goal. The ego of mankind that demands results within an arbitrary timeframe is a mindset that is anti-scientific by definition. IMO.


Whilst the String Theory definitely shouldn't be abandoned, Michio Kaku should be put back under control.


Replace the strings with mere mathematical formulas and vibrations with mere numbers. It's the same thing, without the ridiculous “filaments of pure energy“ that no-one will ever see.


This is really one of the best channels on YouTube ❤


I would argue that we should refer to it as the String Hypothesis


I think this is yet another break through in the science community! String theory never seemed like the end all to me, but it damn sure opened up minds to thoughts of what could be! We’re on the right path and I think that should be celebrated!


Too many brilliant physicists minds have spent far too long going down this rabbit hole.Every physicists fresh out of college should begin thier careers from first principles, with beauty and simplicity as their mantra.


Maybe not completely but certainly cut a big chunk of the funding out and cut your losses..It's been 70 years now and the resources, brains, time & effort put into this vs other things stagnated physics as a whole.


Short answer: yes.

Long answer: yes.


Why do they call it "string theory" and not "string hypothesis"?


I appreciate the variety of topics you cover and the effort you put into it!!!


This is what happens when physics get taken over by mathematicians only and all becames a mathematical effort with "little" experimentation or worst yet, no possibility at all of experimentation at all, at least there are powerful experiments that will yield conclusive results about fundamental nature like CERN and better yet its upgrades in the near future that will boost luminosity to such extent that it will deliver fantastic results. The Chinese are planning to build their Circular Electron Positron Collider to investigate in detail the Higgs boson, this is good as it could generate an accelerator "arms race" and yield even more results in basic science.
