Top 10 Fish Killers, 10 Most Common Fish Keeping Diseases, 10 Things

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I took in a betta from my work; a woman had surrendered him and another because she was moving. Said they were both healthy, she just couldn't take them with her. Yeah right: both of them had severe fin rot, clamped fins, and the one I took (a coworker took the other) was covered in velvet. After 2 weeks of aggressive treatments with malachite green, frequent water changes, blackouts, and 84°F water, he fully recovered and even changed color from green to blue. His tail will never be like a typical crowntail again, but he's healthy, active, and certainly not suffering from neglect anymore.


You are quickly becoming one of my favorite fish channels. Your content is always straight forward, honest, and easy to understand. I love it!


Would love to give you an update! My guppy at 4:20/min with Dropsy is now healthy and cured! I was feeding to much brine shrimp! Followed these steps showen in the video and now he is a happy healthy fish! 😍🐟❤


I lost my betta a couple days ago, and I unfortunately had to learn a lot of hard lessons on illness and tank maintenance. Really helps having your channel to go to, now if I ever have a sick fish I'll know what to do right away. Thanks guys!


hey John & Lisa..
thanks for using my clip.. 8:13..


Two things I'd add is that many of the medications recommended will kill invertebrates like shrimp and snails. And not all medications are okay for loaches and some catfish--the so-called scale-less fish.


Thank you both for this video!
I treat fin rot and swim bladder for bettas very simply. Hospital tank, aquarium salt, and daily water changes. Raising the temp to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and add Indian Almond Leaves help too.


For those in the UK - 82-84'F is around 27-28'C


I've actually never dealt with ich, even in my fish keeping days as a kid when I kept bettas in a gallon or less or dalmation mollies in a 10 gallon, and didn't know what cycling actually was... And I got all my fish from chain stores.

A couple months ago, my new male betta developed cloudy eye though. I'd only had him for a few days and he'd been frantically glass surfing most of that time. I had a lava rock near one tank wall, so I think he may have scraped it. I vacuumed the tank and moved things around the day before it developed and he'd followed the vacuum around, so I think the eye became infected. I immediately dosed the tank with Paraguard and the next day he was already improving. I continued treating for a week even after he looked better and haven't had any more issues. I removed the lava rock, also. After he settled in, he stopped glass surfing.

I'm not entirely sure if she had gill flukes, but one of my platies had been acting weird for a week already, so when I saw her suddenly start flashing, I decided to quit waiting for more signs of illness and treat the tank with General Cure. The next day, she was already improving, but I continued following the instructions to finish the treatment and she's been healthy ever since.


The best medication I have ever used for my fish is tea tree oil. Since using this I have had no problems in my tank. I use a little bit of it in every water change and now I finally have a happy healthy tank.


Vital data for all fishkeepers. Thanks John and Lisa!


I saved my one betta from our local all in one grocery store...his cup had algae and was full of poop...he has cloudy eye from that cup, I've tried everything, but nothing helped...after having him for two months, his glow up is incredible!! A brand new betta 💙


I love your videos! It's so nice to sit and watch someone who is obsessed with fish and owns it lol I've been obsessed since I was a child. It would be really cool if you could do a video sometime on native North American fish, I am almost exclusively a native fish and reptile keeper and I'd be intrigued to see what you'd have to say on the subject!


you forgot the most dreaded disease of all - MTS. It spreads from fishkeeper to fishkeeper. There is no cure 😢. Seriously though - great video as always


My Australian Bass got cloudy eye I went through the tests and worked out that the PH was only 5.4, so after large water changes over the next few weeks and adding some coral rubble to the tank it seemed to fix it.


Hi my name is Julian. I am ten years old and I love your videos! I have learned so many great things from your videos. I have a ten gallon aquarium and a twenty nine. In my ten gallon I have 2 mollies, 3 guppies, 2 silver dollars and 3 snails. In my 29 gallon I have 1 red zebra cliched, 2 jack Daniel cliches, 2 catfish and 2 other ciclids. Keep the videos coming! (Also, I'm new to the hobby).


I've actually had some success with separating fish with ich into a hospital tank without having to treat my whole tank. Have to catch it early and check every day for fish that may have been affected and move them over, but normally after three days I can't find any more fish with ich in the main tank.


Stress. My 0skie recently started to sulk and avoid eating. I figured it was because i moved a piece of furniture near the left side of his tank. He was used to just seeing a white wall there, but now I guess he was shocked to see something different there...i hope he gets back to normal soon.


hello thanks for the video, I thought that my fish had bacterial fin rot and also some fungus growing on her and I've been trying to treat them separately and things weren't working. Thank goodness I ran into your video because it made me realize she had columnaris and I need to treat her differently. Do you have specific antibiotics that you recommend? or just any antibiotics will work?


Idk if dropsy is different for goldfish but the info I researched for when my goldfish got dropsy is very different from this. Like Dropsy can't really be caught early cause as soon as the fish bloats up and pinecones up it often too late. But maybe it is just different for goldfish I'm not sure
