Horcrux Creation's Dark SECRET Made JK Rowling's Editor VOMIT - Harry Potter Theory

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Hey everyone, welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. In a Wizarding World full of magic, Horcruxes are without a doubt one of the darkest forms of this magic. These cursed objects, created through an unnamed and forbidden process, are known for their ability to fragment the soul, preserving it beyond death, and granting the creator an impenetrable shield of immortality. However, the creation of these sinister objects comes at an unthinkable cost, leading us to wonder what dark magic and sacrilege went into their making.

What unspeakable rituals did Voldemort undertake to achieve his twisted form of immortality? How did the creation of each Horcrux alter his soul, turning him further down the path of darkness? And what mysteries lie buried within the shattered remnants of his fragmented soul?

Today we’re going to be exploring all of that, and more, as we uncover the truth behind the horrific dark magic that produces Horcruxes.

Horcruxes, said to be one of two things from the Harry Potter books that made JK Rowling’s editor nearly VOMIT, are still very much an enigma to this day. The very first known Horcrux was made in Ancient Greece by a wizard named Herpo the Foul, and thousands of years later, Voldemort became only the second known creator of a Horcrux. Made from magic that is so terrible in nature that even dark wizards are horrified by what it entails, Horcruxes are creations that are unimaginable to the vast majority of the Wizarding World. So, when Voldemort made seven, it was a demonstration of just how incredibly evil he was. When interviewed on the topic, even JK Rowling stumbled her words as to avoid revealing its process directly.





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I think Rowling didn't even think of any ritual, she just said it's so horrible she can't talk about it. That way everyone thinks about something they found the worst.


title: made editor vomit

Spoiler alert, it didn’t make her editor vomit.


I mean, Voldemort is basically a lich, which is a kind of undead, and the undead are definitely known for their pleasant diets. So there's that.
Also, Unicorns are not defenceless.


The vomit part was about her discussing making a homunculus. Anyone that has read Paracelsus (1493–1541) knows how they are supposed to be made, and it is sick. It speaks much about how low Peter would go.

The mere act of cold-blooded murder causes the soul to split, according to JKR, and that gives one the ability to capture that shard in an item prepared by ritual beforehand. The Horcrux would act like a trap for the soul shard. Believe it or not, this has ties to her tale of the Warlock's Hairy Heart, where magic was thought to be located in the body within the heart, the Southern Cross, and the idea of the Tefillin (Phylacteries) used in religion.

However, Harry wasn't a real Horcrux, he was possessed by the soul shard. Dumbledore made a comment that Harry was the Horcrux that Tom didn't intend on creating, thus there was no ritual to cleanse and ready an object, and there was no object to be used. The soul shard acted like a leech and attached itself to the only living being in the house.

JKR did her research well.


its not Cannibalism. the bodies have been found with NO MARKS ON THEM, so there would have been marks if he took bites out of them


My theory: She had nothing specific in mind.
The most horrible thing, isn't the horror we see. But the one we can't see...


I somewhere read the theroy, that one has to perform legeilimency on the victim. So he has to be inside the mind in the moment it dies and has to go through the same torment as the victim.
I find it fitting because it has to be really disturbing for the one who casts the spell and could easily be able to split a soul.


I think JKR didn't actually think up a process for horcruxes, and just pretended she did. The readers imagination will create far more grotesque imagery than she could have written down


Why didn't he turn a unicorn into a Horcrux? "Oh, you wish to destroy that Horcrux? Go ahead! Wait a minute..."


I’d say perhaps Voldy needed to eat the heart (not just any body part) of his victims during the creation of the horcrux. If I’m not mistaken, ancient Egyptians believed the heart is where the soul is located.


Going by the facts that this is a dangerous process, a multifacted process and something that will make people sick to their stomach when it is described to them, I would think the following (also taking into account the skills of the first creator...):

Step 1: Complete and absolute mental preparedness: in order to be create a Horcrux, you have to be absolutely certain that you want to create a Horcrux. There can't be any hesitation and doubt in your mind about the endeavour.
Step 2: You have to prepare for the horcrux creation potion: a dark potion might be the key to create a horcrux, a potion that requires some very interesting ingredients and those have to be collected. Next to a variety of elements that are poisonous, I think the most gruesome ingredients and the most dangerous one is about 10 pints of your own blood. This is approxiametely the full amount found in a human body, so off course it can't be harvested in one sitting, so it has to be collected over time. But in order to make this sacrifice a true sacrifice, the blood can also not to be too old. So perhaps max 10 weeks old. Another important ingredient would be snake venom.
Step 3: Preparing the potion: this dark potion has off course be created and is probably a highly complex process that takes a master potion maker to do successfully and take a few hours to prepare and few weeks to "ripe". As stated before, it is a mixture of the user's own 10 pints of blood, snake venom and a few other ingredients, as well as few dark incantations spoken during the brewing process.
Step 4: Starvation: once the potion has riped, it is time to prepare the body and the first step would be starving it from food for a few days, maybe a couple weeks.
Step 5: Forced dehydration: to further prepare the body, a ritual similar to the self-mummification might be employed to "dry out the body" a bit. Monks used poisonous tea to dehydrate themselves and I would say, a few hours before one consume the Horcrux Potion.
Step 6: the point of no return: beyond this point, the Horcrux has to be either created or the witch or wizard has committed convulted and long drawn-out suicide, the aspirant Horcrux maker has to drink the entire brew. The dark magic in the brew will allow the user to consume the ridiculous quantity without harm but won't reduce the discomfort of consuming such an amount of fluid. And after the last drop has passed the lips, the drinker is on the clock. They will have three months to complete the ritual or else, it will be their death.
Step 7: find a victim, a true victim and be the cause of their death: In the three months that the user has remaining, they have to find a suitable victim. The method of killing is of no importance, as long as it is a victim is a true innocent towards the dark witch or wizard. It can't be a true enemy of the murderer and it can't be a kill in self-defense. While ulterior motives don't affect the process much, part of the motive for the murder has to be explicitly the creation of a Horcrux. Once the victim is dead, the soul, weakened due to the prior preparations will now be split, though not completely ripped. This requires the final two steps and has to be completed in the weeks after the murder, otherwise the soul might heal after all and it is all for nothing.
Step 8: Prepare the vessel: once again, a blood sacrifice is required, the item that will be come the horcrux has to be "baptized" with a least another pint of the user's own blood.
Step 9: The final spell has to be cast, which will tear the loose soul part from the master soul and force it into the now marked object.
Step 10: If all prior 9 steps have been completed without faults and without doubt, hesitation or regret, you have yourself a brand new horcrux and are on the path to immortality.

Everytime this ritual is enacted however, it will take a little more of the maker, resulting in horrendous disfigurements.


I feel like a potion has to be involved, which is why Slughorn would be the obvious choice for who to ask about them.


bathing the object in blood sounds like a realistic idea


So she didn’t vomit. I see. Clickbait at its best.


I think necrophilia is a likely part of the process.

Drinking blood is not taboo enough to keep Rowling from mentioning it in an interview (vampire stories are common in our culture). Canabilism would make sense but like you said we don't know if the bodies were mutilated. Necrophilia would be nasty enough to keep her from bringing it up in an interview and also has a basis in history (see some serial killers).


I do love your theories. However cannibalism is doubtful as it was noted in the GOF that when the riddles were found there was nothing anatomically or medically wrong with them, apart from the fact that they were all dead. Which completely stymied the muggle police.


She probably never came up with any explanation and just fumbled around in the interview to avoid admitting she didn't have an explanation


yepp, I have always headcanoned that cannibalism necessary because simply murder would mean half the world is on the cusp of creating a horcrux


My friend had a theory necrophilia might be one step of a horcrux.


I bet it's something horrible to do with an embryo or neonate. The hint is the last embodiment or manifestation of the last horcrux, seen as a crying baby by Harry in that weird King's Cross place.
