Computer Science vs Software Engineering - Which One Is A Better Major?

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What’s the difference between Computer Science and Software Engineering majors? Watch this video to find out!

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If I need to make updates in the future, I’ll update the article because updating a Medium article is so much easier than updating a YouTube video :)


I just like the smile he keeps on his face when he records the videos.


As a person who finished both Computer Science and Software Engineering, as well as working as a software engineer, I strongly agree with you and personally believe computer science is a better option and produces better software engineers in general


I feel like software engineering is more just directed towards programming and computer science is more generic, not just software development, but AI, machine learning, etc. Computer science is more math & science, but it will strengthen your logical thinking/problem-solving skills, which is required for software development. Just in case you get tired of programming, you can do something else with your degree.


Before watching this video me: "I want to be a software engineer"
After watching this video me:"I definitely want to be a software engineer"


Wanted to say thank you @CS Dojo for all the videos you posted, it made me want to learn more about writing computer code and I think you genuinely want to assist anyone interested in the field. Looking forward to seeing more content in the future.


*laughs in Computer Science & Engineering*


First congrats on your channel blowing up so much in the last few months! I think the CS vs SE debate is highly dependent on the university. In some colleges the SE/CS tracks are basically the same, with the biggest differences in the upper level classes. The SE degree requires more electrical engineering classes and a few higher level required SE classes like software design and testing (as you mentioned in the video). Some of the higher level SE classes you'll certainly learn in your first year out of college. You could also take those same classes in the CS degree as electives. Some Universities don't even offer a SE program, just CS. I think it's only been in the last 5-10 years universities have started offering a software engineering degree, in addition to their computer science degree. In some cases the SE degree is just a watered down version of the CS degree.

I guess it all comes down to looking at the requirements and understanding the difference. In most instances you'll be fine either way, although I still say CS is the way to go.


I am a software engineer, and looking at the CS program and my own experience, I agree, CS is the best decision if you are willing to learn on your own and invest yourself in your career( I actually want a Master in CS)
But software engineer has it's advantages. I had edge on a few problems because of generic engineering skills. A SE usually learns to solve problems the hard way. Starting out, it's less creativity and more efficiency, you are given a limited set of tools, a definite problem, a lot of constraints, and you have to... Well, magically solve the problem cost-effectively. Whereas CS tend to be more creative in their solutions and take time to learn a lot about what they use or need to do, SE is a lot more about rough sketching, fast prototyping etc... I've taken a completely unknown language, found 1 or 2 std functions and solved an issue! (At that point I did not even know the bare specifics of the language)
This is how I've seen things in my short years of experience, my opinion, probably not universal truth, just pick the one you think will fit your lifestyle


You are a savior. I was confused between the CS & CE degree of UWaterloo itself. Thanks a lot buddy



Computer Science degrees give you the fundamentals on how to explain what Software Engineers ACTUALLY do 😂😂😂


Thank you so much for this video. I wish I know this years ago so I made the right choice the first time. Now I am thinking of learning new programs so I can take other path in my career. Thanks again YK :D


This helped me understand the differences between each of them. Thank you so much


Sounds like the best way forward would be to get a bachelors degree in Computer Science, and then a Masters Degree in Software Engineering.


Thanks for the video Dojo!
This will help me pick subjects to take at University


Really apprreciate your work, it's getting better and better, love your videos


I like how he answers the question right at the beginning ✊


Thank you so much for making this video! I got a lot of help from it ~


Damn I want to do everything. I'm so damn confused.


Very good video. Learned a lot. Did not know how much these courses are related to eachother! I definitely see which course I will be taking now.
