Troubleshooting Bissell Pro-heat 2x spraying and clogging issue part 2

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A quick video addressing the Troubleshooting process for the Bissell Pro Heat spraying and clogging issue

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Was just about ready to trash my Proheat2X when I found your video. Took it apart and unclogged the two jets and it works like brand new. Thank you so much.


Lifesaving advice… our local repair shop is run by an arrogant so-and-so… taking any vacuum there is not an option, so you have kept me going!


A neighbor left one of these out on the street so I grabbed it excitedly, only to discover it didn't spray. After watching several videos, taking it apart, cleaning the heater, the lines, I got spray out of the hose but not at the base still. I was baffled. And I couldn't find another video that explained what else could be the problem until I found this one. Almost certainly confirmed I have a bad solenoid. Ordered a new one online for $16. Thank you!


What a great tutorial man, awesome.. Awesome job partner..👍👍👍Thank you very much for your help, Definitely subscribed..


Thanks dude - wasn't even that much gunk in the heater but that seemed to do the trick!


I had asked a question about why my bissell was not spraying after checking for clogs, cleaning heater & spray nozzles. I think you had indicated that it was likely the solenoid valve. I purchased this online, just replaced & now my machine works like a dream! I even impressed my teen son who helped me along the way! Without your tip, I would have been out of luck. Thank you So much! Btw: Bissell tech line were no help…you are saving Bissell machines from ending up in the garbage dumps! Also, why doesn’t Bissell suggest running distilled water through the machine after using to prevent mineral build up? Probably because they want to sell more machines?!


My machine is back up and running again, thanks to your video! I think my plugged lines were the lines in and out of the heater, also cleaned the heater as it had some junk in it and left the hose unhooked coming out of the heater to flush out the heater and finally after about 6 teardowns and assembles I got it running water again. I can now take it apart and put it back together blind folded! Ha! Had to clean out the front jets again after I got the water running up to them. I think if you're not using the cleaner very often a person should run Vinegar water though it at the end to flush out the system and do this with the hand held cleaner if that was used. My tip of the day!


great video, thanks!...mine doesn't heat the water and i think your video has helped a lot


Hi, very interested and excellent video from a convenient and professional guy .However, a quotation to be raised i cannot find a spare solenoid for my unit ( Bissell 2x PROheat Model 9300-A 07234C ) can i use the machine without a solenoid. Thks


Thank you for all the great advice. Do you by chance have links to where we can buy those parts? Thank you so much. Getting ready to take apart my Proheat 2x pet machine with some confidence now!!!! Thanks again!


Can you tell me how to take the celenioid off of the hose. You showed how to tale it loose, but how do you get the celenoid off of the hose. Thank you


Great tutorial。 Can you do a video on 9400 bissell proheat 2x NO SUCTION and how to solve the problem ? What will happen if the canister and the pump have problems and need to be replaced? Thank you so much!


I have an old bissell proheat 2x that was in storage for a long time and was not working. Turned out that the heater core was all clogged up. I replaced the pump and bridge rectifier just in case, but it is not clear how to connect the hoses to the 12V pump. I know the where the hose that is hooked to the heater core is connected to the pump, but how about the other two hoses? To which ports on the pump does the other two hoses connect to? Thanks for any input.


Thanks! Today I had a Hoover start burning, and the Bissell won't spray water, or generate enough vacuum. What a pain!


I have the pro heat pet cleaner. I do a couple passes over carpet, all of a sudden the full bucket indicator pops up. I barely started, how can I fix this. ?


Hey man, not trying to sound like a broken record lol but you replied to my first to comments on a couple of your other videos asking if you could please make a video showing how to replace the motor in the BISSELL ProHeat 2X Revolution Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner (model 1986) for me and you said you would make one both times but still havnt seen any video. I understand you are probably busy and all and I apologize if I come off as impatient or demanding or anything cuz I am not trying to be like that, I just have had my carpet cleaner with new motor sitting around disassembled for months now and would really appreciate your help. I don't even need you to show or really explain the actual motor change part I actually just need to know how to reassemble the whole thing back together exactly because even though I took many photos of it as I disassembled it there are some parts that I just cant seem to fit in where they were or can't see from my photos exactly how they fit into everything. So if you can show the reassembling of the carpet cleaner from the motor to at least getting the foot switches and top cover for the motor assembled that would be enough for me to see what I am doing wrong in the reassembly. Any help is much appreciated and I enjoy watching your videos they are very educating and helpful.


I tried watching the full video, but so much video content couldn't be seen. A FULL FRAME video would be so much better. Thank you for the verbal instructions though.


I Appreciate Your videos. But just a suggestion tell what you are looking at to repair. First. You have good helpful videos. But please say at the start of your video to state what you are fixing. Thanks


Mine won’t stop spraying water, turn it on and it just empties the water and soap tank
