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This video talks about how the chakras relate to the kundalini.
Chakra book: The Book of Chakras by Ambika Wauters


FREE Training on how to use your mind (and emotions) to heal your body!


FREE Goddess Meditation to IGNITE Your Spirit!

A Full Description of the Kundalini

FREE Basic Instructions on how to Meditate

How to Heal-with-mind book on Amazon

For Spiritual Coaching

Thank you all for watching my videos – love, healing and light to all of you!
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Thank you Kel! Have a beautiful day. So true, “Being human is fabulous”


Thank goodness for you again 😊.
You look wonderful TOO. ❤


Muchas gracias he vivido el despertar kundalini por casualidad debido a experiencias traumáticas que viví y sucede que se vive una transformación de lo que sos, vas como dejando de ser Ser humano y te vas convirtiendo en un Ser nuevo, vas cambiando de dimensiones de conciencia muy rápido, a veces sientes como si tu cuerpo se fuera como quemando vivo, se abre el tercer ojo está energía te va mostrando de a poco tu lado oscuro para que lo vayas haciendo conciente y así te vas transformando mejorando iluminandote ❤️


This video motivated me to go even harder with my workouts if it helps me on the path


I have an addictive personality too 😂
Anyway, thank you for this info 😊 new watcher/subscriber


Thank you as always for the tips. You are absolutely right about the information about the kundalini experience. It’s a challenge to find authentic information about the process. You mention the hissing sound, what phase is that?


Can you be Powerful Unshakeble WITHOUT CHAKRA BALANCE ? I Doubt ...


My favorite favorite favorite part of what u said is that we can move mountains in this body, and that we can interact with the elements!! I know this in my heart of hearts and its what I'm here to do. To show people that we create this reality but we must wake up to do it consciously. Because reality is malleable like a lucid dream! People have lost faith in this. But I believe miracles are true!! I'm being told by the spirit to keep trucking forward, to get my physical body in shape, to get out onto the earth with my bare feet. Just like u have talked about! I also have to use discipline that u have talked about in other videos. Meditating every day and eating better. I also feel led to do mantras as raja choudary talks about in his kundalini videos.
Question, have u ever spoke in snake or dragon language during or after kundalini? U mentioned hearing the loud hissing but did u ever speak any other language? What do u think of channeling? I probably have asked u this before and forgive me for being repetitive if I have. I have a horrible memory sometimes. I think each person has their own way of expression. I personally just feel so good when I speak light language, mine happens to sound like dragon energy. I'm thinking that as the more I do kundalini, that channeling of energy is just going get stronger and stronger. But I would like to know ur opinion. Sorry for writing so much. Hope u don't mind too much. There aren't very many people to talk to about this stuff. 😉😊 thank u


I have been wondering why you say "when you do the kundalini". Do you mean that you as the ego are the doer of the divine kundalini? I thought it was the other way around. The kundalini does you, when she decides that it is your time. Please elaborate if you feel the question is appropriate 💫


I have broken hip & femor plz what am I suppose to do


Hi just stumbled upon your channel had a spontaneous kundalini awakening after ayahuasca it came crashing down months after and to get it back up I have to change/evolve myself as a better person and help develop new samskaras but I have barely any idea how to master the yamas/niyamas. Do you have any advice on that? Thank you.

Also do you like the author Gopi Krishna?
