10 Signs Someone Secretly Dislikes You.

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How to know if someone doesn't like you? While somepeople make their feelings rather obvious, there are

Some subtle signs someone secretly dislikes you.Figuring out how to spot haters and secret enemies(or frenemies) can save you time and energy (and a lotof heartache). Once you learn the signs ofindifference, you will be able to focus more on peoplewho are worthy of your time and attention.

So, if you have a gut feeling that some friends, yourboss, or your coworkers hate you, you need to payattention. In this video, we cover everything from bodylanguage to behavior to certain gestures that giveaway someone's true feelings - no matter how friendly

they may appear or how hard they try to make thatfake smile seem like a genuine smile. And that's justone of the most fascinating psychology facts aboutpeople!

Recognizing the signs people dislike you is not the endf the world, though. And if you're someone who thinkS"Everyone hates me and I have no friends" don'Not everyone you meet in life will like you - and viceversa. It's human nature. However, weeding out the

people who don't want to spend time with you andkeeping those who do, will lead to establishing betterfriendships and interpersonal relationships in the long


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